The END is near... PANDEMIC!!!

Will you promise if it doesn't? Even if it gains strength for the second pass it still will only be a normal flu.

And a normal flu pandemic is what the WHO is preparing to combat. Jesus Christ.

I guess the WHO should just stop doing it's job.
And a normal flu pandemic is what the WHO is preparing to combat. Jesus Christ.

I guess the WHO should just stop doing it's job.
What they should stop is the idiotic press releases that caused idiots to go out and purchase masks for a weak flu bug. People at my work were constantly asking about it, they were worried about a flu bug that had little to no impact on their lives.

Do your job, which doesn't include attempting to create a panic.
What they should stop is the idiotic press releases that caused idiots to go out and purchase masks for a weak flu bug. People at my work were constantly asking about it, they were worried about a flu bug that had little to no impact on their lives.

Do your job, which doesn't include attempting to create a panic.

The other option to releasing information to the press is to not say anything at all about a flu outbreak, which would be criminal in my view.

I'm going to trust the WHO know more about what makes a pandemic a threat than you do and are able to make these decisions competently and for reasons not at all having to do with an attempt to create panic.
The other option to releasing information to the press is to not say anything at all about a flu outbreak, which would be criminal in my view.

I'm going to trust the WHO know more about what makes a pandemic a threat than you do and are able to make these decisions competently and for reasons not at all having to do with an attempt to create panic.
This isn't a black/white situation. One can release information about the outbreak without creating the reaction that happened, they do it yearly when flu season comes around.

I'm going to trust that you are inanely saying this because you want to defend the over reaction of the current government. The government has spent the last 10 years buying a supply of anti-retrovirus, there is no need to go into panic mode over a weak flu.
What they should stop is the idiotic press releases that caused idiots to go out and purchase masks for a weak flu bug. People at my work were constantly asking about it, they were worried about a flu bug that had little to no impact on their lives.

Do your job, which doesn't include attempting to create a panic.

Really, the greatest protection provided by the masks is for the people who are already infected to wear them. The rest of us are at greater risk of contamination by touching things that infected people have touched after sneezing, coughing into their hands and then opening a door, for example.

I saw an article today about people who "bravely" go into work sick. The focus of the study was the number of sick days those same people end up taking later in their lives vs. those who stay home and care for themselves. But it did bring up something that's a pet peeve of mine. If someone is ill, especially with a contagious disease, it should be criminal to go out and infect others. Not only that, productivity of someone who is ill enough to have stayed home is very low. Multiply that by the number of people that person infects, and the number that they infect, and so on.
Really, the greatest protection provided by the masks is for the people who are already infected to wear them. The rest of us are at greater risk of contamination by touching things that infected people have touched after sneezing, coughing into their hands and then opening a door, for example.

I saw an article today about people who "bravely" go into work sick. The focus of the study was the number of sick days those same people end up taking later in their lives vs. those who stay home and care for themselves. But it did bring up something that's a pet peeve of mine. If someone is ill, especially with a contagious disease, it should be criminal to go out and infect others. Not only that, productivity of someone who is ill enough to have stayed home is very low. Multiply that by the number of people that person infects, and the number that they infect, and so on.
To be fair some of that has to do with policies at some companies that do not allow for paid sick leave. But I fully agree, if you are sick enough to stay home you need to stay home and stop trying to get me sick.
To be fair some of that has to do with policies at some companies that do not allow for paid sick leave. But I fully agree, if you are sick enough to stay home you need to stay home and stop trying to get me sick.

I do understand that first part, but my comment about reduced productivity, not only that of the person who originally went to work sick but that of those who are subsequently made ill by that person, is just bad business. I'll bet that if a good cost accountant were to make an analysis it would show that companies that, in effect, force people to go in sick are costing themselves a lot more money than if they paid reasonable sick leave.
I do understand that first part, but my comment about reduced productivity, not only that of the person who originally went to work sick but that of those who are subsequently made ill by that person, is just bad business. I'll bet that if a good cost accountant were to make an analysis it would show that companies that, in effect, force people to go in sick are costing themselves a lot more money than if they paid reasonable sick leave.
605. Swine Flu time table (5/20/09)

There were two attempts for bio-attack in April. One was the original 4/8 plot. It was a big plan consisted of a bio attack, a terror attack (marked with 4/8 "terror crack down in England) and the Iran war(marked with rocket launch of N.Korea, dated 4/4 to 4/8).

