The following individuals/groups have endorsed Gary Johnson for President in 2012

Good lord. He got elected in a State with more sheep than people...........hmmmmm sheep......:megusta:
sheeple** won't vote for Johnson. They're stuck into the duopoly mindset,

** (The compression of two words, sheep and people, to form one word meaning a mass of ignorant, unoriginal humans that herd together and follow mindlessly)
I will vote for Johnson if he starts polling 25%. At that point, he could have enough momentum to conceivably take the White House on election day in a three-way race.

In other words, I won't be voting for Gary Johnson. I understand the concept, having voted third-party in the past, but I don't see what good it'll do for the country in this election. Too much is at stake, and contrary to what many libertarians claim, the differences between Obama and Romney are vast. Sorry if I come across as a douche on the subject...that's just my opinion.
I will vote for Johnson if he starts polling 25%. At that point, he could have enough momentum to conceivably take the White House on election day in a three-way race.

In other words, I won't be voting for Gary Johnson. I understand the concept, having voted third-party in the past, but I don't see what good it'll do for the country in this election. Too much is at stake, and contrary to what many libertarians claim, the differences between Obama and Romney are vast. Sorry if I come across as a douche on the subject...that's just my opinion.

And when Obama wins and you voted for Romney anyways, how will that make you feel?
And when Obama wins and you voted for Romney anyways, how will that make you feel?

If Obama wins, it will be a close call and a battle well fought. Besides, I could just as easily pose the same question. Voting for Johnson will certainly not produce the results you like; how will you feel when he fails to garner 1% of the vote?
If Obama wins, it will be a close call and a battle well fought. Besides, I could just as easily pose the same question. Voting for Johnson will certainly not produce the results you like; how will you feel when he fails to garner 1% of the vote?

Pretty good, considering he's the candidate I wanted to vote for anyways.
Yes he was. Johnson was the only 2 term republican governor of New Mexico in a state that registered Dems out number Registered Repubs 2:1

Democrats sometimes do very well in registrations in ways that don't reflect their actual support in the state. The popularity of Democrats:Republicans in New Mexico is nowhere close to 2:1, no matter what the registrations say. This was also in the late 90's, which was a great time for Republicans, as the big issues of the day were "get tough" criminal policy and lower taxes.
so he is the Ron Paul of several years ago?

I'm pretty sure Ron Paul is more of a hardcore Libertarian. He was sort of a competitor with Ron Paul in 2012, but never got close to RP's popularity. He also didn't run in 2008, and I'm pretty sure Ron Paul has a longer history as a political candidate (although he did have a decade long break from politics after his presidential run on the LP ticket in 1988).
Likewise. I disagree with Romney on some issues, but I am excited about the possibility of the former CEO of one of the US' most successful companies becoming President.

Maybe it's because I have an awesome job and options in fields that will never go away, but the economy isn't the biggest long term issue to me. A) there is little that can be done to have a dramatic impact, and B) the economic circumstances, good or bad, will not last near as long as poor rulings and statues when it comes to civil liberties. Recessions and depressions are part of the capitalist system, but tyranny is far more permanent.
Maybe it's because I have an awesome job and options in fields that will never go away, but the economy isn't the biggest long term issue to me. A) there is little that can be done to have a dramatic impact, and B) the economic circumstances, good or bad, will not last near as long as poor rulings and statues when it comes to civil liberties. Recessions and depressions are part of the capitalist system, but tyranny is far more permanent.

I honestly fear that Obama's precedents are going to stay that way for a long time to come. Now that it's been done, someone's going to have to spend a lot of political capital to undo it.