The fat tax

The most unhealthy food is the cheapest.
That is an urban myth perpetrated by those wanting to expand food stamps. The healthier foods are cheaper. They just take a bit more effort to prepare at home instead of depending on the factories to do most of the work and put it in a nice, neat, high-fat, low-nutrition microwaveable package.
That is an urban myth perpetrated by those wanting to expand food stamps. The healthier foods are cheaper. They just take a bit more effort to prepare at home instead of depending on the factories to do most of the work and put it in a nice, neat, high-fat, low-nutrition microwaveable package.

BS little debbie cakes are cheap stomach fillers. Bologni is much cheaper than most meats.
That is an urban myth perpetrated by those wanting to expand food stamps. The healthier foods are cheaper. They just take a bit more effort to prepare at home instead of depending on the factories to do most of the work and put it in a nice, neat, high-fat, low-nutrition microwaveable package.

Ever thought how great it would be if there were healthy foods that didn't take an hour to prepare?

But our government vastly subsidizes things like corn, which is mainly used for junk food, and healthy prepared food takes a massive hit, and therefore isn't nearly as salable. Ever problem has a root in conservatism.
BS little debbie cakes are cheap stomach fillers. Bologni is much cheaper than most meats.
Rice with a bit of milk and sugar will fill far more bellies per penny than Debbie cakes dreamed of. Cheap is relative. For that matter, a loaf of wheat bread (store brand) and a jar of jam will also fill more bellies per penny than Little Debie - and be more nutritious in the process.

A can of store-brand green beans ($0.60) a cup of rice ($0.05), a single chicken leg quarter ($1.00-$1.25) and a can of Cream of Mushroom soup ($.75) will feed a family of four (as in FULL bellies) with leftovers and is nutritionally complete. $2.65 worth of Bologna and bread would not come close, and bologna sandwiches do not cover vegetables.
Rice with a bit of milk and sugar will fill far more bellies per penny than Debbie cakes dreamed of. Cheap is relative. For that matter, a loaf of wheat bread (store brand) and a jar of jam will also fill more bellies per penny than Little Debie - and be more nutritious in the process.

A can of store-brand green beans ($0.60) a cup of rice ($0.05), a single chicken leg quarter ($1.00-$1.25) and a can of Cream of Mushroom soup ($.75) will feed a family of four (as in FULL bellies) with leftovers and is nutritionally complete. $2.65 worth of Bologna and bread would not come close, and bologna sandwiches do not cover vegetables.

No one knows how to prepare food anymore. Most eat cheap or expensive junk.
Rice with a bit of milk and sugar will fill far more bellies per penny than Debbie cakes dreamed of. Cheap is relative. For that matter, a loaf of wheat bread (store brand) and a jar of jam will also fill more bellies per penny than Little Debie - and be more nutritious in the process.

A can of store-brand green beans ($0.60) a cup of rice ($0.05), a single chicken leg quarter ($1.00-$1.25) and a can of Cream of Mushroom soup ($.75) will feed a family of four (as in FULL bellies) with leftovers and is nutritionally complete. $2.65 worth of Bologna and bread would not come close, and bologna sandwiches do not cover vegetables.

I agree with you that it is far cheaper to prepare healthful meals than it is to buy prepared foods that you pop into the microwave.

The recipe above sounds a lot like something my ex-wife used to fix. It was tasty and fed our family when the kids were small.

Once my sons hit their teens, the word "leftover" could be translated into "something they didn't like". Because they only stopped eating when the food was gone. Full was something that didn't last long.
Leftovers of good food is great. Chili is better on the second day. So are pinto beans.
Tofu is disgusting on the first day.
Leftovers of disgusting food is uber-disgusting.

A picky eater is someone who isn't very hungry.

If people are going to rely on someone else's taxes to eat, they can eat nutritious foods that require preparation. They can be less picky than you seem to be, WM. And they can eat well on a limited budget.
Leftovers of good food is great. Chili is better on the second day. So are pinto beans.
Tofu is disgusting on the first day.

When I make chili I let it simmer for most of the day, cool it down, refrigerate it for at least an hour and then reheat it. Viola! Instant leftover chili. And I make a damn good chili.

Spaghetti is another food that is better on the second day.
No one knows how to prepare food anymore. Most eat cheap or expensive junk.
We already know what most people do. They eat the cheap junk food. But because it is cheap prepared junk food does not mean it is the less expensive option. It is simply the faster, less-work option.