Here is the time table for the first bio-attack attempt which was in the name of bird-flu pandemic.
Three big powers involved.

2/26 A news of "New Human Death from Bird Flu" from Beijing China justified the coming "global pandemic". (see #596.)

3/19 There was an exercise for responding a bio-attack in Bay-area. (see #594)

3/20 I wrote "594. Framed case in March and April (3/20/09)", said, my wife "would have a two weeks trip to Beijing on 3/24",(which implied her return date was 4/8) "To divert the public attention, they will create a big event to distract. It most likely will be a bio-attack this time."

3/30 I wrote "596. Bio-attack in the name of pandemic (3/30/09)", repeated that "The unusual outbreak of avian flu in China likely is a plot to justify a planed bio-attack activated by the Feds - in the name of pandemic avian flu."

4/5 I wrote "597. Rocket launch and worm Conficker (4/5/09)", said that "The planed action date of this March and April plot will be around 4/4 to 4/8, when N. Korea will launch a ballistic missile which is coincidence with the return date of my wife from her China trip."

4/1 Maria Gutierrez fell ill.
About same time, my wife caught a flu in her China trip. (see # 603)

4/8 My wife returned home, severely sickened with a bad cough.
4/9 Maria Gutierrez's situation got worse, went to hospital.
4/13 Maria Gutierrez died in hospital.
4/15 Early morning, a young Chinese woman suddenly died in a train that crossed Siberia Russia.
There was a swift response from Russia. Train stopped. The station Quarantined. The
passengers isolated. Russia doctor said she died of SARS.
4/15 Morning, the mainstream media of Russian, multiple press, newspaper and national
television made a strengthening report on this news, caused nation wide public attention.
4/15 Night, Russia media changed the tone, said the patient might die to the Hand, Mouth and Foot
4/15 The Minister of Food and Health Department of Hongkong, announced to lower the grade of
response to Avian Flu - from severe class to alert class.
4/18 Russia media reported that the woman's death was caused by ordinary pneumonia.

I think Feds failed to get me into a disease of "bad flu" - I refused food and medicine arranged for me. The lowering grade of the response to Avian Flu in Hongkong on 4/15 may indict Feds formerly abandoned their original plot of a bio attack in the name of bird flu. Because I had predicted that attack. Russia even didn't refer the case to flu but call it SARS. If Feds was successful in 4/8 plot, my wife would have died like the other two women at the time between 4/13 to 4/15.

Then on 4/24, Feds had another attempt to push up a pandemic. To avoid the name of "bird flu", they picked up a new virus from their bio-weapon warehouse. It has a bits of genetic material from swine flu, avian flu and human flu. Of course, there was a consideration of the name. Human flu is too common that won't scare people. Bird Flu fits the demand but that will fall into my prediction. So they call it Swine Flu. Mysterious enough to intimidate public. It apparently was a propaganda name not a scientific one. Several days later, they have to change it into H1N1 A. H1N1 basically represent human flu.

Why I say it's another attempt? Because in following days when Swine Flu had been hot topic in media, N. Korea came again.

Quote, "N.Korea makes another missile threat

By Jae-Soon Chang 4/30/09

Seoul, S. Korea - N. Korea warned Wednesday it will fire an intercontinental ballistic missile - or even carry out another nuclear test - unless the U.N. apologizes for condemning the regime's April 4 rocket launch. "

It is a pity to abandon that original plan which has been prepared for months. And the war on Iran is an urgent demand.

