The END is near... PANDEMIC!!!

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty

All from the same article...

"May 6 (Bloomberg) -- Swine flu killed its first U.S. resident, a 33-year-old school teacher from Texas, and new infections in Europe brought the World Health Organization to the verge of declaring a pandemic. "

We will come back to the underlined.... just remember it for now.... the point here is that we are nearing a PANDEMIC!!! because....

"“We continue to see an increase in cases reported by countries,” Keiji Fukuda, assistant director-general of health, security and environment, told reporters in Geneva yesterday. “It is clear that we are seeing severe illness in at least a couple of countries.” "

So it is a 'severe' illness.... yet...

"Swine flu, also known as H1N1, has been confirmed by laboratory tests in 1,516 patients in 22 countries, according to the WHO. Mexico has reported 942 cases, including 29 deaths, while the U.S. has 403 cases and two deaths, officials in those countries said. Canada has 165 cases. "

only 31 deaths thus far.... but the normal flu....

"The three main seasonal flu strains -- H3N2, another form of H1N1, and type B -- cause 250,000 to 500,000 deaths a year globally, according to the WHO. The new flu’s symptoms are similar: aches, coughing, and fever. "

So lets get on the same page here.... 29 deaths worldwide of a flu strain that is similar in symptoms to other flu strains is NEARING PANDEMIC!!!!... but the 'normal' flu strain that typically causes 250,000-500,000 deaths per year... no PANDEMIC.

Now, back to the original quote... in the first line we learn that the first US citizen died of this strain of flu.... 10 paragraphs later we learn....

"The 33-year-old school teacher from the area of Harlingen, Texas, died yesterday after first seeking treatment for a chronic respiratory condition on April 14, said Leo Lopez, an epidemiologist at the Cameron County Department of Health and Human Services in Texas. The teacher returned to the hospital on April 19 with more severe symptoms, he said.

Exacerbated by Flu

She already had a respiratory condition -- it was exacerbated by the flu,” Lopez said in a telephone interview yesterday. He said the woman hadn’t traveled recently and the flu was probably “home-grown,” contracted in the U.S. Cameron County is located in south Texas along the U.S. border with Mexico. "

Hmm... why are we creating this fear driven campaign Mr./Mrs. Politician/Media?

I wonder who is benefitting from this....
It's all very well being concerned with the millions of human victims who are lined up like skittles ready to be knocked down by the bowling ball of swine flu but aren't we overlooking the plight of the poor pigs here?

While literally hundreds of men, women and children are sneezing, coughing and getting off school and work, who is thinking of the poor porker who cannot just pop down the pharmacy to buy some lemsip and bottle of paracetamol?

Have you ever seen a pig sneeze? Those big ol' snouts are not built for sneezing, i can tell you.
It's all very well being concerned with the millions of human victims who are lined up like skittles ready to be knocked down by the bowling ball of swine flu but aren't we overlooking the plight of the poor pigs here?

While literally hundreds of men, women and children are sneezing, coughing and getting off school and work, who is thinking of the poor porker who cannot just pop down the pharmacy to buy some lemsip and bottle of paracetamol?

Have you ever seen a pig sneeze? Those big ol' snouts are not built for sneezing, i can tell you.

I could not agree more... where the fuck is PETA when you need it?
OK so this flu isn't particularly deadly.

Maybe it's only more deadly to those without access to medical resources. I heard that one of the reasons Mexico's death toll was so high was their reliance on pseudoscience and alternative medicine for their health needs.
would it be too much to ask for a simple warning BEFORE we open a thread like this???? like maybe a emote that resembles a head wrapped in duct tape?
[ame=""]YouTube - The Swine Flu? Pah, just Media Hype![/ame]
602. Swine Flu is a bio-attack from Feds (4/30/09)

Feds planed a bio-attack in 4/8 plot. I accurately predicted it on 3/30, eight days before action date. Re:

"596. Bio-attack in the name of pandemic (3/30/09)"

The rehearsal of response to a mock attack(see #594) indicates the Feds may carry out the coming operation with the help of a bio attack. I have said Feds will kill a lot of people in the framed drug case. To cover up the unusual multiple deaths, Feds always planed big event such like war, natural disaster, terror attack to distract.

Here is a news prepared psychologically for that bio-attack:

"New Human Death from Bird Flu
By Tim Johnson McClatchy Newspapers

Beijing - A handful of new human fatalities from bird flu underscore that the H5N1 virus has become entrenched in some countries, such as China, and that it still could mutate and flare into a global pandemic, U.N. officials said last week.
.......A best-case scenario might cause only 100,000 deaths, he added."

