The End Of Christian America

philly rabbit

Verified User
* The U.S. illegitimacy rate has rocketed from 5 percent of all births to 41 percent.

* Among African Americans the share of births out of wedlock is 71 percent, up from 23 percent in 1960.

* The percentage of households that were married - couple families with children under eighteen plummeted by 2006 to just 21.6 percent.

* Since Roe vs. Wade fifty million abortions have been performed.

* Between 1960 and 1990, the teenage suicide rate tripled. Though the numbers then fell, as of 2006 suicide was the third leading cause of death of young adults and adolescents aged 15 to 24, just behind homicides.

* Cheating in sports, scholastics, business, and marriage is pandemic.

* Between 1960 and 1992, violent crime - murder, rape, assault, soured 550 percent. the subsequent decline is due to the baby boomers passing out of the high crime ages (sixteen to thirty six.) the birth dearth, and a 700 percent increase in the prison population, which today stands at 2.3 million, with 5 million more on probation and parole.

* Individualistic hedonism, the Playboy philosophy, and MTV morality have and are destroying a nation founded on religion and the lessons it taught being it's morality.

* A nation founded on religion and it's morality which throws both away is a nation that is in the process of self destruction.
Was there ever a Christian America? What's the evidence? I'll give you Pennsylvania, for a while, and John Woolman, but who else?
Was there ever a Christian America? What's the evidence? I'll give you Pennsylvania, for a while, and John Woolman, but who else?

Agreed. While the influence of Christianity...or at least the Christian Bible is evident in this country's founding documents and such, we have never been a "Christian" nation. I made this point last night in my evening sermon which I titled The Immorality Of Atheism in which I talked about some of the folks from JPP. ;)
Was there ever a Christian America? What's the evidence? I'll give you Pennsylvania, for a while, and John Woolman, but who else?

We can look at the genocide we call the war on drugs to see that we're not a Christian nation.
Was there ever a Christian America? What's the evidence? I'll give you Pennsylvania, for a while, and John Woolman, but who else?

When the western nations united and went to war against a common outside enemy they stopped fighting each other and joined together under the banner of Christianity for a common cause and an effort to preserve Christendom against outside forces of evil. From the crusades to world war two just before America's entry into it, the allies united under the same western Christian banner against the evils of Nazism as a continuing tradition.
Agreed. While the influence of Christianity...or at least the Christian Bible is evident in this country's founding documents and such, we have never been a "Christian" nation. I made this point last night in my evening sermon which I titled The Immorality Of Atheism in which I talked about some of the folks from JPP. ;)

We were a Christian nation, we aren't one now. We were a people with a common culture and a common religion that taught everyone common lessons of right and wrong morality.

We are now a secular nation that is self destructing because our common culture has been replaced with multiculturalism and replaced along with it that being our own religious cultural identity.
When the western nations united and went to war against a common outside enemy they stopped fighting each other and joined together under the banner of Christianity for a common cause and an effort to preserve Christendom against outside forces of evil. From the crusades to world war two just before America's entry into it, the allies united under the same western Christian banner against the evils of Nazism as a continuing tradition.

"I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." As a boy, Hitler attended to the Catholic church and experienced the anti-Semitic attitude of his culture. In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler reveals himself as a fanatical believer in God and country.

Kinda just like you
When the western nations united and went to war against a common outside enemy they stopped fighting each other and joined together under the banner of Christianity for a common cause and an effort to preserve Christendom against outside forces of evil. From the crusades to world war two just before America's entry into it, the allies united under the same western Christian banner against the evils of Nazism as a continuing tradition.
Could you see Jesus as serving in those actions?
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* The U.S. illegitimacy rate has rocketed from 5 percent of all births to 41 percent.

* Among African Americans the share of births out of wedlock is 71 percent, up from 23 percent in 1960.

* The percentage of households that were married - couple families with children under eighteen plummeted by 2006 to just 21.6 percent.

* Since Roe vs. Wade fifty million abortions have been performed.

* Between 1960 and 1990, the teenage suicide rate tripled. Though the numbers then fell, as of 2006 suicide was the third leading cause of death of young adults and adolescents aged 15 to 24, just behind homicides.

* Cheating in sports, scholastics, business, and marriage is pandemic.

* Between 1960 and 1992, violent crime - murder, rape, assault, soured 550 percent. the subsequent decline is due to the baby boomers passing out of the high crime ages (sixteen to thirty six.) the birth dearth, and a 700 percent increase in the prison population, which today stands at 2.3 million, with 5 million more on probation and parole.

* Individualistic hedonism, the Playboy philosophy, and MTV morality have and are destroying a nation founded on religion and the lessons it taught being it's morality.

* A nation founded on religion and it's morality which throws both away is a nation that is in the process of self destruction.

