The Feminists


Here’s a great tape of Palin “the Feminist” laughing and giggling like a dumb cheerleader, while two right wing radio hosts interviewing her call a political rival of hers “ a bitch” “a cancer” and make fun of her weight.

Yeah, “normal women” lovvee that.

You know, she is a great match with McCain though. The other feminist so concerned about Hillary and her voters now, who, when a supporter of his said “How are we going to beat the bitch” laughed merrily and then said “good question.”

IN fact, I’d have both these tapes up in an ad.
Wow that's pretty weak. Palin was still a stupid choice though for other reasons.

I think history will prove you wrong. I think your children, if they have any ambition (if you have any children) will thank you for supporting Palin (I hope she is a good influence on McCain). A person of any color can follow their personal dream when out of the shackels of socialism---and it is a blast!!!.

Do you know what it feels like to win at something? Win with Obama, and he will take it from you---win with a person like Palin, and you can reach your dreams a lot easier and teach your children to be self sufficient. Now---that is motavation in your neighborhood. If you teach your children to try, and we have a environment that lets us personally grow--great things like the birth of the USA happen. you know the place---where everybody moved for personal oppertunity from the other countries that love Obama.

On the feminist note---a politician that treats everybody fairly is the best advantage any individual can have. I don't think Palin can overturn Row vrs Wade (the winner of that court decision is now pro-life--I heard today), but even if she did, hopefully she will have enough people off welfare to take care of their own kids, and make them productive members of society. The Palin daughter will accept her responsibility, and not consider her child "punished with a baby" (Obama quote if his daughter got pregnant)
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I think history will prove you wrong. I think your children, if they have any ambition (if you have any children) will thank you for supporting Palin (I hope she is a good influence on McCain). A person of any color can follow their personal dream when out of the shackels of socialism---and it is a blast!!!.

Do you know what it feels like to win at something? Win with Obama, and he will take it from you---win with a person like Palin, and you can reach your dreams a lot easier and teach your children to be self sufficient. Now---that is motavation in your neighborhood. If you teach your children to try, and we have a environment that lets us personally grow--great things like the birth of the USA happen. you know the place---where everybody moved for personal oppertunity from the other countries that love Obama.

You know, I think this is just terrible, you talking to epic in this terribly paternalistic manner, just because he is black. What are you his daddy just because you're white? Have you walked in Epic's shoes? How do you know about all of the times his color has held him back. Oh, and now, Sarah Palin is going to free him?

Well, if any white person is going to speak for poor, oppressed Epic, it'll be me, and I say, "Thanks, but No Thanks" on his behalf.

He'll free himself, Mister Great White Father!
You know, I think this is just terrible, you talking to epic in this terribly paternalistic manner, just because he is black. What are you his daddy just because you're white? Have you walked in Epic's shoes? How do you know about all of the times his color has held him back. Oh, and now, Sarah Palin is going to free him?

Well, if any white person is going to speak for poor, oppressed Epic, it'll be me, and I say, "Thanks, but No Thanks" on his behalf.

He'll free himself, Mister Great White Father!

Epi is a white guy.
You know, I think this is just terrible, you talking to epic in this terribly paternalistic manner, just because he is black. What are you his daddy just because you're white? Have you walked in Epic's shoes? How do you know about all of the times his color has held him back. Oh, and now, Sarah Palin is going to free him?

Well, if any white person is going to speak for poor, oppressed Epic, it'll be me, and I say, "Thanks, but No Thanks" on his behalf.

He'll free himself, Mister Great White Father!

Ya know what--I watched some of that CNN special "Balck in America". I did not watdh it all, but from what I saw about blacks today--I grew up in their shoes, facing the same challenges they do today. Do not bring race into what I think about EPIC. Race has nothing to sdo with it. personally, I think Obama is bringing up racial tension that we have not seen since the 60's and 70's--just like you did just now.

EPIC--I am talking to you now--and not these liberial door mats that throw a race card every time somebody does not kiss a minorities azz.

You are a black man-in the best country in the world. I am your white neighbor. I bet neither of us were born with a rich liberial/republican spoon up our azzes, and both of us have to work for what we earn. We both get taxed so much, that we live our lives worrying about paying our utility bills. (now I started my own business full time 2 years ago---utilities are easy now).

Read this to every race card throwing liberial moron out there. I, The Majority loudly proclaim that I don't give a crap what color a man or woman is. I don't care what gender a white person or a person of color is. We all have equal human rights IMO. I have faith in every segment of our population, tha there are outstanding human beings in each. You don't have to be outstanding to do well in this country, you just have to be average. Now--I could be pissed off at Clinton and the Republicans, for selling out our manufacturing, effectively making my self paid degrees (worked full time for 10 or 12 years, and went to school paert time) pretty much worthless--and I am a bit. But I did something that any American should do--figure out a way to make it work. I took my child hood recreation of racing dirt bikes, my 20 plus years of exp as a machinist, and my manufacuting degrees in quality and manufacturing engineering and put them all together for my own business. I think I will make $200 grand next year--and I am feeling what America is all about right now. I did not realize what America was about until I started my business and became able to pay the utilities better (they wait 2 to three months now--weather they like it or not--just for fun-whhooohahahahahaha).

