The electorate is holding up...


New member
...against Dem attempts to sabotage their lead. In the past week, I can't believe some of the stuff that's been put out there:

- Biden guaranteeing an attack if he & Obama are elected
- Obama saying he'd "spread the wealth around" and giving McCain an easy in to come across as the "everyman champion" w/ Joe the P.
- Barney Frank doing some weird rant on taxes where he made it sound like the Democrats couldn't wait to tax, and tax a lot (at least in the snip I heard)
- John Murtha calling central PA racist, and then atoning for that by amending his remarks to merely "redneck"

In years past, any combo of these would have sunk Dem chances, but remarkably, Obama's lead in the polls seems to be growing (as of today, he has a 10 pt. in Zogby, Gallup & WSJ).

I've gotta give some credit to Bush here; he has really made the GOP so unpalatable that voters seem immune to Dem attempts at self-destruction...
...against Dem attempts to sabotage their lead. In the past week, I can't believe some of the stuff that's been put out there:

- Biden guaranteeing an attack if he & Obama are elected
- Obama saying he'd "spread the wealth around" and giving McCain an easy in to come across as the "everyman champion" w/ Joe the P.
- Barney Frank doing some weird rant on taxes where he made it sound like the Democrats couldn't wait to tax, and tax a lot (at least in the snip I heard)
- John Murtha calling central PA racist, and then atoning for that by amending his remarks to merely "redneck"

In years past, any combo of these would have sunk Dem chances, but remarkably, Obama's lead in the polls seems to be growing (as of today, he has a 10 pt. in Zogby, Gallup & WSJ).

I've gotta give some credit to Bush here; he has really made the GOP so unpalatable that voters seem immune to Dem attempts at self-destruction...

Frank may lose his state income tax in MA if hes not careful. Question number 2 abolish state income tax. PS barney frank is a disgrace and im ashamed he comes from my state.
...against Dem attempts to sabotage their lead. In the past week, I can't believe some of the stuff that's been put out there:

- Biden guaranteeing an attack if he & Obama are elected
- Obama saying he'd "spread the wealth around" and giving McCain an easy in to come across as the "everyman champion" w/ Joe the P.
- Barney Frank doing some weird rant on taxes where he made it sound like the Democrats couldn't wait to tax, and tax a lot (at least in the snip I heard)
- John Murtha calling central PA racist, and then atoning for that by amending his remarks to merely "redneck"

In years past, any combo of these would have sunk Dem chances, but remarkably, Obama's lead in the polls seems to be growing (as of today, he has a 10 pt. in Zogby, Gallup & WSJ).

I've gotta give some credit to Bush here; he has really made the GOP so unpalatable that voters seem immune to Dem attempts at self-destruction...

maybe i am wrong, but i think that at this point bush is less of a problem than mccain/palin themselves. palin is polling as a higher concern to voters than the idea that mccain would follow bush policies. they don't think she can be president. what fools huh sf? to think something like that. sf maybe you should talk to them? get on tv?

anyway, when you look into likability ratings, you see people simply do not like john mccain. look, the guy is a nasty fucker with a mean sense of humor. the press loved him ! gosh he was so funny. so they have been shocked, literally, to find out that sarcastic nastiness not the most beloved type of personality. i've been watching and it took them weeks to figure out that the people dont like john mccain. and they're still reeling from this, and blaming bush and blaming the economy. and all of that plays a roll, but so does the fact that mccain simply is not likeable.
McCain hasn't done himself any favors on the "likability" front. It's interesting, because I think he has the ability to come across as much more likable than he has; maybe it takes too much discipline for him to do it over the course of a campaign & 3 debates.

One cool thing is that a significant Obama win, which is shaping up right now barring some sort of shock, will be at least a partial rejection of negative campaigning, at least compared to recent history. McCain has truly run one of the most negative campaigns I've seen, while Obama has run as positive a campaign as anyone on the Presidential level...
Frank may lose his state income tax in MA if hes not careful. Question number 2 abolish state income tax. PS barney frank is a disgrace and im ashamed he comes from my state.

Question number 2 will be defeated AGAIN and the man you are incredibly blessed to have come from your state is going to be re-elected however long he wants.
The problem is that the McCain campaign has failed to establish any sort of coherent narrative that can stand up to scrutiny. They've been flailing all over the place with all sorts of crazy nonsense and when they attempt to create a narrative they overreach.

I mean, it's easy for people to think that a Democrat will increase their taxes. People will buy that. But taking it to the next level and calling Obama "Socialist" doesn't pass the bullshit test. Criticizing Obama for working with Ayers could work, but then having your surrogates and VP candidate call him anti-American doesn't pass the bullshit test.

