The GOP Election Tapdance


Aren't they good? Can you just see them moving those little feets as fast as they can?

They are all coming out and announcing that things have to change in Iraq! Ohhhhh, wow, that's a brave stance. So the MSM, like the panting little lapdogs they are, take notes, and run back to their little offices and type out headlines such as "Powerful GOP Senator Breaks With Bush".

So, whatcha gonna do about it Mr. Powerful Senator? Uhh, nothing. But if I huff and I puff, and I blow smoke up the skirts of the press and get enough headlines, my constituents might think I'm doing something about it. See, I'm up for reelection next year.

You are one great American sir.

G.O.P. Support for Iraq Policy Erodes Further
WASHINGTON, July 5 — Support among Republicans for President Bush’s Iraq policy eroded further on Thursday as another senior lawmaker, Senator Pete V. Domenici of New Mexico, broke with the White House just as Congressional Democrats prepared to renew their challenge to the war.

“We cannot continue asking our troops to sacrifice indefinitely while the Iraqi government is not making measurable progress,” said Mr. Domenici, a six-term senator who has been a steadfast supporter of the president.

Thus Mr. Domenici joined a growing number of Republican voices in opposition to the war just as Senate Democratic leaders are readying plans to put the political and policy focus back on Iraq next week.

The Democrats intend to use a Pentagon policy measure to force votes on proposals limiting spending on the conflict and setting a timetable for withdrawing most troops by next year — an idea Mr. Bush has already vetoed.

Mr. Domenici made it clear Thursday that he did not support such measures either, saying, “I’m not calling for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq or a reduction in funding for our troops, but I am calling for a new strategy that will move our troops out of combat operations and on the path to continuing home.”

Still, within hours after Mr. Domenici spoke to reporters in a conference call, Senator Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat and majority leader, called on him to join Democrats and like-minded Republicans to bring the war to a close.

“Beginning with the defense authorization bill next week, Republicans will have the opportunity to not just say the right things on Iraq, but vote the right way, too,” Mr. Reid said, “so that we can bring the responsible end to this war that the American people demand and deserve.”

Mr. Domenici is up for re-election next year, and his views on the war are likely to figure prominently in the campaign. His turnabout followed similar calls for a new Iraq policy last week by Senator Richard G. Lugar of Indiana, the senior Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, and by Senator George V. Voinovich of Ohio, another member of that panel. Senator John W. Warner of Virginia, a respected Republican voice on military issues who is also facing re-election, has also been pressing the administration to shift course.
It's a bummer that the needless death & suffering of so many doesn't inspire them nearly as much as a fast-approaching election...
It's a bummer that the needless death & suffering of so many doesn't inspire them nearly as much as a fast-approaching election...

Well they know that they nor their families have nothing to fear from the death angle, but the election does effect them. I think we should make sure it effects them, vote them out of office.
It's all just talk, spin, and words.

Until they take concrete action, and vote for a defense authorization that includes limits on how long we stay in iraq, I don't put much stock in it.

I think at this point, they're just worried about re-election, and about saying the right things, so they aren't tarnished with bush's failed war.
Tell me again... just what is it that the all talk no action Dem led Congress has done? Oh thats right... they are tap dancing as well... just a slightly different tune
Tell me again... just what is it that the all talk no action Dem led Congress has done? Oh thats right... they are tap dancing as well... just a slightly different tune

When all is said and done, they don't have the votes.

If you don't have the money, you can't buy a mercedes. If you don't have the votes, you can't pass a bill.
Tell me again... just what is it that the all talk no action Dem led Congress has done? Oh thats right... they are tap dancing as well... just a slightly different tune
Well, with their very first law they broke their "pay as you go" promise, then they sat on their hands and pointed at Bush.

He is unpopular enough that they believe that it will continue to gain them seats in the Government, including a whole new branch.
Remedial American Civics 101:

You need 60 votes in the senate to get virtually anything passed.

You need 67 votes to over ride a presidential veto.
Yet, when the Rs didn't have those votes we got to pretend that they "owned" the house?

Remedial politics in the real world. They have majorities in both houses, they will be expected to do what they promised.
"Yet, when the Rs didn't have those votes we got to pretend that they "owned" the house?"

Yes... THAT was covered in Remedial Hypocracy 101
Yet, when the Rs didn't have those votes we got to pretend that they "owned" the house?

Remedial politics in the real world. They have majorities in both houses, they will be expected to do what they promised.

I never said the GOP had carte blanche to do whatever they want in the senate. If you recall, we had many discussions about the "nuclear option", and my position was, and always has been, that the minority needed the filibuster.
I never said the GOP had carte blanche to do whatever they want in the senate. If you recall, we had many discussions about the "nuclear option", and my position was, and always has been, that the minority needed the filibuster.
As was mine. It does not change the reality that they will be expected to deliver on their promises regardless of this. Just as the Rs were.

And this also ignores the myriad of people who constantly (some on this site) would tell us how the Rs "control both houses" why don't they just (insert whatever assertion here).

I understand that the shoe isn't as comfortable on your own foot. It doesn't change my assertion that expectations are high, and they are not delivering.
As was mine. It does not change the reality that they will be expected to deliver on their promises regardless of this. Just as the Rs were.

And this also ignores the myriad of people who constantly (some on this site) would tell us how the Rs "control both houses" why don't they just (insert whatever assertion here).

I understand that the shoe isn't as comfortable on your own foot. It doesn't change my assertion that expectations are high, and they are not delivering.

Oh, I agree that when you have the majority, you are expected to get things done - with or without a fillibuster-proof majority.

On the other hand, if one party is blocking an agenda that the overwhelming majority of americans favor, the majority party can campaign on that and ask voters to give them a fillibuster proof majority ;)
Oh, I agree that when you have the majority, you are expected to get things done - with or without a fillibuster-proof majority.

On the other hand, if one party is blocking an agenda that the overwhelming majority of americans favor, the majority party can campaign on that and ask voters to give them a fillibuster proof majority ;)
Right. Worked well for the Rs. ;)

You'll see, the "But they are stopping us!" defense doesn't work as well as you think it does.
Yet, when the Rs didn't have those votes we got to pretend that they "owned" the house?

Remedial politics in the real world. They have majorities in both houses, they will be expected to do what they promised.

having real trouble letting go of Bush Damo ?