The Gates of Hell have opened

Most of Biden's cabinet were unqualified for their jobs, and / or were incompetent at them once in the post.
Because WOKE is at war with competence and the constitutional government was a front for the actual government.....The Wall Street Mafia/CIA.

Competence in the constitutional order government was not just was unwanted.
Expecting documentation is unreasonable in a dark age as profound as this, where the citizens are prevented from knowing the truth as much as possible.
Actually, it's the ATTEMPT to prevent the truth from being known. It just takes a little mental elbow grease and patience (with a load of attention and common sense). Just saying.
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Actually, it's the ATTEMPT to prevent the truth from being known. It just takes a little mental elbow grease and patients (with a load of attention and common sense). Just saying.
I notice that your claims that you ignore me fail again.

I did notice the other day when you liked one of my posts.
I notice that your claims that you ignore me fail again.

I did notice the other day when you liked one of my posts.
Each year I put people back on track from the ignore list ... a "new start", so to speak. I noticed you commented on one of my threads despite being notified that you were on the list, so I put you back on. We'll see how it goes.
Biden is no puppet to neocons or anyone else.

And Biden meets with our national defense several times a week and is briefed on everything going on in our world.

In fact, Biden is the most informed person of worldly incidents as president than anyone else in the nation.

Biden is not going to invade any country that has not invaded our country or attacked our military first.

Iran may be financing some terrorist units, but they are not the ones that are attacking other countries, cargo or military ships, or military units.

What Biden is doing as Commander In Chief is, he is having our military attacking those terrorist organizations that are committing attacks of US Military ships and units.

This claim didn't age well...

Hezbollah is destroying Israeli troops occupying the high grownd of the Golan Heights in preporation of invading northern Israel. Egypt is moving troops to North Sinai in order to protect the refugees in Rafah. Jordan tribes are threatened to secure the West Bank. This is what happens when all your neighbors watch you blatenlly commit genocide.

This means all US military bases in the Middle East will be under attack, along with US and UK ships passing through the Bab al-Mandab Strait. Biden's failed attempt to win reelection will start a war with Iran. All the republican neocons of JPP will support and fund this insanity by cutting social security and medicare to give that debt money to the war machine.

Say, how ARE your Hezbollah "troops" doing? You get them all buried yet?
I have no idea, you’ll have to tune in, instead of watching Fox.
I was under the impression that Fox News was the best source of all the MSM, and is reflected in Fox News' top ratings. However, you imply that it is the worst. Could you tell me what is erroneous about the following typical news item?

I was under the impression that Fox News was the best source of all the MSM, and is reflected in Fox News' top ratings. However, you imply that it is the worst. Could you tell me what is erroneous about the following typical news item?

The Murdoch properties are Regime Media.

Something that you should have learned by now if you were going to be able to help.
MSDNC and CNN still outclass the three brainwashers you mentioned, and George Stephanopoulos can't handle a microphone because his hand melts all the plastic and rubber components.
No....serious people do not pay attention to those two jokes.

As you should know.