The Government’s Road To Violent Revolution


Verified User
All revolutions come from the middle class, and then only when something has been taken away from them. The poor do not have the organizational skills necessary to foment successful revolution. The wealthy have no reason to revolt. In short: People never start a revolution to get something —— they always revolt to get something back.

Does anybody doubt that elected parasites are employing COVID-19 scare tactics to take every constitutional Right away from private sector Americans? —— not to mention abolish the original Bill of Rights along the way.



Armed protesters demonstrate against Covid-19 lockdown at Michigan capitol

Courtney Kirchoff goes to the heart of the matter:

Show of hands: who has suddenly understood preppers? Uh huh. Who has suddenly understood the need to be "off the grid"? Okay. Who has suddenly understood so-called "gun nuts" who say the Second Amendment is to fight government tyranny? Ah. If you think government hasn't been tyrannical, may I show you a couple of stories: Wisconsin police berate a mother and Dallas police issue a restraining order on a salon owner. Okay, bearing those stories in mind, here are people in Michigan protesting stay-at-home orders while carrying their (most-likely) legal firearms.

This is from an obvious anti-gun group. I don't care, because a larger point needs to be made here. If it's fear and intimidation for the PEOPLE to show up and protest while armed, what is it called when police offers show up to issue restraining orders or admonitions for paddle-boarding on the ocean, while armed? Think about it, don't get back to me.

Run through government's actions the last six weeks. Ignore COVID-19 for a second and look at the big picture. It's a mental exercise that matters, work with me here.

Are you telling me the government hasn't overstepped its bounds? Are you telling me putting people under house arrest for no good reason (the models are wrong y'all) and extending stay at home orders in some states despite COVID-19 being a dud, isn't the perfect example of the exact government tyranny Second Amendment advocates have warned about?

People in Michigan protesting while armed isn't a problem. What is a problem is police ignoring, if not stomping, all over the Constitution while taking orders from a government that is pissing all over the same Constitution.

The people should have more power than the government. That shouldn't be a controversial statement.

Quarantine Protesters in Michigan Show Up with GUNS
Courtney Kirchoff
May 01, 2020

This question should be asked:

How many government guns will kill Americans in the event of an all-out revolution?

Waco and Ruby Ridge provide a preliminary answer.

Let me elaborate for readers interested in the topic.

My observation begins with the government’s incremental philosophical march toward background checks; i.e., tyranny and the Second Amendment be damned —— law-abiding gun-owners must be disarmed in order to prevent criminals from getting guns.


Considering the Democrats in Congress coupled with long-serving senators, I doubt if nine conservative justices could balance the scale.

NOTE: Trump’s priorities need a lot of work:

Donald Trump Supports Expanding Background Checks; No ‘Political Appetite’ for Assault Weapons Ban
by Charlie Spiering
7 Aug 2019

Supposedly there are approximately three hundred million guns in the hands of private sector Americans.

The number of armed Americans willing to protect their Rights with a gun goes down dramatically because confiscation makes it possible with UNCONSTITUTIONAL BACKGROUND CHECKS.

Frankly, I would not be surprised if the number of government guns will be equal to private sector guns after a nationwide confiscation drive is carried out. Basically, picking up guns in their known locations is as easy as falling off a log because the police and the military will do it to one household at a time rather than attempt to confiscate guns from an organized resistance.

NOTE: Lest I be accused of fomenting violent revolution let me point out that a well-organized revolt is the only thing that will make the scum in government back down before the shooting starts.

My next observation is more practical than it is philosophical:

The government is after those guns they do not know about. Identifying the location of every gun is essential before confiscation begins. The government already knows the names and addresses of a substantial number of law-abiding gun-owners; so background checks for ammo is inevitable:

CA Lt. Governor Will Introduce Ballot Initiative for Background Checks to Purchase Ammunition
by Liz Sheld
October 15, 2015

NOTE: The total number of different calibers of ammunition must be much more than a trillion when you assign two dozen shells to every gun-owner —— 24 is not much when the shooting starts. That is why state governments are beginning to legislate against ammunition along with gun ownership.

