The Fascism Trade --free markets dead

Kamala Trump

Verified User
AIG up 30%

goldman Nutsacks doing great.

Who would imagine that companies who got bailouts would be doing well, while they screwed everyone else.

Now success in business is determined by the state. Politicians are now the ultimate insiders. they will always know beforehand which companies they are bailing out.

Free Markets are dead. Proximity to the spigot of fiat currency flow is now the determining factor of business success.

We are entering an era of full economic fascistification.
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fascism leading to feudalism. In about 50 years, the ruling class will force the serfs to farm their land or kick them off it.

We will be kicked off it. Subsistence personal farming will be off limits.

We will wind up in those secret american refugee camps which don't exist.
where the ruling class income is determined by who they want to bailout. we're soon to be economic slaves to our supposed representatives.
Soon, to be? I think we are there. We have just arrived and we are still bulking a wee bit, but we have arrived.
Yeah, like the liberals are going willingly, you just don't get us, do you. It is like Venus and Mars.

Most of the liberals will believe in the lies told to them by their elected reps, believing that once socialism has been enacted in full, they will be just as equal as them. Only then will they realize they were lied to and find themselves relegated to subject status.
"Free" Markets never were free.

Not completely. But there used to be enough freedom so there could be some segment of the economy which succeeded based on skill, innovation and hardwork instead of cronyism.

If you totalitarians have your way, cronyhood will be the only factor.
Not completely. But there used to be enough freedom so there could be some segment of the economy which succeeded based on skill, innovation and hardwork instead of cronyism.

If you totalitarians have your way, cronyhood will be the only factor.

Yes there was no cronyism during the industrial revoloution was there?

Cronyism in one form or another has long been a companion of capitalism and commerce.
My dream is merely of a free society. Just go ahead and tuck that hitler card back up your sleeve, you two timing, bottom dealing, horny toad.

considering human nature you will not live to see your dream happen.
That is reality.
Perhaps in a thousand years or so, but just perhaps.
considering human nature you will not live to see your dream happen.
That is reality.
Perhaps in a thousand years or so, but just perhaps.

There is not one human nature. Some are prone to being brainwashed followers, like you for instance. Others of a more sturdy and forward thinking character rebel against tyranny.

you're the most foolish brainwash victim I've ever encountered.
There is not one human nature. Some are prone to being brainwashed followers, like you for instance. Others of a more sturdy and forward thinking character rebel against tyranny.

you're the most foolish brainwash victim I've ever encountered.

There is closer to one human nature than you suspect.

Sports fans of some sport is mostly universal.
The need for some religion. and or political following.
Hero worship.
The pack mentality.

And liking Chocolate.