That is where the myth comes from that unhealthy food is cheaper - because the comparison is limited to a choice between cheap unhealthy prepared junk foods, or more expensive, "healthy" (as in not quite as disgustingly unhealthy) prepared foods. Or they compare Little Debbie cakes and bologna to T-bones and steamed asparagus. Neither one is a valid comparison when talking about why the poor eat unhealthy.
Leftovers of good food is great. Chili is better on the second day. So are pinto beans.
Tofu is disgusting on the first day.
A three day Venison stew is one of the best mid-winter meals available.

When I make chili I let it simmer for most of the day, cool it down, refrigerate it for at least an hour and then reheat it. Viola! Instant leftover chili. And I make a damn good chili.

Spaghetti is another food that is better on the second day.
I like that idea. My solution to date for stew, chili, or spaghetti sauce is to start it early in the morning so it can simmer all day.

A good stew takes time for the flavors to come together. We look more forward to the second day of stew than the first. When I had teens at home we had to make it in a ten gallon pot to make sure we HAD enough left over for the next day.

Make it the day before we want it is a great idea.
The single most dangerous bahavior is being a conservative. They should have their taxes at 1000.

And let's be honest. All this fuss over the obese is more because we hate fat people than any health consequnces. The consequences of obesity have been proven to be purposely overstated by the government, and now health companies are taking advantage of that. Fact is, oftentimes fatness is genetic.

So, black people are more likely to have illness than white people. So let's charge blacks an extra 25 dollars. And if you don't believe in that, THEN YOU JUST HATE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND FREEDOM ZOMG?!

Since government has started paying for health care, there are more that feel the NEED to tell fat people how to live their lifestyle. Proposing fat taxes, mandating government health and exercise programs, etc...

This is precisely what Hayek warned about with having the state take charge of economic freedoms (ie: paying for healthcare) then you have a corresponding loss in social freedoms (as they then have an interest in dictating how you live so it works better for them) and you would know that had you actually read anything by him, instead of pretending to understand him by learning his name and a couple of buzzwords like "Austrian economics" and winging the rest.

In this specific case, I have no problem with the Alabama government doing this so long as it is for their employees only which it looks like it is.
A three day Venison stew is one of the best mid-winter meals available.

I like that idea. My solution to date for stew, chili, or spaghetti sauce is to start it early in the morning so it can simmer all day.

A good stew takes time for the flavors to come together. We look more forward to the second day of stew than the first. When I had teens at home we had to make it in a ten gallon pot to make sure we HAD enough left over for the next day.

Make it the day before we want it is a great idea.

Nothing like teenagers in the house to show you just how much food can disappear.

My wife makes a very hearty vegetable beef (or venison) soup. Now that its just the two of us and a 12 year old, her 8 quart stockpot makes enough to freeze plenty.

Its always a little different and always better the second time.
i see a lot of righteous anger at fat people lately. so, i'd go for this, but only IF, we refuse to single out one unhealthy behavior. we'd have to include them all.

that means if you smoke, you pay. if you drink beer, you pay. if you drink anything other than the safe one and a half glasses of red wine, and red wine only, per day, you pay. if you smoke but "only cigars" you pay. if you are thin but do not excerise, you pay. if you are unmarried, and therefore more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior, you pay. if you are not taking vitamins, you pay.

That one caught my eye, because through my first year-and-a-half of college, I was 175 pounds (average for a 6'1'' male) with a 32 in. waist. Then, not having altered my life-style at all, I jumped to 200 pounds and a 36 in. waist. Basically, I would exercize minimally so that I could pass an annual fitness test.

It sucks, because now I am having to work at getting back to where I was. Fucking metabolism...
i see a lot of righteous anger at fat people lately. so, i'd go for this, but only IF, we refuse to single out one unhealthy behavior. we'd have to include them all.

that means if you smoke, you pay. if you drink beer, you pay. if you drink anything other than the safe one and a half glasses of red wine, and red wine only, per day, you pay. if you smoke but "only cigars" you pay. if you are thin but do not excerise, you pay. if you are unmarried, and therefore more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior, you pay. if you are not taking vitamins, you pay./QUOTE]


Lets add to the list, if your a homo, you pay extra, casual drug user you pay extra.