The GOP: A Dying Breed


Republicans better get to work, because the teabaggers and assorted loons that have taken over their party are killing it.

The Republican Party’s troubles with young voters are well known. But a new internal report virtually elevates the threat level to apocalyptic, declaring that the GOP needs a “fundamental re-thinking” of its approach in order to remain viable with the younger generation.

The 95-page report by the College National Republican Committee, based on in-depth research by the Winston Group on voters aged 18-29 nationwide, warns of “a dismal present situation” for the GOP when it comes to Millennial voters.

“Neither technology, nor policy, nor branding alone will fully endear the Republican Party to a generation that has now twice broken for a Democratic candidate by historic margins,” the report concludes. “Yet a message and narrative that focuses on economic growth and opportunity cannot exist without substance behind it. [T]here are still many items in the Republican economic agenda that young voters have not been sold on.”

Here are some of the report’s starkest findings about the GOP’s challenges:

‘Closed-Minded, Racist, Rigid, Old-Fashioned’

Uncommitted young voters may not be enamored with the Democratic Party but they have a terrible opinion of the GOP.

“In the focus group research conducted in January 2013,” the report said, “the young ‘winnable’ Obama voters were asked to say what words came to mind when they heard ‘Republican Party.’ The responses were brutal: closed-minded, racist, rigid, old-fashioned.”

‘Couldn’t Care Less’

“We’ve become the party that will pat you on your back when you make it, but won’t offer a
hand to help you get there. This has to change in order to have a shot with young voters.”

The GOP’s focus on low taxes and pro-business policies has left young voters thinking “they will only reap the benefits of Republican policies if they become wealthy or rise to the top of a big business.” The GOP is at risk of being seen as the “fend for yourself” party.

Latino voters in particular “tend to think the GOP couldn’t care less about them,” the report said.

‘Stupid Party,’ ‘Errant Republican Voices’

Bobby Jindal was “absolutely right” to worry that the GOP’s mustn’t be the stupid party.

“The ‘intelligent’ brand (among other positive attributes) is seriously undercut by outrageous statements made by errant Republican voices that are inevitably repeated over and over in the media,” the report said.

‘The Most Extreme Anti-Abortion Position’

Being pro-life isn’t inherently a detriment to the GOP but far-right anti-abortion rhetoric has come to define the party and is alienating the younger generation.

“Unfortunately for the GOP,” the report said, “the Republican Party has been painted - both by Democrats and by unhelpful voices in our own ranks — as holding the most extreme anti-abortion position (that it should be prohibited in all cases).”

‘Anti-Gay Rhetoric’

In terms of being seen as “open-minded,” the report found, “we will face serious difficulty so long as the issue of gay marriage remains on the table.”

The solution? Promote “diversity of thought” and welcome a “healthy debate” on the issue. And: “We should also strongly oppose the use of anti-gay rhetoric.”

‘Turn Voters Away’

While immigration isn’t a top priority for young voters, “the immigration debate may set up a ‘gateway issue,’” the report said. “For voters who are undecided but have a connection to communities affected by immigration policy, the issue can certainly turn voters away.”

More broadly, “[t]he issue of the Republican Party’s challenges with the youth vote and the
party’s challenges with non-white voters are inseparable.”

Incredible, isn't it?

The kids are telling the old folks to grow up. Good for them!
Translation: Shift the GOP so far to the left that you cannot tell it apart from you Demoturds.

I think the more accurate translation is to ignore the extremists and get back to what the GOP does best, namely getting an honestly smaller gov't. That means getting away from the gay marriage issue, the prayer in schools issue, the teaching intelligent design issue, and other social conservative themes.

Present a party that actually is interested in fiscally conservative issues and they will carry the day.
This smells of Liberal hatred of the Right! The so called tolerant party gets caught with their pants down hating on Conservatives in the US. Now they want to take a bite out and try and criticize the Republican party with ideas coming liberal hate mongers. How Typical!

Of course the Demoncrats have used Political Correctness to call Tea partiers and Republican Conservatives names like Racists, bigots, homophobes, and a slur of others ranging from Woman haters to gay bashers. The problem with Republican party is not any of the positions we hold. It is how we frame the message and how to combat the militant attitude of liberal demoncrats in their flagrant use of Racist, Homophone, Woman haters, and others. We, as conservatives, need to fight back harder than we are doing. This posting illustrates that need to fight back all too well.
This smells of Liberal hatred of the Right! The so called tolerant party gets caught with their pants down hating on Conservatives in the US. Now they want to take a bite out and try and criticize the Republican party with ideas coming liberal hate mongers. How Typical!

Of course the Demoncrats have used Political Correctness to call Tea partiers and Republican Conservatives names like Racists, bigots, homophobes, and a slur of others ranging from Woman haters to gay bashers. The problem with Republican party is not any of the positions we hold. It is how we frame the message and how to combat the militant attitude of liberal demoncrats in their flagrant use of Racist, Homophone, Woman haters, and others. We, as conservatives, need to fight back harder than we are doing. This posting illustrates that need to fight back all too well.