Oh, ans since you brought up the Murtha thing, McCain can't capitalize on it because he mistakenly said he agrees with Murtha:

[ame=""]YouTube - McCain Accidentally Agrees with Murtha About Voters in PA[/ame]

I laugh every time I watch that.
DH, i see that he agreed with him, but anyone can misspeak like that first sentence. the bigger problem is that he is incoherent here, i mean isn't he? or is it my percocet? he sounds like word salad to me here? wtf is the dodderin fool rambling about?
DH, i see that he agreed with him, but anyone can misspeak like that first sentence. the bigger problem is that he is incoherent here, i mean isn't he? or is it my percocet? he sounds like word salad to me here? wtf is the dodderin fool rambling about?

Don't know. It's pretty funny though.
Question number 2 will be defeated AGAIN and the man you are incredibly blessed to have come from your state is going to be re-elected however long he wants.

im a little nervous he will go after the senate seat once Kennedy expires.
Frank may lose his state income tax in MA if hes not careful. Question number 2 abolish state income tax. PS barney frank is a disgrace and im ashamed he comes from my state.
question 1.

question 2 decriminalizes marijuana possession for an ounce or under. Instead you'd get a 100 dollar fine.
...against Dem attempts to sabotage their lead. In the past week, I can't believe some of the stuff that's been put out there:

- Biden guaranteeing an attack if he & Obama are elected
- Obama saying he'd "spread the wealth around" and giving McCain an easy in to come across as the "everyman champion" w/ Joe the P.
- Barney Frank doing some weird rant on taxes where he made it sound like the Democrats couldn't wait to tax, and tax a lot (at least in the snip I heard)
- John Murtha calling central PA racist, and then atoning for that by amending his remarks to merely "redneck"
In years past, any combo of these would have sunk Dem chances, but remarkably, Obama's lead in the polls seems to be growing (as of today, he has a 10 pt. in Zogby, Gallup & WSJ).

I've gotta give some credit to Bush here; he has really made the GOP so unpalatable that voters seem immune to Dem attempts at self-destruction...

Murtha called western PA racist, as in the swing area of the state.
im a little nervous he will go after the senate seat once Kennedy expires.
They are virtually no different voting record wise, Frank is actually the tiniest bit more to the right than Kennedy.

Face it Chap, you are in Mass, you won't ever see a Repub or even a moderate Dem there in congress. The only non-extreme Liberal you have in power there is Lynch

That's a lot of zeroes.
it got 45% of the vote in 2002.

So it ONLY lost in a 10 point landslide?

This is why direct democracy shouldn't be tried. They try dumb populist shit that no one truly understands the effects of and fuck everything up. Hell, why don't we just raise the sales tax to make up the difference? Kick kids out of school? Anyone who says "lets abolish the income tax" is an ignorant fuck who needs a shotgun blast in the head.
Has new hampshire fallen apart? They don't have a sales tax OR income tax. Washington doesn't have an income tax either.
maybe i am wrong, but i think that at this point bush is less of a problem than mccain/palin themselves. palin is polling as a higher concern to voters than the idea that mccain would follow bush policies. they don't think she can be president. what fools huh sf? to think something like that. sf maybe you should talk to them? get on tv?

anyway, when you look into likability ratings, you see people simply do not like john mccain. look, the guy is a nasty fucker with a mean sense of humor. the press loved him ! gosh he was so funny. so they have been shocked, literally, to find out that sarcastic nastiness not the most beloved type of personality. i've been watching and it took them weeks to figure out that the people dont like john mccain. and they're still reeling from this, and blaming bush and blaming the economy. and all of that plays a roll, but so does the fact that mccain simply is not likeable.

I like John McCain. What's more I greatly respect John McCain. He's a true American hero who's made sacrifices for this nation that you can't even begin to comprehend and even though I intend to vote for Obama I must admit that when you make your unreasonable ad hominin attacks on the Honorable John McCain well, quite frankly, you come off as an unlikable skank.

Try showing some respect for a great American.
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The problem is that the McCain campaign has failed to establish any sort of coherent narrative that can stand up to scrutiny. They've been flailing all over the place with all sorts of crazy nonsense and when they attempt to create a narrative they overreach.

I mean, it's easy for people to think that a Democrat will increase their taxes. People will buy that. But taking it to the next level and calling Obama "Socialist" doesn't pass the bullshit test. Criticizing Obama for working with Ayers could work, but then having your surrogates and VP candidate call him anti-American doesn't pass the bullshit test.

Oh, ans since you brought up the Murtha thing, McCain can't capitalize on it because he mistakenly said he agrees with Murtha:

I laugh every time I watch that.
That's a good point. He's sure not obeying Reagan's law of modern politics. "Stay on message".