“The historian George Marsden told me that political loyalties can sometimes be so strong that they create a religiouslike faith that overrides or even transforms a more traditional religious faith.”

“The dominance of political religion over professed religion is seen in how, for many, the loyalty to Trump became a blind allegiance.”
A great article. It describes some of our “Christians” perfectly.

“When the Christian faith is politicized, churches become repositories not of grace but of grievances, places where tribal identities are reinforced, where fears are nurtured, and where aggression and nastiness are sacralized," Peter Wehner writes.
It would appear that someone is playing a joke on leftists. This article has replaced the term "DNC" with "the Evangelical Church" (there is no such thing, btw), the word "seniors" with "elders", the word "party" with "megachurch" and has replaced the word "leftist" with "Christians" ... looking to see if anyone notices.
Christianity is circling the drain.

News @ 11.

While all those cross conditioned way beyond therapy practicing giving thanks for Christiananality pedophilia after being weened on hallowed too dang lily brilliant white Islamidiotocracy of Mohammed Valhalla martyrdom pedophilia celebrating ridiculing the dead under color of law as Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glory - old testament - Declaration of Independence - Israel flag - absentee voting ballots arsonists drug trafficking enforcement of Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July Bicentennial George Washington University Hospital University Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" national religion goes on......
most of the ignorance about Christianity is caused by the folks who try to equate religion and politics.....Christianity did not start with the Trump presidency and it won't end after 2024......
A great article. It describes some of our “Christians” perfectly.

“When the Christian faith is politicized, churches become repositories not of grace but of grievances, places where tribal identities are reinforced, where fears are nurtured, and where aggression and nastiness are sacralized," Peter Wehner writes.

Great article. Thanks for sharing. The bolded in your quote is especially spot on.

From the link:
“A small group of people, inside and outside this church, coordinated a divisive effort to use disinformation in order to persuade others to vote these men down as part of a broader effort to take control of this church,” David Platt, a 43-year-old minister at McLean Bible Church and a best-selling author, charged in a July 4 sermon.
most of the ignorance about Christianity is caused by the folks who try to equate religion and politics.....Christianity did not start with the Trump presidency and it won't end after 2024......

As the link notes, Trumpers are destroying those denominations. Members of such churches will vote with their feet and find a more Christian place to worship.
“The historian George Marsden told me that political loyalties can sometimes be so strong that they create a religiouslike faith that overrides or even transforms a more traditional religious faith.”

“The dominance of political religion over professed religion is seen in how, for many, the loyalty to Trump became a blind allegiance.”

That's easily seen to be true by the political extremists on the forum. They'll toe any line that comes down from their political party be it anything that Trump says to the flip-flop on Israel by the Democrats.
As the link notes, Trumpers are destroying those denominations. Members of such churches will vote with their feet and find a more Christian place to worship.

you mean the ignorant, partisan link?......yeah, that's what it says......luckily it's easy to find a Christian place to worship.....sadly many of you will never look.....
when I see God I will ask him who is or him.......
You're a well-known liar and antithetical to both Christian and American beliefs, Pmp. So go ahead and presume you'll be able to ask....then call God a demmycunt if you don't get the answer you want.

and despite your lies, Johnson hasn't discounted democracy.......thats just a distortion from a fuckwitted demmycunt........
after the demmycunt governers sent everyone home.......
me.....the SC of Wisconsin.....everyone who isn't a demmycunt political fuckwit........
there's only one definition unless you're a demmycunt with a penis in his ear......are you a demmycunt with a penis in his ear?.......
really?......I think it shows you how stupid the demmycunt voters are.........


is he the one who told you to be satisfied with being the last one standing?.....
I was never told that, Pmp.

Would your mother be proud of you for these posts or is she the reason you hate women?

CunTSelor loses's amazing he ever won that first case in court.......I wonder if he had to bribe someone.......
fuckwitted demmycunt and conservatives are two different worlds......and yours is a failure.......
demmycunts have the perfect solution.....all justices shall serve until a Demmycunt is in the Oval Office......
by the way, where is our mother fucking lib'rul moderator.......put this cunt's thread in the war zone where it belongs......