The economy stupid

funding some half assed top down universal plan is no better fiscally then running a illegitimate war in my opinion.
no big health plan has a shot, dumbass dems are railing against the perscription drug bills cost. That's a drop in the bucket compared to what they desire. Ain't happnin
That's why the debates between Obama & Hillary about subtle nuances between their universal healthcare plans are kind of silly.

Nothing like what they are proposing will EVER get passed, not even by a Dem Congress. It won't happen. The way Hillary talks, it reminds me of Bill Clinton waving that pen as some sort of defiant gesture to Congress, threatening a veto of anything less than universal. We all saw where that went.

Was nothing learned?
Neither is the Democratic Party. As citizen says they don't even claim to be.

If you want real change vote Libertarian.

One of the biggest differences between Bush and McCain is spending.

and keep throwing good money after bad...right

what could we have done with the 3 trillion spent and needed to fulfill current obligations stemming from the iraq war - not mention the lives ruined trying to 'bring democracy' to people that do not want it

partition the damn nation and get it over with - but wait, what about all that oil
partition the damn nation and get it over with - but wait, what about all that oil
Oil, Iraq has oil ???

Ohh wait we can't leave or anything till the democratically elected government of Iraq passes oil laws favoring US oil companies so we can re-invade if they cut the American oil companies off.
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partition the damn nation and get it over with - but wait, what about all that oil
Oil, Iraq has oil ???

Ohh wait we can't leave or anything till the democratically elected government of Iraq passes oil laws favoring US oil companies so we can re-invade if they cut the American oil companies off.

not really, just a rumor - bush has damn near ruined this nation just to get the man that tried to kill poppy and the alleged oil...

it would have been better it we had isolated sh and killed off his two insane children

oh well