I said Feds had planed a frame case on date when my wife returned from her China trip which was accordance with the missile launching date of N.Korea.(N.Korea set the launching date between 4/4 to 4/8) I said the Feds may carry out the coming operation with the help of a bio attack. My wife returned on 4/8. She was severely sickened with a flu. She could hardly speak due to the sore throat caused by severe cough. She had to stay home for days before back to work on 4/13 with her voice still broken. That's something never happened before. My wife is a hard working woman. In my memory, she had never asked for a sick leave.

Why hadn't the Feds carried out their 4/8 plan? I think because I accurately revealed their plot. I even referred the news to guess the coming bio-attack was a bird flu (H5N1). The reference news was from China. I always point out Chinese secret police is an accomplice of the Feds in this framed case. And my wife caught the flu during her China trip. Would you say that's another coincidence?

Then why do they revive that bio-attack? I think the pressure from the high ranking is too heavy. Because I also accurately predicted the Iran war. Everything seems to be ready for that war - except the elimination of Kat Hak Sung who revealed the secret. But haven't I predicted the bio-attack of bird flu (H5N1) in advance? To avoid to prove my accuracy, Feds creates another name - Swine Flu (H1N1). New name won't change the reality. Everything shows it's a pre-planed bio-attack. Feds just changed the name of the flu.
Sweet. Did the e-mail you about the Swine Flu plot?

What I want to know is who from this board died from the Swine flu? I mean after we all escaped unscathed from the raging SARS and Avian flu PANDEMICS, killer bees and 40 foot walls of water from melted icebergs.... this one was BOUND to kill off at least some of us.

After driving over all the dead bodies on my way to work today, I could only look back and thank the media and politicians for scaring the crap out of everyone so badly that they died due to stress induced heart attacks.

up next.... bunny rabbit flu PANDEMIC

Once last week and twice on Sunday. Luckily, my 4 twin brothers ensured that there was no disruption to my posting schedule.

That is quite kind of them to hold your place in the posting line. So in your latest reincarnation... did you come back as an Englishman? Or was it Irish this time?
That is quite kind of them to hold your place in the posting line. So in your latest reincarnation... did you come back as an Englishman? Or was it Irish this time?

I've never had any Irish in me, assuming we don't count that drunken New Year's Eve in the 'Leprechaun's Arms'.

No, i'm English, through and through, right down to the xenophobic lining of my dog's top hat.
602. Swine Flu is a bio-attack from Feds (4/30/09)

Feds planed a bio-attack in 4/8 plot. I accurately predicted it on 3/30, eight days before action date. Re:

"596. Bio-attack in the name of pandemic (3/30/09)"

The rehearsal of response to a mock attack(see #594) indicates the Feds may carry out the coming operation with the help of a bio attack. I have said Feds will kill a lot of people in the framed drug case. To cover up the unusual multiple deaths, Feds always planed big event such like war, natural disaster, terror attack to distract.

Here is a news prepared psychologically for that bio-attack:

"New Human Death from Bird Flu
By Tim Johnson McClatchy Newspapers

Beijing - A handful of new human fatalities from bird flu underscore that the H5N1 virus has become entrenched in some countries, such as China, and that it still could mutate and flare into a global pandemic, U.N. officials said last week.
.......A best-case scenario might cause only 100,000 deaths, he added."

I said Feds had planed a frame case on date when my wife returned from her China trip which was accordance with the missile launching date of N.Korea.(N.Korea set the launching date between 4/4 to 4/8) I said the Feds may carry out the coming operation with the help of a bio attack. My wife returned on 4/8. She was severely sickened with a flu. She could hardly speak due to the sore throat caused by severe cough. She had to stay home for days before back to work on 4/13 with her voice still broken. That's something never happened before. My wife is a hard working woman. In my memory, she had never asked for a sick leave.

Why hadn't the Feds carried out their 4/8 plan? I think because I accurately revealed their plot. I even referred the news to guess the coming bio-attack was a bird flu (H5N1). The reference news was from China. I always point out Chinese secret police is an accomplice of the Feds in this framed case. And my wife caught the flu during her China trip. Would you say that's another coincidence?

Then why do they revive that bio-attack? I think the pressure from the high ranking is too heavy. Because I also accurately predicted the Iran war. Everything seems to be ready for that war - except the elimination of Kat Hak Sung who revealed the secret. But haven't I predicted the bio-attack of bird flu (H5N1) in advance? To avoid to prove my accuracy, Feds creates another name - Swine Flu (H1N1). New name won't change the reality. Everything shows it's a pre-planed bio-attack. Feds just changed the name of the flu.

603. Mexico Flu was part of 4/8 plot (5/8/09)

In recent days I was blocked to access the Internet again for almost three days. I think the main reason is my message #602 reveals the secret of Swine Flu. So if I could not post my message on time, (every five days), then you know something bad is going to happen.