I guess it was a natural progression for me, and if manufacturing did not turn into a suck pool, I might not have found my dream.

I don't care what color you are---we all have dreams that we have the right to chase. It is your life, the only one you have. Socialism squashes individual dreams IMO. I got luckly, and I was able to start up with about $100.00. Any more socialism that I have to pay for, and I might not have been able to start my business. Ask a 30 year old business owner in your local area if he could start his business nearly as easy as he did back then--and he will tell you--No way (at least the ones I have asked).

EPIC--you can do as good as anybody else, and we have a black man running for president as evidence. If somebody else can do it, you can do it (that goes for everybody). It does help to think outside of the box IMO. Watch everybody that all do the same thing like sheep--lose their lifestyle--while I grow. Now, you might stick your neck out, and lose- But you learn from that and do better the next time. Don't let people get to much blood from little arrows either--all my friends thought I was nuts for starting my little garage business--but now, they all want to work for me. :)

I came from nothing--built up my tool box for half my life, and now I can use the tools for myself. It is a awesome feeling I want everybody to experience. Once you do---you will totally hate socialism. You will finally understand the most basic human right all in the world really want--the right to persue happyness, and reep the benifits of your labor.

EPIC--if your down (I don't know). It is as temporary as you make it. Don't let some social commie promise you anything for a vote. The system they propose is suppose to hold us down. Obama wants to tax people more making $125 grand or more. If I make $100 grand profit, I will pay 48% with the sturcture I have now. What I relaize with a tax proposal like that is---your punished if you do your own thing, and become sucessfull. that means he want to hold us all down IMO. This is my life--the only one I have. I have a big problem with Obama. I sincerly believe he is a modern day communist. he is not pay back tiome for blacks--he is the guy who wil take your childrens money if they make it in this country.

EPIC--I encourage you to dream--and act on them. it is amazing how a dream can grow. It is a feeling no Obama supporter from our economic class has experienced. if you don't know what you have in this country--you won't miss it mwhen they take it away. Will you still sing in your bird cage?
Ya know what--I watched some of that CNN special "Balck in America". I did not watdh it all, but from what I saw about blacks today--I grew up in their shoes, facing the same challenges they do today. Do not bring race into what I think about EPIC. Race has nothing to sdo with it. personally, I think Obama is bringing up racial tension that we have not seen since the 60's and 70's--just like you did just now.

EPIC--I am talking to you now--and not these liberial door mats that throw a race card every time somebody does not kiss a minorities azz.

You are a black man-in the best country in the world. I am your white neighbor. I bet neither of us were born with a rich liberial/republican spoon up our azzes, and both of us have to work for what we earn. We both get taxed so much, that we live our lives worrying about paying our utility bills. (now I started my own business full time 2 years ago---utilities are easy now).

Read this to every race card throwing liberial moron out there. I, The Majority loudly proclaim that I don't give a crap what color a man or woman is. I don't care what gender a white person or a person of color is. We all have equal human rights IMO. I have faith in every segment of our population, tha there are outstanding human beings in each. You don't have to be outstanding to do well in this country, you just have to be average. Now--I could be pissed off at Clinton and the Republicans, for selling out our manufacturing, effectively making my self paid degrees (worked full time for 10 or 12 years, and went to school paert time) pretty much worthless--and I am a bit. But I did something that any American should do--figure out a way to make it work. I took my child hood recreation of racing dirt bikes, my 20 plus years of exp as a machinist, and my manufacuting degrees in quality and manufacturing engineering and put them all together for my own business. I think I will make $200 grand next year--and I am feeling what America is all about right now. I did not realize what America was about until I started my business and became able to pay the utilities better (they wait 2 to three months now--weather they like it or not--just for fun-whhooohahahahahaha).

I guess it was a natural progression for me, and if manufacturing did not turn into a suck pool, I might not have found my dream.

I don't care what color you are---we all have dreams that we have the right to chase. It is your life, the only one you have. Socialism squashes individual dreams IMO. I got luckly, and I was able to start up with about $100.00. Any more socialism that I have to pay for, and I might not have been able to start my business. Ask a 30 year old business owner in your local area if he could start his business nearly as easy as he did back then--and he will tell you--No way (at least the ones I have asked).

EPIC--you can do as good as anybody else, and we have a black man running for president as evidence. If somebody else can do it, you can do it (that goes for everybody). It does help to think outside of the box IMO. Watch everybody that all do the same thing like sheep--lose their lifestyle--while I grow. Now, you might stick your neck out, and lose- But you learn from that and do better the next time. Don't let people get to much blood from little arrows either--all my friends thought I was nuts for starting my little garage business--but now, they all want to work for me. :)

I came from nothing--built up my tool box for half my life, and now I can use the tools for myself. It is a awesome feeling I want everybody to experience. Once you do---you will totally hate socialism. You will finally understand the most basic human right all in the world really want--the right to persue happyness, and reep the benifits of your labor.

