The Global Elite: Rigging the Rules That Fuel Inequality

insults in lieu of argument.... classic TD

How ironic that you whine about insults yet engage in them continually. Spare me your dishonest buffoonery.

Arguing with dishonest dunces like you is an exercise in futility as evidence by your moronic claims about taxes, wealth and inequality. It's obvious you haven't the first clue of what the debate is about and instead of admitting how ignorant you are , you would rather enter the never ending circle of stupidity.

It's the partisan stupidity that erupts from your fingers claiming that words like "without a doubt" or "I'm convinced" don't really suggest certainty in an effort to defend a lie.

This is why I don't like engaging dishonest hyper partisan dunces like you and instead just point and laugh.

Yes, you really are THAT dishonest and THAT stupid.

Dismissed Commander dunce; you never contribute anything meanful to any debate in your efforts to drag down the IQ level in any thread.
my point there was that you are a one-note insult machine.... that is hardly dogmatic.

but fuck you... I'm off to the beach.
It doesn't strictly have to be 90% - it could be 91% - or 93.5%. ;)

And why? To pay for a robust set of social programs, of course.

No, I don't own a business - which makes me perfectly qualified to comment on this since we don't want business owners deciding what their tax rate should or shouldn't be - that's for the rest of us to decide.

Business owners, if they are citizens, are also part of "the rest of us"
my point there was that you are a one-note insult machine.... that is hardly dogmatic.

but fuck you... I'm off to the beach.

Hey fag breeder are you for a 20% tax rate for those making less than $20,000 a year?

I mean that was the tax rate in 1950 and you LOVE the tax rates of 1950. So you say
Wrong again dunce; it is an admission that one cannot argue with an idiot. Your stupidity and dishonesty know no bounds. You really are THAT stupid.

So you admit you don't even have the brainpower to point out the flaws in the arguments of someone you consider an "idiot".

You must be one dim bulb to not even be able to hold your own with someone you consider "THAT stupid".
So you admit you don't even have the brainpower to point out the flaws in the arguments of someone you consider an "idiot".

You must be one dim bulb to not even be able to hold your own with someone you consider "THAT stupid".

Wrong again shit-for-brains; had you been paying attention, you would see that what I refuse to do is enter into a never ending circle of stupidity with a dishonest asshole, right up to your standards, who refuses to deal with reality or facts and ignores them.

A dishonest moron who, when caught saying something painfully stupid, then answers questions with new questions and then challenges you to prove their strawman claims.

So let's test your ability to argue the point; tell me how allowing the Government to forcefully take more of someone's income will create a more equitable wealth distribution....GO!
Wrong again shit-for-brains; had you been paying attention, you would see that what I refuse to do is enter into a never ending circle of stupidity with a dishonest asshole, right up to your standards, who refuses to deal with reality or facts and ignores them.

A dishonest moron who, when caught saying something painfully stupid, then answers questions with new questions and then challenges you to prove their strawman claims.

So let's test your ability to argue the point; tell me how allowing the Government to forcefully take more of someone's income will create a more equitable wealth distribution....GO!

Excuses excuses whiners always have such comical excuses!

I have been paying attention and what I saw was Y-O-U ignoring the topic to once again respond with more derisive attacks...your standard operating procedure.

If I thought for even one minute you'd respond to my comments with anything other than your standard issue derisive response, "you are THAT stupid", I'd take your test...

Only I and everyone else on JPP knows for a fact you CAN'T and WON'T respond with anything other than the same tired rejoinders.

Like I said, you must be one dim bulb to not even be able to counter the points raised by someone you claim is an "idiot".
Wrong again shit-for-brains; had you been paying attention, you would see that what I refuse to do is enter into a never ending circle of stupidity with a dishonest asshole, right up to your standards, who refuses to deal with reality or facts and ignores them.

A dishonest moron who, when caught saying something painfully stupid, then answers questions with new questions and then challenges you to prove their strawman claims.

So let's test your ability to argue the point; tell me how allowing the Government to forcefully take more of someone's income will create a more equitable wealth distribution....GO!

asked and answered. you just didn't like the answer.