The FISA Fanatics are Funny

"Oh my fucking God, no one is safe! Bush and Cheney can wiretap anyone at any time, and they have the blessing of FISA to do it! It's such a travesty and mockery of our freedoms, the Founding Fathers would be rolling over in their graves... "

This is the typical hyped up response from Pinheads over the FISA renewal. I don't understand how they can get so worked up and agitated over things, I thought most liberals self-medicated to keep from being that way, but apparently not. They will act all incredulous and trot out the Constitution, like they know what it means, and as if they believe any of the words our Founding Fathers had to say. Most of the time we hear them preach to us that our Constitution is a "living document" and is not intended to remain true to what a bunch of slave-owning white men intended back in the day. Yet... all of a sudden, we are enlightened to the wisdom of Ben Franklin about security and liberty and how we are sacrificing both with FISA. I guess they keep a copy of the Constitution around just in case something comes up where they can use it against 'the establishment.' But they are so funny to listen to! It's like watching a circus act!

'Ladies and Gentlemen, I command your attention to the Center Ring, where we have the Amazing Monkey Man performing his wireless wiretapping, without the aid of a warrant! It is truly death defying! Watch as he defies the Constitution and betrays the rights of every soul on the planet, during this spectacle which will leave you awestruck and amazed...'

I mean, why such a production? Why such passion over this? FISA is the Surveillance Act for Foreign Intel, what is the Big Deal about that? Our Government's duty, some would argue it's MAIN duty, is to protect us from enemies abroad. Why do Liberals hold such contempt for our Government performing its primary function and duty?

Yeah, sure, there is a possible chance that Bush may accidentally wiretap some Liberal Gay Lovers planning to have a *gasp* wedding or something, but so freakin' what? Who got their rights violated, really? No president in his right mind is going to obtain private information about an American citizen through a warrantless wiretap, and they certainly wouldn't use it in any way that would indicate that is how they got it... look what happened to Nixon.

What seems to bother the Pinheads is the mere thought that Bush has this much power, but he is the President of the United States, he is supposed to have this power. Our nation and system of Government are set up to work a certain way, and they have been doing fairly well the past 200+ years. The FISA warrantless wiretapping issue has been a perfect illustration of the idiotic paranoia of the left, prompted by drinking all that Anti-Bush Koolaid for so long. Hate has clouded their judgement, so we see them do irrational things, like break out the Constitution and act like a bad Franklin impersonator.

Here is something to ponder, with all the fuss over wiretaps, we hear virtually nothing from the Pinheads on the cameras. Our CIA and FBI have access to almost all public cameras, and they are found in every nook and cranny of America. It's estimated the average American is on camera an enormous number of times in a day. There is also no law to prevent the Government from putting a camera on the telephone pole right outside your house. If they want to spy on you, for real, they can. And they can do it in a way you will never even know it, and they can also find out much more than through a wiretap. With the advent of wireless, and the digital technology found in modern cameras, it is amazing how small, obscure, and unnoticeable they have become. Apparently so, you don't hear a soul screaming about the cameras! It's just those damn wiretaps! Never mind that you or I can intercept almost any wireless frequency with equipment we can buy at Radio Shack. We mustn't allow our Government the tools needed to stop foreign terrorist attacks on us, it's too much of our freedom being sacrificed. :rolleyes:
Our government doesn't need this to stop foreign terrorist attacks on us.

The easy answer to that is to mind our own business and tell them to fuck themselves. No terrorist attacks every again.
"I don't understand how they can get so worked up and agitated over things, I thought most liberals self-medicated to keep from being that way, but apparently not."

Isn't this the same poster whose greatest hits include "You're getting Bolton, Dammit!!!" and "Pinheads, STFU!!!!!!"?
Ill vote for GWB as many times as I can, he looks so dreamy in blue jeans...!
I wish we had access to that origional post. Id love to post it here.