When I say Mexico Flu was part of 4/8 plot, I based on timing. The first death of the Flu, was Adela Maria Gutierrez. She fell ill April 1 with what she thought was a bad cold. She tried aspirin and antibiotics, bed rest and moist towels, but nothing brought down her soaring fever, reduced her aches and pains, or boosted her energy level. Maria Gutierrez went to the hospital April 9. After tests revealed an unusual illness, medical personnel isolated her and notified state and federal official. She died April 13. (Extracted from San Jose Mercury News, 4/29 and 5/1) The timing was accordance to my wife's. My wife caught a flu in later March and early April. The worst time for her was about April 8. If the Feds increases the poison dose, she might have died at same time Gutierrez did. The outbreak of the Mexico Flu would rapidly spread all over the world that would justify my wife's death.

Another similar case took place in a train which crossed Siberia of Russia. The news topic was: "Sudden death of a Chinese female worker, Russia steps up its way to prevent a pandemic." In a train from Far East to Moscow, a young woman's health worsened at night of 4/14. She had a high fever and died next morning. The original diagnosis of Russian doctor was that the woman died of SARS. The response of Russia was strong. They immediately stopped the train, Quarantine the station and isolated the 60 passengers of that coach. The Guarantine released on 4/18 when authority said that the disease was not SARS but an ordinary pneumonia.

Several local Chinese paper reported this news with big article. It also said the mainstream media of Russia made a large quantity of news report on this topic. Caused a nation wide public attention. The unusual reaction of the government may indict the 4/8 plot was a big one. The secret police of China and Russia were involved. If the 4/8 plot carried out successfully, then there was a worldwide "pandemic". The Russia's would have started from that Chinese woman's death on train.

Since the persecution was urgent and in large scale, the next plot probably would be around 5/24 when my nephew will have a wedding party in Boston. My family members will fly from the West coast to the East Coast to attend that party.

604. The death in Mexico is not caused by flu (5/14/09)

The unusual symptom of the flu my wife caught was a severe cough. I had never seen her coughed so badly before. My wife also brought a big box of flu medicine from her China trip. It was a traditional Chinese medicine that was very effective to prevent a flu. So I took some pills. It didn't help me to prevent a flu. I started to cough too. So my wife gave me a bottle of Robitussin. After taking several dose, my cough became worse. I had similar bad cough about three years ago. Here is the description: "There was a severe cough after I ate the meat bought there. The cough was so strong that I couldn't sleep for nights. It lasted several weeks. The poison might be some kind of radiation material (isotope). I had suffered such kind of poisoning before but none was so severe like this one." (422. Poison food and Indian market (7/20/06))

Of course, I stopped to take the medicine. I was afraid it was poisoned. On 4/13, my wife went back to work. The next days she brought home some cookies. I noticed that we all coughed after eating the cookies. I started to realize it was not the flu but the poisoned food that caused the coughing.

I think
1. Feds planed a murder under the cover up of Flu. The poison (I allege it is a kind of isotope) will cause a severe cough. Heavy doze will swollen the lung that leads to the de-function of breath. Feds spread it with flu virus because the flu symptoms will cover up the severe cough caused by poison.

2. Feds may have contaminated the public place (such like restaurant, hospital or bus) with the poison. People may get sick when they having food with their contaminated hand. That's why the media emphasized on washing hand.

3. There is a mystery puzzled experts that why reported deaths have occurred only in Mexico and the confirmed cases elsewhere are mild. I don't believe H1N1 only select Mexicans to kill. It only proves H1N1 is a common flu, easy to spread but generally mild. In this case, it is used to cover up the poison. So when it went to elsewhere, it is mild.

The death mainly took place in Mexico because it's a convenient place picked up for the special operation. La Gloria is the town thought to be the source of the Swine Flu. Quote, "The village has many immigrants in the U.S.. Mexican epidemiologists say one theory is that someone who had been in the U.S. brought the virus back to the community." (Mercury News, 4/29)

This someone is the special operative(s) who poisoned the route he (they) went, to create a panic for the 4/8 case.

4. Quote, "New flu cases leveling off, Mexico says
By Paul Haven and Nico Price
Associated Press
Friday, May 1, 2009

The health ministry, which earlier said 168 people were believed killed by swine flu in Mexico, on Thursday would only confirm 12 of those deaths and would not say how many were suspected."

Can you interpret this news? It means 168 people died in similar cause. Only 12 found positive with H1N1 virus. (Even though, they were not necessarily died of H1N1) So the cause of the 168 deaths is something else. Now you can imagine what is it.