The Endorse-anator


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Today, that world famous Conservative, Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to endorse John McCain. I guess that means they are simpatico. Agree on lots of the same things. Are Republicans now is such disarray that a liberal governor can endorse a presidential candidate and they can all pretend that the candidate is himself a conservative. Maybe this is why Rush doesn't like McCain. Oh well I have no horse in the race, just find it interesting that so many people can still claim that McCain is a conservative.
Today, that world famous Conservative, Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to endorse John McCain. I guess that means they are simpatico. Agree on lots of the same things. Are Republicans now is such disarray that a liberal governor can endorse a presidential candidate and they can all pretend that the candidate is himself a conservative. Maybe this is why Rush doesn't like McCain. Oh well I have no horse in the race, just find it interesting that so many people can still claim that McCain is a conservative.

The governator is a corporatist, which at heart, is what the modern republican party is. The left-right unidimensional distraction is pretty irrelevant.

Arnie (probably because of his kennedy wife) is nominally liberal on some social and environmental issues. But, at his core, he's all about business interests and less about the public interest. He's all about that. He protected Enron from the State of California lawsuit against their manipulation of the energy markets. Which, really, below the radar, is what the recall election was all about. Gray Davis was going to sue the pants off the energy companies who screwed us. Arnie came in, and swept it under the rug for the most party.
The governator is a corporatist, which at heart, is what the modern republican party is. The left-right unidimensional distraction is pretty irrelevant.

Arnie (probably because of his kennedy wife) is nominally liberal on some social and environmental issues. But, at his core, he's all about business interests and less about the public interest. He's all about that. He protected Enron from the State of California lawsuit against their manipulation of the energy markets. Which, really, below the radar, is what the recall election was all about. Gray Davis was going to sue the pants off the energy companies who screwed us. Arnie came in, and swept it under the rug for the most party.

Shhh Cypress we are not supposed to know about that!
Who more resembles Robert Taft and Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.? McCain or Romney, Huckabee, et. al.? I believe it is McCain, and that seems a good measuring rod for a candidate's conservative credentials. They were traditional conservatives, in a time when we ruled the party.
Today, that world famous Conservative, Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to endorse John McCain. I guess that means they are simpatico. Agree on lots of the same things. Are Republicans now is such disarray that a liberal governor can endorse a presidential candidate and they can all pretend that the candidate is himself a conservative. Maybe this is why Rush doesn't like McCain. Oh well I have no horse in the race, just find it interesting that so many people can still claim that McCain is a conservative.

How could you possibly consdier McCain a liberal? I mean keep in mine that their are very, very few conservatives in the Republican party and that most self identified conservatives in the Republican party are right wing reactionaries. Hell by comparison a traditional conservative like McCain or a moderate like Schwarzeneger are gonna seem like left wing liberals. I see the Republican party taking a swing back towards normalcy and McCain, Romney, Guiliani, Arnold and men like them will save the party. Other wise the Republican party is doomed to be an minority party of extremist reactionary party mostly of white, male, southern evengelicals.

If they don't save the party the Republicans are well on their way to becoming extinct like the Whigs, Federalist and Bull Moose parties. A third party of rational people will replace them as the major 2nd party.
The governator is a corporatist, which at heart, is what the modern republican party is. The left-right unidimensional distraction is pretty irrelevant.

Arnie (probably because of his kennedy wife) is nominally liberal on some social and environmental issues. But, at his core, he's all about business interests and less about the public interest. He's all about that. He protected Enron from the State of California lawsuit against their manipulation of the energy markets. Which, really, below the radar, is what the recall election was all about. Gray Davis was going to sue the pants off the energy companies who screwed us. Arnie came in, and swept it under the rug for the most party.

Excellent analysis Cypriss and you are dead on right. We often forget that this so called "conservative/liberal" paradigm as a political strategy for Republicans really only began with Goldwater and Nixon with his "Southern Strategy" and cemented by Reagan.

Prior to that the old pradigm had been the management class vs the labor class and that lasted all the way up to the middle of Reagans presidency.

Prior to Goldwater Republicans were not reactionaries nor really conservative, most of the actuall support for the 1964 Civil Rights act came from congressional Republicans against the opposition of conservative Southern Democrats, for example.

Republicans, prior to the Goldwater paradigm, were pro-business, pro-mainstreet, pro-management, pro-defence and advocates of regresive taxation (that part of the party certainly hasn't changed.).

Conservativism, as a tradition in this nation, has been mostly southern and, outside of the south, has been the province of the rural and predominantly uneducated.
Hey watch your mouth.............

How could you possibly consdier McCain a liberal? I mean keep in mine that their are very, very few conservatives in the Republican party and that most self identified conservatives in the Republican party are right wing reactionaries. Hell by comparison a traditional conservative like McCain or a moderate like Schwarzeneger are gonna seem like left wing liberals. I see the Republican party taking a swing back towards normalcy and McCain, Romney, Guiliani, Arnold and men like them will save the party. Other wise the Republican party is doomed to be an minority party of extremist reactionary party mostly of white, male, southern evengelicals.

If they don't save the party the Republicans are well on their way to becoming extinct like the Whigs, Federalist and Bull Moose parties. A third party of rational people will replace them as the major 2nd party.

Teddy is rolling over in his grave...the :moos: party says :nono::mun:
Can you say "Flat Tax"? (Did I spell that correctly?)

If you have a flat tax by itself, it is not regressive... it is by definition FLAT. Everyone pays the same percentage. If you incorporate a standard deduction with the flat tax it is PROGRESSIVE, not regressive. An example of a regressive tax system is the one we currently have in place. Where the wealthy and special interests can use their money (which has somehow been conveniently declared free speech) to bribe (I mean lobby) Congress to create loopholes and deductions to get their effective tax rates lower than those that make less money. THAT is regressive.
OMG, are you serious, just what isn't Conservative about John McCain, I think you just don't know Conservative is, the man has a Conservative record, something I bet Mitt Romney wishes he could say today.
OMG, are you serious, just what isn't Conservative about John McCain, I think you just don't know Conservative is, the man has a Conservative record, something I bet Mitt Romney wishes he could say today.

Romney's pretend conservatism is more conservative than McCain's actual values.
Bullshit. Flat tax by definition is regresive tacation. Who you trying to kid?
Regressive, by definition, would charge a higher rate to those making less money. Flat tax, by definition doesn't fit this description. It wouldn't be progressive, but it also would not be regressive, that is hyperbole. It doesn't even matter how many times you cuss about it, it is not accurate still.