EPIC--if your down (I don't know). It is as temporary as you make it. Don't let some social commie promise you anything for a vote. The system they propose is suppose to hold us down. Obama wants to tax people more making $125 grand or more. If I make $100 grand profit, I will pay 48% with the sturcture I have now. What I relaize with a tax proposal like that is---your punished if you do your own thing, and become sucessfull. that means he want to hold us all down IMO. This is my life--the only one I have. I have a big problem with Obama. I sincerly believe he is a modern day communist. he is not pay back tiome for blacks--he is the guy who wil take your childrens money if they make it in this country.

EPIC--I encourage you to dream--and act on them. it is amazing how a dream can grow. It is a feeling no Obama supporter from our economic class has experienced. if you don't know what you have in this country--you won't miss it mwhen they take it away. Will you still sing in your bird cage?

Not reading that.
Ya know what--I watched some of that CNN special "Balck in America". I did not watdh it all, but from what I saw about blacks today--I grew up in their shoes, facing the same challenges they do today. Do not bring race into what I think about EPIC. Race has nothing to sdo with it. personally, I think Obama is bringing up racial tension that we have not seen since the 60's and 70's--just like you did just now.

EPIC--I am talking to you now--and not these liberial door mats that throw a race card every time somebody does not kiss a minorities azz.

You are a black man-in the best country in the world. I am your white neighbor. I bet neither of us were born with a rich liberial/republican spoon up our azzes, and both of us have to work for what we earn. We both get taxed so much, that we live our lives worrying about paying our utility bills. (now I started my own business full time 2 years ago---utilities are easy now).

Read this to every race card throwing liberial moron out there. I, The Majority loudly proclaim that I don't give a crap what color a man or woman is. I don't care what gender a white person or a person of color is. We all have equal human rights IMO. I have faith in every segment of our population, tha there are outstanding human beings in each. You don't have to be outstanding to do well in this country, you just have to be average. Now--I could be pissed off at Clinton and the Republicans, for selling out our manufacturing, effectively making my self paid degrees (worked full time for 10 or 12 years, and went to school paert time) pretty much worthless--and I am a bit. But I did something that any American should do--figure out a way to make it work. I took my child hood recreation of racing dirt bikes, my 20 plus years of exp as a machinist, and my manufacuting degrees in quality and manufacturing engineering and put them all together for my own business. I think I will make $200 grand next year--and I am feeling what America is all about right now. I did not realize what America was about until I started my business and became able to pay the utilities better (they wait 2 to three months now--weather they like it or not--just for fun-whhooohahahahahaha).

I guess it was a natural progression for me, and if manufacturing did not turn into a suck pool, I might not have found my dream.

I don't care what color you are---we all have dreams that we have the right to chase. It is your life, the only one you have. Socialism squashes individual dreams IMO. I got luckly, and I was able to start up with about $100.00. Any more socialism that I have to pay for, and I might not have been able to start my business. Ask a 30 year old business owner in your local area if he could start his business nearly as easy as he did back then--and he will tell you--No way (at least the ones I have asked).

EPIC--you can do as good as anybody else, and we have a black man running for president as evidence. If somebody else can do it, you can do it (that goes for everybody). It does help to think outside of the box IMO. Watch everybody that all do the same thing like sheep--lose their lifestyle--while I grow. Now, you might stick your neck out, and lose- But you learn from that and do better the next time. Don't let people get to much blood from little arrows either--all my friends thought I was nuts for starting my little garage business--but now, they all want to work for me. :)

I came from nothing--built up my tool box for half my life, and now I can use the tools for myself. It is a awesome feeling I want everybody to experience. Once you do---you will totally hate socialism. You will finally understand the most basic human right all in the world really want--the right to persue happyness, and reep the benifits of your labor.

EPIC--if your down (I don't know). It is as temporary as you make it. Don't let some social commie promise you anything for a vote. The system they propose is suppose to hold us down. Obama wants to tax people more making $125 grand or more. If I make $100 grand profit, I will pay 48% with the sturcture I have now. What I relaize with a tax proposal like that is---your punished if you do your own thing, and become sucessfull. that means he want to hold us all down IMO. This is my life--the only one I have. I have a big problem with Obama. I sincerly believe he is a modern day communist. he is not pay back tiome for blacks--he is the guy who wil take your childrens money if they make it in this country.

EPIC--I encourage you to dream--and act on them. it is amazing how a dream can grow. It is a feeling no Obama supporter from our economic class has experienced. if you don't know what you have in this country--you won't miss it mwhen they take it away. Will you still sing in your bird cage?

Epic, I can do better for you, and your people!

First of all, I will end this right here - He says you are a black man and his neighbor, but, Epic do you believe that The Majority, or, as I, as a liberal NY white chick know, your people like to call his type "The Great White Father", has ever slept with a black man?

Oh, it's ok if you move in next door to him...well, aren't you managomous!

I rest my case!
This is so fucking hilarious!


It is funny right? I would never talk to someone who was really black that way. I was doing the stereotypical liberal white chick, against the actual living stereotypical right wing idiot The Majority. I was laughing the whole time. It's so stupid, that it cracks me up