Incidentally, how many movies and TV shows have you seen where a fictional character says his gun is registered, or a cop nails him for having an unregistered gun. The last time I did a background check on the Second Amendment it did not say:

. . . the right of the people to keep and bear REGISTERED Arms shall not be infringed.

Background checks has always been a backdoor approach to registration; so it comes as no surprise that Democrats want more BCs.

As I said many times, the government fears the location of the guns they do not know about. Confiscating guns is a little difficult when the government does not know where the guns live. In truth, media mouths have just as much to fear from law-abiding unknown gun-owners than does the government. Government stooges in the media must know that if Democrat gun-grabbers bring this country to violent revolution media mouths will be the first ones to get shot.

Never forget that if you own a gun and your name is on a list of any kind the government has that list. As much as I respect the NRA, there is no doubt in my mind the government has the names of everybody on the NRA’s membership roll.

A substantial number of Americans see no harm in background checks or a national registry. The problem is in convincing EVERY private sector American that they will lose a constitutional Right along with gun- owners. Bottom line: Americans who are being conned by Democrats are begging to die victims right alongside those gun-owners the federal government will disarm.

The sole purpose of background checks is to set up a data bank so the federal government knows the location of every gun. So how come not one media mouth ever suggested that the government must delete all records of every person after they clear a background check? (I am probably being naive. There is no way in hell the government will delete an essential component of confiscation.)

When you get right down to it, why should Americans believe anything government officials say about background checks when they lie all of the time?

You can believe the one thing government liars say. The police and the military will obey when they are ordered to confiscate all of the guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans?

Finally, federal control of the military, and local law enforcement, combined with confiscating millions of “background check” guns has long been a major objective for Democrats. Every shooting followed by more wall-to-wall media coverage might be enough to give Hakeem Jeffries, Mitt Romney and their kind the groundswell they need to legislate the Second Amendment to death without asking the pubic’s permission to abolish the Second Amendment.

No law is supposed to override the Constitution, yet every one of the more than 40,000 gun control laws on the books supersedes the Second Amendment.

p.s. If you could make one of two organizations disappear forever which one would you choose?

1. National Rifle Association.

2. American Civil Liberties Union.

Before you decide consider which organization is dedicated to the Second Amendment’s priorities. HINT: It ain’t the ACLU.
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. Thomas Jefferson


The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that ... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed. Thomas Jefferson


What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. Thomas Jefferson to James Madison

This country would be better off if Whitmer relied on Jefferson and Madison instead of paraphrasing King George III.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer slammed the protesters who gathered inside the state's Capitol building on Thursday to demand she rescind her stay-at-home orders, saying they represented the "worst racism and awful parts" of U.S. [COLONIAL] history.

"There were swastikas and Confederate flags and nooses and people with assault rifles," Whitmer said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union." "Some of the outrageousnesses of what happened at our capitol depicted some of the worst racism and awful parts of our history in this country."

Published 3 hours ago
Last Update 20 mins ago
Michigan's Whitmer says armed protesters displayed 'worst racism and awful parts' of US history
By Andrew O'Reilly

If you live in Michigan please tell your governor that:

Racism is an invented sin; a twentieth century crime invented by sharpshooters, race hustlers, do gooders and religious fanatics. Racism is an invented sin that became a crime. Hear me out on this before labeling me a racist.

There is no mention of racism in the text of any of the major religions, or laws, judicial systems, cultures, or anywhere else. Not one religious leader, philosopher, or political thinker ever heard about racism before the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century for one very good reason. RACISM DID NOT EXIST until it appeared when it was invented by race hustlers and dirty little moralists decades after the American Civil War ended.
Who in the hell is going to take the time to read that bullshit?

Always amazes me how these posters copy and paste long narratives off of overtly partisan websites and actually think anyone else is going to read them
All heroes in their own minds............

Wait till there is a pandemic to play a tough guy=bitches.............

Fuckin paper tigers will get what coming to them, I hope their families are prepared..
All heroes in their own minds............

Wait till there is a pandemic to play a tough guy=bitches.............

