The era of swiftboat politics

That would require a massive body to oversee, and would still be virtually impossible to do.

Truth in politics is a slippery thing. Ads can be factually accurate but highly misleading, much like all arguments by Cypress.

And if you try to regulate "misleading", what happens in the end is that the party in power just lets their misleading stuff pass, and then fines the other party 1 million or so everytime (and for state elections, after the first time that pretty much means the other party has no chance of competing for the next decade or so). Even an "independent" council regulating this would be biased to some degree. What is fact and what is opinion is something that can't be ascertained by a math equation - it's highly arbitrary.
And you're a fascist. Sorry. :(

Google Washingtons struck down law that was far less severe/fascist than yours.
And you are a mindless little twit with zero concept of the history our nation has gone through to get where it is at. You wouldn't know a real fascist if he walked up and kicked you in the balls (assuming you have any.) You cannot refute the fact that SCOTUS has upheld truth in advertising laws, so you call someone who wants to apply the concept to political ads fascist. I guess that makes SCOTUS fascist also, as well as anyone who voted for the currently existing truth in advertising laws.

I guess they should all be repealed in the name of free speech. Then when you drop a pile of cash on an outright lie, you can cry your big crocodile tears and whine about how unfair life is.
That would require a massive body to oversee, and would still be virtually impossible to do.

Truth in politics is a slippery thing. Ads can be factually accurate but highly misleading, much like all arguments by Cypress.
Misleading is not quite as bad as outright lies. Factually accurate at least gives the people a marginal chance to separate out those facts as draw their own conclusions. It's a job to wean out facts from misleading conclusions about the facts, but at least the facts are there.

OTOH, if 90% of political information is plain false, how can you make an informed decision?