I think the thread you are talking about is entitled "I Love George W. Bush" and I posted it as a sarcastic response to all the "I Hate George W. Bush" threads which dominated the board. In the post, I mentioned that I admire a president who can be 'normal' and feels comfortable doing an interview in blue jeans. From this, you and other Pinheads derived some perverted homosexual meaning about how Bush looks in jeans, which is not even remotely close to what I said. So, you run along now, and use the search feature to see if you can find the thread, and bump it back up to the top, where you and your pinheaded buddies can yuck it up some more and look like the idiots you are.
I think I started the "blue jeans" thing, and I will admit, it was an exaggeration of that comment.

That thread, however, was truly one of the most embarassing displays of man-love for one of the worst, most clueless Presidents in American history. It was an unabashed love letter to your hero, who has certainly earned the scorn & criticism which prompted you to write it.
Dixie, its funny that you scream bloody murder about any attempt to slightly abridge our right to bear arms. You are all about freedom then.

But when FISA is discussed you seem all nonchalant.

Is one freedom more important than another?

The ONLY way FISA should not worry you is if you trust the federal government. And if you trust our federal government you are either a complete moron or you have not been paying attention to what it has done for the last hundred years or so.
I think the thread you are talking about is entitled "I Love George W. Bush" and I posted it as a sarcastic response to all the "I Hate George W. Bush" threads which dominated the board. In the post, I mentioned that I admire a president who can be 'normal' and feels comfortable doing an interview in blue jeans. From this, you and other Pinheads derived some perverted homosexual meaning about how Bush looks in jeans, which is not even remotely close to what I said. So, you run along now, and use the search feature to see if you can find the thread, and bump it back up to the top, where you and your pinheaded buddies can yuck it up some more and look like the idiots you are.

Dixie, its funny that you scream bloody murder about any attempt to slightly abridge our right to bear arms. You are all about freedom then.

But when FISA is discussed you seem all nonchalant.

Is one freedom more important than another?

The ONLY way FISA should not worry you is if you trust the federal government. And if you trust our federal government you are either a complete moron or you have not been paying attention to what it has done for the last hundred years or so.

I can explain that one. Dixie is a partisan hack, through & through, and follows his marching orders from Bush to a T.

His arguments come from that place of hackishness, and that place of hackishness only. No double standard is too blatant.
Dixie, its funny that you scream bloody murder about any attempt to slightly abridge our right to bear arms. You are all about freedom then.

But when FISA is discussed you seem all nonchalant.

Is one freedom more important than another?

The ONLY way FISA should not worry you is if you trust the federal government. And if you trust our federal government you are either a complete moron or you have not been paying attention to what it has done for the last hundred years or so.

Well it seems to me we simply HAVE to trust our Government to do what our Government is supposed to do, protect us from foreign enemies. I mean, what is your contingency plan? This is the reason and purpose for having a central government, so why would it be rational or reasonable to think we should undermine their purpose?

I am nonchalant about FISA, it is a system put in place to allow our government to do what our government is supposed to do. It doesn't have a thing to do with the rights of US citizens, because it is used against foreign enemies, not domestic ones. Plus, read the thread, wiretaps are not the only way to spy on someone, and probably not even the most efficient or best way. Trust me, if our government (trust or not) wants to spy on you, they can do so without a warrant, without your consent, and without your knowledge.

Being vehemently opposed to FISA is like being opposed to policemen carrying firearms because you are afraid they might shoot innocent people. Granted, there might be that possibility, and we have a system of handling such incidents, but this possibility it is not a reason to distrust police or take away the tools they need to protect us.
I declare... you pinheads really do need some extensive reading comprehension lessons. I said it was a "sarcastic response" not that it was "sarcasm". The response was sarcastic, the content was not.

Well, Dixie, you only get from people what you expect. You apparently don't expect much from your fellow humans and see them as always falling short, missing the mark, but when it comes to you, nobody does it better. I call it the Bond Complex.:cof1: