The FISA Fanatics are Funny

Citation needed. And no, it didn't.,_1789#Popular_vote

37,000 voted. There was a population of 3 million at the time.
1. Not everybody could vote according to the original constitution. Of that 3 million, how many owned the required amount of property? Were they in states that held an election of the population?

2. Plus this was a link to a Presidential election, not for the state delegates that ratified the Constitution.

Each state had their own delegations for that vote, it was not the same people who were electors for the President.

And each of the delegations did exactly what you said didn't happen. Voted to ratify the Constitution.
1. Not everybody could vote according to the original constitution. Of that 3 million, how many owned the required amount of property?

2. Plus this was a link to a Presidential election, not for the delegates that ratified the Constitution.

Yes but it's the closest thing I had. It's indicative of kind of voter turnout we had back then. It was practically an ogliarchy. Certainly progressive for its time, but it can't be wrapped under the populist banner of "the people".
Yes but it's the closest thing I had. It's indicative of kind of voter turnout we had back then. It was practically an ogliarchy. Certainly progressive for its time, but it can't be wrapped under the populist banner of "the people".

What? Closest thing you could pull outta your ass, huh?

Look moron, we have had a Constitution for over 200 years, and it clearly defines a way and means to amend it, if that is what the majority of people want to do. It has been amended numerous times, and to date, The People have not chosen to "un-ratify" the Constitution. This is not what is being debated anyway, it is a sidetrack, which is all you are apparently good at doing. It began with your stupid comment that activist judges invoked the 2nd Amendment on us, when that is clearly not the case. The Constitution was ratified, as was the Bill of Rights, and we have had numerous Amendments to the Constitution, all of which, WE THE PEOPLE voted on over the years. If you want to live in some fucked up fantasy world with pink glitter bears, that is fine with me, just don't try to drag us all in there with you.
What? Closest thing you could pull outta your ass, huh?

Look moron, we have had a Constitution for over 200 years, and it clearly defines a way and means to amend it, if that is what the majority of people want to do. It has been amended numerous times, and to date, The People have not chosen to "un-ratify" the Constitution. This is not what is being debated anyway, it is a sidetrack, which is all you are apparently good at doing. It began with your stupid comment that activist judges invoked the 2nd Amendment on us, when that is clearly not the case. The Constitution was ratified, as was the Bill of Rights, and we have had numerous Amendments to the Constitution, all of which, WE THE PEOPLE voted on over the years. If you want to live in some fucked up fantasy world with pink glitter bears, that is fine with me, just don't try to drag us all in there with you.

You, on the other hand, like to cherry pick when the Constitution should and should not apply.

It SHOULD apply to gun owners in DC, but SHOULD NOT apply when looking at the Geneva Accords (remember, Constitutionally, when a treaty is signed, it becomes US law), or when the beloved Republicans want to reduce government by spying on everyone, or when the Republican limited-government, check-and-balance heroes want to turn a blind eye to signing statements, or EOs, or whatever, then, it SHOULD NOT apply. Or when those Republican Conservative non-nation-building sovereignists decide to go to war without a declaration from congress, it should NOT apply.

Way to go Dix. Hackery at its finest.
You, on the other hand, like to cherry pick when the Constitution should and should not apply.

It SHOULD apply to gun owners in DC, but SHOULD NOT apply when looking at the Geneva Accords (remember, Constitutionally, when a treaty is signed, it becomes US law), or when the beloved Republicans want to reduce government by spying on everyone, or when the Republican limited-government, check-and-balance heroes want to turn a blind eye to signing statements, or EOs, or whatever, then, it SHOULD NOT apply. Or when those Republican Conservative non-nation-building sovereignists decide to go to war without a declaration from congress, it should NOT apply.

Way to go Dix. Hackery at its finest.

No, it should apply always. I have never argued otherwise. You are a dumbass. The Geneva Convention does not apply to terrorists without a country, it is specifically designed to apply to countries at war, not terrorist thugs who have no flag or uniform. Everyone is not being spied on, just the terrorist thugs, who once again, do not enjoy Constitutional rights. I'm not sure what "signing statements" and "EOs" mean, but I suspect it is more of the same petty bitching which doesn't relate to the Constitution, and is just your way of venting.

In any event, none of this has a thing to do with the thread topic, which is how wound up pinheads get over FISA. Of course, you demonstrate how wound up they get over denying terrorist thugs protection under Geneva and the Consitution, it's part and parcel of the same thing. You act like TERRORISTS are normal hard-working American Pinheads, and Bush is just running roughshod over their rights while we Neocons turn a blind eye... oh, the humanity...

Let me tell you something, shit-for-brains, if it wasn't for us Neocons, you'd all be studying your Qaran or trying to find your idiotic mush-filled heads. Because the last thing a liberal understands is how to combat an enemy, unless they have a fucking R beside their name!
1. Not everybody could vote according to the original constitution. Of that 3 million, how many owned the required amount of property?

Proof that the USA was founded by elitists.