Looks like a total failure of the capitalist system to me. I don't think the center can hold, things fall apart! Looks like the gap between the rich and the poor has finally effected all the basic structures that capitalism has long relied on for the reproduction of the means of production. Your world is collapsing because there is nothing standing between pure greed and the gruel bucket. Young people are committing suicide because they understand their is nothing for them in late capitalism where regulation and taxes have basically disappeared and the corporations rule the state. Politicians don't represent the people unless by people you mean corporations and those who manage them. The unfettered accumulation of capital that is epitomized by the latter phases of late capitalism has produced a world and a country where people are of little or no consequence where life chances are extremely limited and only the wealthy survive. "Do you like it, do you hate it, here it is the way you made it. And instead of taking responsibility for the state of the nation you would rather pathologize those who weren't born rich or aren't natural entrepreneurs. And don't believe they have a chance.

Religion has nothing to do with it, other than the fact that the kinds of promises of pie in the sky are now rejected by the masses of people who see that what we really have are promises in the hereafter for the poor, near poor and working poor and wealth and conspicuous consumption for those who are benefitting from the fruit of thy womb, in the here and now. They are not waiting for the hereafter, they are living their dreams in the here and now. Their streets are lined with gold today on earth. Is it any wonder people are saying take this crap and shove it. People are starving and one family controls over $115 billion dollars in wealth, more than over 40 percent of the population has. So yeah, blame this shit on religion and a lack of gullibility! A breakdown in the moral fabric that says the workers should get more of what they produce. That's the real problem but your stupid religious model just doesn't include that shit does it?
When the western nations united and went to war against a common outside enemy they stopped fighting each other and joined together under the banner of Christianity for a common cause and an effort to preserve Christendom against outside forces of evil. From the crusades to world war two just before America's entry into it, the allies united under the same western Christian banner against the evils of Nazism as a continuing tradition.

I guess this myth holds as long as you completely ignore the fact that Germany was a western Christian nation!

Looks like a total failure of the capitalist system to me. I don't think the center can hold, things fall apart! Looks like the gap between the rich and the poor has finally effected all the basic structures that capitalism has long relied on for the reproduction of the means of production. Your world is collapsing because there is nothing standing between pure greed and the gruel bucket. Young people are committing suicide because they understand their is nothing for them in late capitalism where regulation and taxes have basically disappeared and the corporations rule the state. Politicians don't represent the people unless by people you mean corporations and those who manage them. The unfettered accumulation of capital that is epitomized by the latter phases of late capitalism has produced a world and a country where people are of little or no consequence where life chances are extremely limited and only the wealthy survive. "Do you like it, do you hate it, here it is the way you made it. And instead of taking responsibility for the state of the nation you would rather pathologize those who weren't born rich or aren't natural entrepreneurs. And don't believe they have a chance.

Religion has nothing to do with it, other than the fact that the kinds of promises of pie in the sky are now rejected by the masses of people who see that what we really have are promises in the hereafter for the poor, near poor and working poor and wealth and conspicuous consumption for those who are benefitting from the fruit of thy womb, in the here and now. They are not waiting for the hereafter, they are living their dreams in the here and now. Their streets are lined with gold today on earth. Is it any wonder people are saying take this crap and shove it. People are starving and one family controls over $115 billion dollars in wealth, more than over 40 percent of the population has. So yeah, blame this shit on religion and a lack of gullibility! A breakdown in the moral fabric that says the workers should get more of what they produce. That's the real problem but your stupid religious model just doesn't include that shit does it?

This would look more impressive with a link.
We were a Christian nation, we aren't one now. We were a people with a common culture and a common religion that taught everyone common lessons of right and wrong morality.

We are now a secular nation that is self destructing because our common culture has been replaced with multiculturalism and replaced along with it that being our own religious cultural identity.

Do you have even one bit of evidence for any of this. If not you better get a bigger shovel, because the one you are using is leaking and the handle is straining.
could you see Jesus as serving in those actions?

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Whenever western civilized nations became a target for outside evil to destroy, throughout history they united under the same common Christian banner and went to war. This was always a fight to save the civilization and a struggle to defeat the entity that wished to conquer and destroy the Christian west. It wasn't and never was a fight to preserve Wall Street and the rich or to save fiscal profiteers. It was a common effort united to save a civilization and it's moral Christian foundation.
"I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." As a boy, Hitler attended to the Catholic church and experienced the anti-Semitic attitude of his culture. In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler reveals himself as a fanatical believer in God and country.

Kinda just like you

The hero of Kent State chimes in.

It's Hitler time again from the lefties who want all you boys and girls out there to be ashamed of yourselves and convince yourselves that secular America under the multiculturalist egalitarians is the way to go as your country continues to destroy itself.

They always bring out Hitler when you discuss western Christian civilization and it gets very, very old and obvious as to what they're always up to.