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Iraq 'deal' on 2011 troop pullout

The Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki has said agreement has been reached with the US to end the foreign troop presence in the country by 2011.

He told tribal leaders in Baghdad the two parties had agreed on a "fixed date, which is the end of 2011".

The deal, which has been in negotiation for 10 months, still needs to be approved by the Iraqi Presidential Council and by the parliament.

There are currently around 147,000 US troops in Iraq.

On Friday, a senior Iraqi official said the draft security agreement included the withdrawal of US forces from all Iraqi urban areas by June 2009.

More at link... (not much more, but there is more...)
If this deal is finalized before the election, does it hurt McCain or Obama more? Basically it takes all talk of timetables, and who is going to get out and staying for 100 years. But then what does McCain talk about for the rest of the general election cycle?
If this deal is finalized before the election, does it hurt McCain or Obama more? Basically it takes all talk of timetables, and who is going to get out and staying for 100 years. But then what does McCain talk about for the rest of the general election cycle?

1) The fact that Obama's judgement on the surge was completely wrong and he was right? (Don't forget, there is still Afghanistan, Pakistan and now Georgia to keep in mind.)

2) the fact that Obama is an elitist ;)

3) That raising taxes in a downturn such as we are in is NOT a good idea.

4) That medicare/medicaid/SS etc... need to be fixed before we go adding yet another social program for the politicians to FUBAR (such as national healthcare)

5) that getting off of foreign oil and nat gas as much as possible is a necessity.... which means drilling every available nat gas and oil site we have domestically in ADDITION to the investment into the alt energy sector.
1) The fact that Obama's judgement on the surge was completely wrong and he was right? (Don't forget, there is still Afghanistan, Pakistan and now Georgia to keep in mind.)

2) the fact that Obama is an elitist ;)

3) That raising taxes in a downturn such as we are in is NOT a good idea.

4) That medicare/medicaid/SS etc... need to be fixed before we go adding yet another social program for the politicians to FUBAR (such as national healthcare)

5) that getting off of foreign oil and nat gas as much as possible is a necessity.... which means drilling every available nat gas and oil site we have domestically in ADDITION to the investment into the alt energy sector.
Well with the exception of number two I have to agree. But just because McCain was right and the surge fixed the clusterfuck created by the right does not mean that we should still be using big bold military maneuver to combat terrorism. YOu ever notice that the Israelis don't often use all out big military actions to combat terror organizations. They kill them when they answer their phones, they shoot them from a distance, they infiltrate them. This is what we should be doing, we should have taken Afghanistan from the Taliban, since they REALLY WERE supporting Al Qaeda, spent all that money we spent in Iraq on security and infrastructure in Afghan and then started training Arab American's to infiltrate terrorist organizations.
I really don;t see how this could be at all positive for McCain. At late as July McCain was arguing that any timetable at all was a mistake, would lead to disaster and was basically admitting defeat.

I don't see how he can sign on to this now after that. In the end, Obama was right and McCain wrong. McCain is now positioned more hawkish (again) than the Bush Administration. I think we all agree that to be unlike Bush is a good thing, but i don't think being more hard-line on Iraq (and Russia for that matter) is what the folks have in mind.
Well with the exception of number two I have to agree. But just because McCain was right and the surge fixed the clusterfuck created by the right does not mean that we should still be using big bold military maneuver to combat terrorism. YOu ever notice that the Israelis don't often use all out big military actions to combat terror organizations. They kill them when they answer their phones, they shoot them from a distance, they infiltrate them. This is what we should be doing, we should have taken Afghanistan from the Taliban, since they REALLY WERE supporting Al Qaeda, spent all that money we spent in Iraq on security and infrastructure in Afghan and then started training Arab American's to infiltrate terrorist organizations.

On that I do agree for the most part. However, after it was quite clear that Bush had FUBAR'ed Iraq, there were two courses of action to take. One was the surge that McCain pushed for, the other was an immediate withdrawal at the peak of violence that Obama called for.

I agree completely with your assessment on what "should have happened". It is why I also agree with Damo as far as the need to get rid of the War Powers Act. Make them actually DECLARE war or not. No more of this bullshit.

As for Afghanistan, I agree on that point as well. We should have resolved the situation there prior to even thinking about Iraq. But that is not what happened and thus we had to see decisions made based on what DID happen.
1) The fact that Obama's judgement on the surge was completely wrong and he was right? (Don't forget, there is still Afghanistan, Pakistan and now Georgia to keep in mind.)

2) the fact that Obama is an elitist ;)

3) That raising taxes in a downturn such as we are in is NOT a good idea.

4) That medicare/medicaid/SS etc... need to be fixed before we go adding yet another social program for the politicians to FUBAR (such as national healthcare)

5) that getting off of foreign oil and nat gas as much as possible is a necessity.... which means drilling every available nat gas and oil site we have domestically in ADDITION to the investment into the alt energy sector.

yeah ok... lets not forget back in the 80's your republican bangs were shaking hands with saddam and they all said we'd be in there for 3 months tops... this is the longest 3 months ive ever seen in my life.

super gets owned everytime... it must be the booze and sluts in the high altitude.
yeah ok... lets not forget back in the 80's your republican bangs were shaking hands with saddam and they all said we'd be in there for 3 months tops... this is the longest 3 months ive ever seen in my life.

super gets owned everytime... it must be the booze and sluts in the high altitude.

LMAO... funny how you some of you on the left continue to act like we supported Iraq just for shits and giggles. Ignoring the greater issue which was to ensure that the USSR did not gain control over the region and thus be able to screw us economically by cutting off our oil. That is why we originally supported Iran with the Soviets backing Iraq. Then the overthrow and the US and Soviets switched sides.

Not once did I or any Rep I know say we would only be in Iraq for three months. So if you wish to claim "ownership" perhaps you should at least educate yourself a bit more so as to avoid looking so foolish with such a claim.
LMAO... funny how you some of you on the left continue to act like we supported Iraq just for shits and giggles. Ignoring the greater issue which was to ensure that the USSR did not gain control over the region and thus be able to screw us economically by cutting off our oil. That is why we originally supported Iran with the Soviets backing Iraq. Then the overthrow and the US and Soviets switched sides.

Not once did I or any Rep I know say we would only be in Iraq for three months. So if you wish to claim "ownership" perhaps you should at least educate yourself a bit more so as to avoid looking so foolish with such a claim.

how many times will people lie and will you continue to believe them?

but I'm the LIBERAL?? lol i just don't buy lies like you do i guess.
oh and super, we invaded b/c of WMD's not because of Russia... why don't you get your facts straight?? ok?? XXOO


Robdawg XXOO
oh and super, we invaded b/c of WMD's not because of Russia... why don't you get your facts straight?? ok?? XXOO


Robdawg XXOO

Are you stoned right now? My response about Russia had to do with your "they were shaking hands with Saddam in the 80's" comment.

I can't see videos at work, so those will have to wait till later for me to address them.