Fuckin paper tigers will get what coming to them, I hope their families are prepared..

This is where my brain is: Those who were not allowed to get skinned knees or hurt feelings in this life will likely fail to measure up under the load.

Just look at how many were medicated and often unhappy before calamity came.
Who in the hell is going to take the time to read that bullshit?

Always amazes me how these posters copy and paste long narratives off of overtly partisan websites and actually think anyone else is going to read them

So sorry to hear you have such a short attention span...
All heroes in their own minds............

Wait till there is a pandemic to play a tough guy=bitches.............

Fuckin paper tigers will get what coming to them, I hope their families are prepared..

Isn't it amazing with all those guns, not an iota of violence, yet when liberals often protest, violence breaks out. Hell, you liberals become violent protesting at Trump rallies. You have an answer for that?
Marxist revolutions don't come from the middle class. They target and destroy the middle class as their primary objective.

To TSgt: You are misinterpreting Democrats. You have to distinguish between a private sector middle class and a government middle class in order to grasp exactly what Democrats are up to. That is why you will never a Democrat say the words ‘Public sector middle class.’ or the words ‘Private sector middle class.’

middle class (noun)

The members of society occupying a socioeconomic position intermediate between those of the lower working classes and the wealthy.

More than any other group, American Communists have a complete understanding of the middle class. I will try to prove how and why Communists must transform skilled professionals into a government middle class.

First, American Communists —— the Parasite Class, or Democrats if you prefer polite terms —— fear a middle class revolution more than they fear anything else. Communists know that a violent middle class revolution is the only way they can lose political power.

Communists knew they will never lose political power in elections they rig. Political power taken by force is the same way Communists got it in foreign countries throughout the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century. Communist revolutions do not work here because well-armed Americans always despised Socialism.

At best, abolishing the Second Amendment was a temporary solution to Communism’s serious problem in this country. A permanent solution to Communism’s problem forced American Communists to fabricate social revolutions.

The Constitution (individual freedoms) stood in the way; so defining touchy-feely morality as a constitutional duty was the only way Socialists/Communists could gain enough political power to implement their worldwide agenda. Democrats still do it in the name of General Welfare and/or the Common Good. To date, Socialists legislating, and governing with morality, succeed beyond Karl Marx’s wildest dreams.

Tragically, the Democrat Party’s social revolution did, and continues to do, more to destroy a free people than a violent revolution could ever accomplish. Most notably, lower this county’s standard of living to the level of Third World shit holes by calling it equality.

NOTE: No downtrodden people, Chinese, Russians, Venezuelans, Cubans, etc., who got Communism from a violent revolution had anywhere near the freedoms Americans lost in a social revolution to date.

Second, there will always be a middle class in every society. It is only the size and loyalties of any middle class that changes from time to time. In America's case those loyalties shifted away from loyalty to individual liberties to support for government control.

After being indoctrinated by tax dollar teachers, the public sector middle class was supported with tax dollars in various ways: Well-paying jobs in unnecessary and bloated bureaucracies is only the tip of the iceberg.

Communists/Socialists in government turned private sector’s educated middle-class away from a love of individual liberty and into an ever-increasing herd of ravenous swine oinking for more and more tax dollars. I refer to teachers, print press & TV in particular (tax deductible advertising dollars), the Hollywood horde, and everyone else that derives the bulk of their incomes from tax dollars even though they are not needed to keep a minimum of necessary government running efficiently.

Communists/Socialists rely on tax dollars. That is exactly why they created an educated middle class with tax dollars loyal to big government, loyal to democracy, loyal to the U.N.’s tax dollar Human Rights, and every piece of touchy-feeling garbage useful idiots will buy. So long as the government-created middle class is kept happy there is little danger to the Socialist priesthood while they focus all of efforts on shrinking the private sector middle class out of existence.

Communist revolutionaries take wealth and political power away from one group or another and transfer it to themselves. Organizing the poor by defining their villain of choice as the breeder of every evil is a formula for loyalty to a cause that totalitarian revolutionaries use quite successfully.