A conservative and a republican are not necissarily the same thing. The sad fact is that the right has lost the dominant culture of the media, academia and pop culture which have all lurched left. The millennials have been propagandized at a young age. It is what it is and they deserve the misery that is about to befall them
This smells of Liberal hatred of the Right! The so called tolerant party gets caught with their pants down hating on Conservatives in the US. Now they want to take a bite out and try and criticize the Republican party with ideas coming liberal hate mongers. How Typical!

Of course the Demoncrats have used Political Correctness to call Tea partiers and Republican Conservatives names like Racists, bigots, homophobes, and a slur of others ranging from Woman haters to gay bashers. The problem with Republican party is not any of the positions we hold. It is how we frame the message and how to combat the militant attitude of liberal demoncrats in their flagrant use of Racist, Homophone, Woman haters, and others. We, as conservatives, need to fight back harder than we are doing. This posting illustrates that need to fight back all too well.
Y'all are not short of racist morons like yourself
Republicans better get to work, because the teabaggers and assorted loons that have taken over their party are killing it.

Goodie, goodie! Now as soon as the fucking Democrats get done committing suicide with Fast & Furious, Benghazi, snooping into reporter’s e-mails and using the IRS to intimidate leftwing enemies, maybe then we’ll get back to some “Constitutional Republicanism,” i. e. traditional American principles and values like freedom and limited government, huh?
I think the more accurate translation is to ignore the extremists and get back to what the GOP does best, namely getting an honestly smaller gov't. That means getting away from the gay marriage issue, the prayer in schools issue, the teaching intelligent design issue, and other social conservative themes.

Present a party that actually is interested in fiscally conservative issues and they will carry the day.

The GOP has no interest in operating a “fiscally conservative” government, they’re only interested in operating a BIG neo-conservative government. More wars, more Drug War, The American World Police Force, Wall Street Crony Capitalism, Militarism and the American Neo-Roman Empire.
Translation: Shift the GOP so far to the left that you cannot tell it apart from you Demoturds.

The reason you can't tell them apart is because we have a one party state, with two slightly different sects of that party to make it seem like we have a choice. And a media that does it's best to portray them as worlds apart.
I think the more accurate translation is to ignore the extremists and get back to what the GOP does best, namely getting an honestly smaller gov't. That means getting away from the gay marriage issue, the prayer in schools issue, the teaching intelligent design issue, and other social conservative themes.

Present a party that actually is interested in fiscally conservative issues and they will carry the day.
Oh please! Spare me the "Small Government" canard. Small Government to the GOP is government that provides for their needs and ONLY their needs and fuck everyone else.

As long as the GOP is a coalition of angry white rednecks scared of social change allied with plutocrats that reject the utilitarian aspect of governance, they are going to be in trouble as they will be seen as the party of bad and incompetent government.
This smells of Liberal hatred of the Right! The so called tolerant party gets caught with their pants down hating on Conservatives in the US. Now they want to take a bite out and try and criticize the Republican party with ideas coming liberal hate mongers. How Typical!

Of course the Demoncrats have used Political Correctness to call Tea partiers and Republican Conservatives names like Racists, bigots, homophobes, and a slur of others ranging from Woman haters to gay bashers. The problem with Republican party is not any of the positions we hold. It is how we frame the message and how to combat the militant attitude of liberal demoncrats in their flagrant use of Racist, Homophone, Woman haters, and others. We, as conservatives, need to fight back harder than we are doing. This posting illustrates that need to fight back all too well.
Dude....projection is not just a room at the cinema.
The title is not accurate.
What the op is actually telling liberal fanatics is
" lets kill GOP members and anyone who dosent toe the party line"!
Oh please! Spare me the "Small Government" canard. Small Government to the GOP is government that provides for their needs and ONLY their needs and fuck everyone else.

As long as the GOP is a coalition of angry white rednecks scared of social change allied with plutocrats that reject the utilitarian aspect of governance, they are going to be in trouble as they will be seen as the party of bad and incompetent government.
So kill em right?
And their kids!
Rape their wives!
That what you are saying?
The reason you can't tell them apart is because we have a one party state, with two slightly different sects of that party to make it seem like we have a choice. And a media that does it's best to portray them as worlds apart.
More bullshit. If you can't tell them apart it's because you think our political parties are monolithes instead of what they truly are. Two major coalitions of often disparate interests cobbling together compromises in order to govern affectively. Our political parties are not the problem. It's the stiff necked, rigid ideologues within the parties that are the problem.
More bullshit. If you can't tell them apart it's because you think our political parties are monolithes instead of what they truly are. Two major coalitions of often disparate interests cobbling together compromises in order to govern affectively. Our political parties are not the problem. It's the stiff necked, rigid ideologues within the parties that are the problem.

I'd like to ask you a question: When the Democrats are in power, do the conditions of the working class greatly improve? Do every boy and girl get a meal, a holiday gift and an education? No. Well, that must be because the Democrats need to compromise. That makes sense. But, wait. Is that even in their platform? Don't the Democrats want to use federal welfare to address poverty? Aren't they silent on generational poverty? Don't they support private industry? Don't they preside over a racist criminal justice system? Don't they cut taxes for the rich? Do any of their policies effectively address the problems of variations in school quality by region? Have they made any steps to democratize firms? Don't they take money from corporations, and give them taxpayer money in return?