The Face of the Anti-Choice Pharmacy Movement


Well-known member
The face of the Anti-choice pharmacy movement:

Robert Semier of Chantilly Anti-Choice Pharmacy

'Pro-Life' Drugstores Market Beliefs

No Contraceptives For Chantilly Shop

When DMC Pharmacy opens this summer on Route 50 in Chantilly, the shelves will be stocked with allergy remedies, pain relievers, antiseptic ointments and almost everything else sold in any drugstore. But anyone who wants condoms, birth control pills or the Plan B emergency contraceptive will be turned away.

That's because the drugstore, located in a typical shopping plaza featuring a Ruby Tuesday, a Papa John's and a Kmart, will be a "pro-life pharmacy" -- meaning, among other things, that it will eschew all contraceptives.

The pharmacy is one of a small but growing number of drugstores around the country that have become the latest front in a conflict pitting patients' rights against those of health-care workers who assert a "right of conscience" to refuse to provide care or products that they find objectionable.

"The United States was founded on the idea that people act on their conscience -- that they have a sense of right and wrong and do what they think is right and moral," said Tom Brejcha, president and chief counsel at the Thomas More Society, a Chicago public-interest law firm that is defending a pharmacist who was fined and reprimanded for refusing to fill prescriptions for birth control pills. "Every pharmacist has the right to do the same thing," Brejcha said.

But critics say the stores could create dangerous obstacles for women seeking legal, safe and widely used birth control methods.

"I'm very, very troubled by this," said Marcia Greenberger of the National Women's Law Center, a Washington advocacy group. "Contraception is essential for women's health. A pharmacy like this is walling off an essential part of health care. That could endanger women's health."

The pharmacies are emerging at a time when a variety of health-care workers are refusing to perform medical procedures they find objectionable. Fertility doctors have refused to inseminate gay women. Ambulance drivers have refused to transport patients for abortions. Anesthesiologists have refused to assist in sterilizations.

The most common, widely publicized conflicts have involved pharmacists who refuse to fill prescriptions for birth control pills, morning-after pills and other forms of contraception. They say they believe that such methods can cause what amounts to an abortion and that the contraceptives promote promiscuity, divorce, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and other societal woes.

That's odd. If they have a problem with promoting sexual promiscuity and sexual immorality, Why do these wingnut Pharmacists continue to sell Viagra, Levitra and other legal drugs pertaining to male sexuality and male reproductive biology?
That's odd. If they have a problem with promoting sexual promiscuity and sexual immorality, Why do these wingnut Pharmacists continue to sell Viagra, Levitra and other legal drugs pertaining to male sexuality and male reproductive biology?

Boner pills are about creating life, not preventing it. It's actually consistent.
It's his pharmacy, he can do with it what he wants. Levitra and Viagra PROMOTE promiscuity? You can't get it without a prescription, most doctors are not prescibing to 19 year olds, and the ads show old married people getting frisky. If the commercials showed 20 somethings getting ready to hit the bars popping Cialis I could see this argument. But as it is, the ads do nothing more that promote middle aged sex.
Having babies? Selling what they want? It's like these white people think they have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
It's his pharmacy, he can do with it what he wants. Levitra and Viagra PROMOTE promiscuity? You can't get it without a prescription, most doctors are not prescibing to 19 year olds, and the ads show old married people getting frisky. If the commercials showed 20 somethings getting ready to hit the bars popping Cialis I could see this argument. But as it is, the ads do nothing more that promote middle aged sex.

"Levitra and Viagra PROMOTE promiscuity?"

Rush Limbaugh.

Sex Trip to Domincan Republic.

Detained by police with bottle of Viagra in his possession.
Health professionals are regulated and licensed by the government. For good reason. No one wants to go back to 1892 and the days of the snake oil salesman.

If you're a health professional, you are bound by certain professional and ethical obligations. They are licensed agents, because the government has deemed they are qualified to provide a professional service in a highly regulated and technical field, and their licensing credential is supposed to demonstrate that to the consumer.

If you're a liscensed health professional, and you can't do your job,by providing legal and neccessary treatment and products, then don't enter the profession. Get another job. Or, give up your government liccense, which confers on you a certain status and credibility towards consumers and the public, and become one of those unlisenced healthcare practitioners, like the herbal and alternative medicine dudes.
Health professionals are regulated and licensed by the government. For good reason. No one wants to go back to 1892 and the days of the snake oil salesman.

If you're a health professional, you are bound by certain professional and ethical obligations. They are licensed agents, because the government has deemed they are qualified to provide a professional service in a highly regulated and technical field, and their licensing credential is supposed to demonstrate that to the consumer.

If you're a liscensed health professional, and you can't do your job,by providing legal and neccessary treatment and products, then don't enter the profession. Get another job. Or, give up your government liccense, which confers on you a certain status and credibility towards consumers and the public, and become one of those unlisenced healthcare practitioners, like the herbal and alternative medicine dudes.

Oh yes. Immorality disguised as professional ethics--the purpose of the University System, btw.
It's his pharmacy, he can do with it what he wants.

What about whenever we yank his license?

It's a pharmacy. It provides a much needed public service and he shouldn't FORCE people to drive two-hundred miles to get a goddamn condom in a rural area. If he has a problem with that, he should find a different field to work in.
Oh yes. Immorality disguised as professional ethics--the purpose of the University System, btw.

It's not the pharmacists job to play God, and determine who is moral and who is immoral. It's her/his job to dispense perscriptions.

The pharmacist willing and knowingly accepted Government accredidation and licensing to demonstrate his or her competent professional qualifications to the consumer. The pharmacist receives enourmous financial gain and benefit from the accountability and credibility conferred by a professional liscence, and from operating a business that dispenses legal drugs that have been deemed safe and effective, at the taxpayer's expense. And often, developed from research conducted at tax payer expense.

Get another job, or give up the license if you don't want to do the job.

Do you think a private garbage collection contractor should be able to refuse to pick up your garbage, because you have beer bottles in your trash and the contractor has a moral objection to drinking alcohol?

No you don't.
Refusing to fill prescriptions and not stocking condoms would be two different things.

When a muslim refuses to carry alcohol in his cab its his freedom. But this pharmacist exercising the same right is seen as oppressive?

There are plenty of government regulations on pharmacists. But forcing them to stock their stores as they see fit is not (to my knowledge) one of those regulations.

If it is a privately owned business then the government has no place forcing him to stock items that go against his beliefs.