The End is Near! Well, in three years...

no i just am not able to come on here much so when i do i like to cause a ruckus....

i hope everyone is doing well though

would that it be sooner than later - also, a fixed deadline is the worst kind

i note that it involves a withdrawal from urban areas not the entire nation

i still say that we should have invaded mexico and taken their oil fields, after all mexico has already invaded the us

we should have kept the portion of mexico that we conquered during the mexican/american war - we had most of mexico then (down to mexico city)

also, another excuse we could use to annex baja california is that a map maker screwed up and drew the border incorrectly - the border was supposed to be the colorado river
If this deal is finalized before the election, does it hurt McCain or Obama more? Basically it takes all talk of timetables, and who is going to get out and staying for 100 years. But then what does McCain talk about for the rest of the general election cycle?
Speaking of POW when asked last night about his homes and how many he had on one of the late night shows McCain broke into a "I was a POW for 5 years and had no home". I sure am glad he doesn't bring up that shit over and over again. The other thing that I was reflecting on, is how SF and Damo tell me that the affair(s) McCain had all those years ago really have no relavence to Johnny's character now but fuck all if his service even LONGER ago does. What is it. Only good character values remain with you, flaws have a 5 year shelf life?
Speaking of POW when asked last night about his homes and how many he had on one of the late night shows McCain broke into a "I was a POW for 5 years and had no home". I sure am glad he doesn't bring up that shit over and over again. The other thing that I was reflecting on, is how SF and Damo tell me that the affair(s) McCain had all those years ago really have no relavence to Johnny's character now but fuck all if his service even LONGER ago does. What is it. Only good character values remain with you, flaws have a 5 year shelf life?

LMAO.... I know you liars, I mean lawyers get confused easily so allow me to explain yet AGAIN.....

1) While I do respect the fact that McCain served it does not weigh as heavily as what he has done over the past thirty years.

2) While I do respect him for his choice to stay as a POW rather than take early release, it also does not weigh as heavily as the decisions he makes today. Though when looking at the really tough decisions that a person could face in ones life, that still is pretty far up there.

3) It is not that anyone should forget that he cheated on his wife. They shouldn't. But I most certainly take into account the fact that it was thirty years ago, that he admitted what he did and apologized for it, that he hasn't repeated that mistake with his current wife showing that he has learned from said mistake. Similar to the Keating five situation. He learned from his poor judgement there and has fought against the pork spending so many of his counterparts seem to love so much.

Bottom line, we all make mistakes. It is how we respond to them that makes a difference. If a person says "yeah, I screwed up and I am sorry"... that will go a lot further than "I did not have sex with that woman" followed by "it depends on what the definition is" followed by an oath to tell the truth which is followed by yet another lie.
I said before we invaded that Iraq was all about oil. the righties just ridiculed me while running around yelling mushroom clouds. Now SF says it was always about oil ??? Sheesh.

I also said that in a ferw years the US would become more acceptable to it all being about oil.
was ridiculed about that as well.
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