The Feminists


You are a &. :mad:

You liberals have NOTHING on Sarah Palin, so you resort to the petty attacks on her character. It just goes to show the level of lunacy you and your ilk are operating at...

Funny how all women who aren't liberal are automatically "cheerleaders." Apparently that's how liberals are: if a minority or woman isn't liberal , they can just go fuck themselves. Is that what you think, cunt? :mad:

Just as I predicted, the Palin pick is exposing liberalism for what it is...

and your mom's a fcking cnt for having such a tool of a son.

I just hope when you finally get some you'll be less of a prck. How old are you again? Maybe you should explore men, I think that will make you a lot happier.
I think that's my problem in life actually. I need a white person to show me the way with a thinly veiled racist diatribe detailing their marginal successes so that I can strive to be something in life. Otherwise, I will continue to be lost and continue down this dark path of Blackness.
Don't get all huffy. Native Americans get casinos and are supposed to be happy. You have dreams to not give up on. Get out there and start not giving up.
Nah, forget it... you won't get your welfare check anymore if you 'make it'. All your brothers will make fun of you for wearing a suit too.

Plus, as a liberal white chick, I’m more than happy to raise your taxes to support him, since we’re really all to blame for him not being able to support himself. And I thought we’d raise your taxes high enough so that we have some left over to build him a basketball court, so he stays out of trouble at nights. How does sound little Epi?
Darla is most certainly a cunt more than anything else.
Normal woman. LOFL you most certainly are not.
Husbandless and childless your whole fucking attack dog for the moveon.moron left.
Bash this woman all you like, your setting the womans movement back 2 decades.
What the fuck, they can only be pres if they are a looney lefty like you. You shallow dipshit.
yup the one smarter than you

Don't try comedy, it isn't your thing, and good luck with that in life, :clink:
I doubt anyone would think you were smarter than I by your posts, your language and your lack of imagination!

Here's to ya! :clink:
Here’s a great tape of Palin “the Feminist” laughing and giggling like a dumb cheerleader, while two right wing radio hosts interviewing her call a political rival of hers “ a bitch” “a cancer” and make fun of her weight.

Yeah, “normal women” lovvee that.

You know, she is a great match with McCain though. The other feminist so concerned about Hillary and her voters now, who, when a supporter of his said “How are we going to beat the bitch” laughed merrily and then said “good question.”

IN fact, I’d have both these tapes up in an ad.

I would be unwise to assume that many women won't agree with Palin and do not want to associate themselves with the feminist movement.

It would be unwise to assume that Hillary Clinton was the idol of all women. Her highest negatives came from women.

It would be unwise to assume that all women aspire to the beliefs of feminists or even "modern women."
I would be unwise to assume that many women won't agree with Palin and do not want to associate themselves with the feminist movement.

It would be unwise to assume that Hillary Clinton was the idol of all women. Her highest negatives came from women.

It would be unwise to assume that all women aspire to the beliefs of feminists or even "modern women."

I don't assume any of those things. I just assume most women don't like to be called fat bitches.

EPIC--I encourage you to dream--and act on them. it is amazing how a dream can grow. It is a feeling no Obama supporter from our economic class has experienced. if you don't know what you have in this country--you won't miss it mwhen they take it away.

Will you still sing in your bird cage?
An oblique reference to Maya Angelou (I know why the caged bird sings) and you missed it; therefore, you are not black.