The Future of Gas Stoves in New York

Yep...they sometimes still pretend to care what we think, and they do put a lot of energy into Mind Molding aka brain washing....but at the end of the day what the people think is not relevant....they are only working to delay the need to use violence and brute force against us....the Mind Molding purpose to make make controlling us easier.

Wake the fuck up people, your ignorance is embarrassing.
Everything can be dangerous to kids and that’s the parents job to protect them, not the governments

Them days are over.....our masters will decide what happens to the kids not parents.

Conservatives really do need to wake up and smell the coffee, this multi decade record of their failure has doomed us to a brutal future.
Energy monitoring and rationing and punishment when the Regime decides to hurt us will be constant.

Man, I will make BANK bypassing that bullshit for people! Imagine, I come in and make the regime's thermostat read what the regime wants it to read, while all the while the ACTUAL thermostat running the system for a house is cycling on and off at the temperature the owner finds comfortable to them. There's no way for the dictators to determine that it's being done either...
Man, I will make BANK bypassing that bullshit for people! Imagine, I come in and make the regime's thermostat read what the regime wants it to read, while all the while the ACTUAL thermostat running the system for a house is cycling on and off at the temperature the owner finds comfortable to them. There's no way for the dictators to determine that it's being done either...

Fine, but if/when you get caught your life will be ruined. If your crimes are considered bad enough maybe your family will get fucked as well, as a lesson to the others that orders will be obeyed.

If you suffer so much the better, they like that.

The Suicide Cult is Anti-Human

They are sadists.
Fine, but if/when you get caught your life will be ruined. If your crimes are considered bad enough maybe your family will get fucked as well, as a lesson to the others that orders will be obeyed.

If you suffer so much the better, they like that.

The Suicide Cult is Anti-Human

They are sadists.

We aren't at North Korea levels of government--yet...
While I do really believe
in pretty much all of the science that tells us what we need to do
to save the environment for human habitation,
is it really worth living that way?

Why are we saving a place where it won't be worth living?

If we didn't stupidly fuck our way to a global population of nearly eight billion,
we wouldn't have to live like fucking Woodstock hippies just to survive.

We could still have a decent standard of living instead of having to give up all the things that we want.

I think that we're approaching it entriely wrong.
We should continue to do whatever the fuck we want to to do,

but just stop bringing new kids into a world that won't be inhabitable for them.

Seriously, there's no cogent argument to be made against my solution.

Who wants to live like a bunch of boring, albeit healthy, losers?

The deniers are totally wrong, of course, but is our ridiculous plan right?
I hardly think so.

Nature will decimate our numbers when they become too high.
When our government comes to take our freedom 97.9% of the time the excuse is SAFETY! .

Kindly wise the fuck up.

Stupid comment, no one is coming to take away anyone’s gas stove, all the regulations will be grandfathered in, which is usually the case when such events occur

The MAGA militia’s total abortion of freedom is laughable, they are the only ones that can turn an abstract concept into a bumper sticker
Stupid comment, no one is coming to take away anyone’s gas stove, all the regulations will be grandfathered in, which is usually the case when such events occur

The MAGA militia’s total abortion of freedom is laughable, they are the only ones that can turn an abstract concept into a bumper sticker

Yep on new construction
We aren't at North Korea levels of government--yet...

Rupa Subramanya: Canada On The Brink Of Woke Totalitarianism

The independent journalist

was put on a military-funded blacklist for her tweets

Americans tend to think of Canadians, when we think of them at all, as mild-mannered, agreeable, and nicer versions of ourselves.

But over the last several years we have seen Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, crack down harshly on his fellow citizens. In January 2022, Trudeau froze bank accounts of people who had donated money to protesting truckers, who he compared to Nazis. A Canadian military-funded think tank accused critics of the war in Ukraine of spreading “Russian disinformation.” And now Trudeau’s Liberal Party is pushing legislation that would give the government greater power over social media companies.

Because Canada has fewer people than California, and is hardly a player on the world stage, it’s tempting to ignore what is happening there. But we should pay attention because what’s happening in Canada is part of a broader crackdown in the West against free speech, and it may be a testing ground for policies likely to be implemented in the U.S. Indeed, just last week we saw California embrace the creation of blacklists of people accused of “hate incidents.”

Nobody has done a better job of covering Canada’s descent into Woke totalitarianism than Rupa Subramanya, a correspondent for Bari Weiss’s The Free Press, who we interviewed for this week’s podcast. Subramanya was the first reporter to debunk at length Trudeau’s unconscionable smear of Canadian truckers as Nazis. She wrote about Trudeau’s attack on freedom of expression online. And last week The Free Press published a shocking report by Subramanya on how Canada is reducing sentences for convicted criminals simply because of the color of their skin, even when the criminals themselves say racism had nothing to do with their crimes.

Canada thus raises the question of how kindness, agreeableness, and liberalism become their opposite.

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