(I was again blocked to post in internet for two weeks. Feds must have planed another big plot these days. 6/3)
Man, I wish I knew who had it our company. Anyone "exposed" to them gets a week off.
605. Swine Flu time table (5/20/09)

There were two attempts for bio-attack in April. One was the original 4/8 plot. It was a big plan consisted of a bio attack, a terror attack (marked with 4/8 "terror crack down in England) and the Iran war(marked with rocket launch of N.Korea, dated 4/4 to 4/8).

Here is the time table for the first bio-attack attempt which was in the name of bird-flu pandemic.
Three big powers involved.

2/26 A news of "New Human Death from Bird Flu" from Beijing China justified the coming "global pandemic". (see #596.)

3/19 There was an exercise for responding a bio-attack in Bay-area. (see #594)

3/20 I wrote "594. Framed case in March and April (3/20/09)", said, my wife "would have a two weeks trip to Beijing on 3/24",(which implied her return date was 4/8) "To divert the public attention, they will create a big event to distract. It most likely will be a bio-attack this time."

3/30 I wrote "596. Bio-attack in the name of pandemic (3/30/09)", repeated that "The unusual outbreak of avian flu in China likely is a plot to justify a planed bio-attack activated by the Feds - in the name of pandemic avian flu."

4/5 I wrote "597. Rocket launch and worm Conficker (4/5/09)", said that "The planed action date of this March and April plot will be around 4/4 to 4/8, when N. Korea will launch a ballistic missile which is coincidence with the return date of my wife from her China trip."

4/1 Maria Gutierrez fell ill.
About same time, my wife caught a flu in her China trip. (see # 603)

4/8 My wife returned home, severely sickened with a bad cough.
4/9 Maria Gutierrez's situation got worse, went to hospital.
4/13 Maria Gutierrez died in hospital.
4/15 Early morning, a young Chinese woman suddenly died in a train that crossed Siberia Russia.
There was a swift response from Russia. Train stopped. The station Quarantined. The
passengers isolated. Russia doctor said she died of SARS.
4/15 Morning, the mainstream media of Russian, multiple press, newspaper and national
television made a strengthening report on this news, caused nation wide public attention.
4/15 Night, Russia media changed the tone, said the patient might die to the Hand, Mouth and Foot
4/15 The Minister of Food and Health Department of Hongkong, announced to lower the grade of
response to Avian Flu - from severe class to alert class.
4/18 Russia media reported that the woman's death was caused by ordinary pneumonia.

I think Feds failed to get me into a disease of "bad flu" - I refused food and medicine arranged for me. The lowering grade of the response to Avian Flu in Hongkong on 4/15 may indict Feds formerly abandoned their original plot of a bio attack in the name of bird flu. Because I had predicted that attack. Russia even didn't refer the case to flu but call it SARS. If Feds was successful in 4/8 plot, my wife would have died like the other two women at the time between 4/13 to 4/15.

Then on 4/24, Feds had another attempt to push up a pandemic. To avoid the name of "bird flu", they picked up a new virus from their bio-weapon warehouse. It has a bits of genetic material from swine flu, avian flu and human flu. Of course, there was a consideration of the name. Human flu is too common that won't scare people. Bird Flu fits the demand but that will fall into my prediction. So they call it Swine Flu. Mysterious enough to intimidate public. It apparently was a propaganda name not a scientific one. Several days later, they have to change it into H1N1 A. H1N1 basically represent human flu.

Why I say it's another attempt? Because in following days when Swine Flu had been hot topic in media, N. Korea came again.

Quote, "N.Korea makes another missile threat

By Jae-Soon Chang 4/30/09

Seoul, S. Korea - N. Korea warned Wednesday it will fire an intercontinental ballistic missile - or even carry out another nuclear test - unless the U.N. apologizes for condemning the regime's April 4 rocket launch. "

It is a pity to abandon that original plan which has been prepared for months. And the war on Iran is an urgent demand.

(I was again blocked to post in internet for two weeks. Feds must have planed another big plot these days. 6/3)


'nuff said.