The FL stand-your-ground shooting. Why won't blacks obey parking laws?

1. I never said that the shooter didn't believe he was in danger
2. it is indeed my choice to make, just as you assume it's your choice to make in cases of people involved with police aggression or brutality
3. should a case ever be brought to trial, it will indeed be a choice made by the 6 or 12 person jury.

My viewpoint is based entirely upon what I see in the video and not what a reasonable person might believe at the time. However, if I were a prosecutor, i'd have no problem bringing charges against the shooter.

2. Not unless you were the one being shoved.

3. To determine whether or not the person felt his life was in danger would mean you'd have to be able to read his mind. Can you do that?
To think you can read someone's mind makes you the stupid fuckwit. Being born what you are automatically made you inferior.

And that's what the stupidass law says jurors must do, read someone's mind and decide if they were in fear of losing their life or not.

To think you can write a law requiring jurors to read someone's mind makes america the stupid fuckwit.
And that's what the stupidass law says jurors must do, read someone's mind and decide if they were in fear of losing their life or not.

To think you can write a law requiring jurors to read someone's mind makes america the stupid fuckwit.

Then why all the uproar about the one doing the shooting doing so because HE though his life was in danger.
I'm going on what he SAID. Since he's the only one that can make the determination of a life threat and said he was, I accept his ANSWER.

Bwa ha ha ha ha, sure, sure. You read his mind and concurred cornpone.

What a dishonest and intellectually vacuous fuckwit, you got yourself painted into a corner and caved.
Bwa ha ha ha ha, sure, sure. You read his mind and concurred cornpone.

What a dishonest and intellectually vacuous fuckwit, you got yourself painted into a corner and caved.

I listened to what he SAID. Maybe your inherently inferior existence keeps you from understanding the difference.

By the way, the local police department agree with what he SAID. Just another black thug that thought he could push around others getting his due. Apparently he didn't learn anything from Trayvon and Michael Brown being stupid thugs. Some people simply can't learn. Maybe training them like a monkey would work better.