There is one other point about loyalty worth mentioning. Communists/Socialists must pretend loyalty to any form of government that puts them on the payroll —— any payroll. Constitutional Republics, Fascism, dictatorships, military dictatorships, monarchies, democracy, you name it and every non-Communist government becomes a stepping stone to totalitarian government. Regardless of which form of government has to be overthrown matters not to the Socialist mindset; so long as they live well on tax dollars until they are in a position to forcibly impose their religion’s economic morality on everyone who opposes them. After all opposition has been stood against the wall, only the Communist priesthood will be allowed to accumulate wealth.

Here are a few professions that Communists converted into a middle class. They represent the organizational skills necessary to a foment and execute a successful revolution.

1. Lawyers are permitted to complicate the law.

2. Accountants are encouraged to continue complicating an already horrendous tax code.

3. Engineers design and build the infrastructure.

4. Doctors are paid to go along with Socialism’s Culture of Death.

5. Teachers are paid to teach the gospel.

They all do their jobs for the same two reasons:

1. Generate overabundant incomes for their professions, which is then laughingly taxed.

2. Stiffen loyalty to Socialism.

middle-class (adjective)

of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the middle class; bourgeois: middle-class taste; middle-class morality

As for the government’s middle-class morality: The faithful subjugate themselves and others to the tax collector’s morality. And for what? ANSWER: A seat at the public trough!

In fact, Communists/Socialists accelerated the process of taking wealth and political input away from unwilling, disenfranchised, Americans and gave them to politically well-connected fellow Socialists in order to enrich and empower them even further, and all the while trying to make it look like they love the children, and care for the aged and infirm. At the same time Communists open their hearts with tax dollars, they open our borders to illegal aliens from every Third World shit hole in the world.

In a truly representative form of government, an individual or a group of like-minded individuals can work within the system to get whatever it is they want; so long as they do it without taking freedoms and property away from everybody else. It may take a very long time to achieve a political goal, but that is how it is supposed to be done in a freedom oriented society. Conversely, Socialists/Communists short-circuited individual liberties with the XVI Amendment.

Finally, in time freeloaders like Obama end up in charge after they get a foot in the door. The most successful parasite that ever lived is no longer in office, yet his parasite policies like Obamacare are being enforced. Notice that Obama fed at the public trough from he day he was born while Karl Marx formulated parasite ideology without ever getting his own filthy hands on a single tax dollar.

Obama was the first full-blown parasite to openly preach transforming the private sector middle class into a government middle class. Handing the nation’s wealth to tax dollar parasites began a long time ago. Obama completed the job of making educated professionals and a large segment of highly skilled workers dependent upon tax dollars.

Socialists taking liberties away from non-parasites to enhance their own incomes was essential. The very people who were once dedicated to freedom and individual liberties for everyone now derive their incomes from tax dollars.

Incidentally, Obama once said there are a lot hard working people in this country. That is true, except that none of them go into government. The sewer rat deliberately refers to private sector workers and lazy government bums as one entity. He uses the same technique with the shrinking private sector middle class and the ever-expanding government middle class living on tax dollars. The media in the education/media/entertainment complex lets him get away with it. Were he to separate them in his rhetoric the public might start asking the right question. Why do lazy bums and parasites go into government?

p.s. Our Founding Fathers were middle class Britishers while they were Colonial Americans. The upper class lived in, and ruled from, England. Our Founding Fathers only became the upper, or ruling class, after independence was won. Thankfully, America’s founders incorporated their love of liberty ———and their hatred of government tyranny —— in their Constitution.

Something to keep in mind as one watches the California Middle Class get creamed.

To Hawkeye10:
Hardly surprising in a parasite state with a large government middle class and larceny:

What Is ‘Ballot Harvesting,’ And How Did California Dems Use It To Nuke The GOP?
Scott Morefield
5:14 PM 12/01/2018
Isn't it amazing with all those guns, not an iota of violence, yet when liberals often protest, violence breaks out. Hell, you liberals become violent protesting at Trump rallies. You have an answer for that?

Since you provided no links in support of those protests there is nary a way for anyone to reply to that...... & I am not supporting violence &/or threats there of by anyone... You wanna know about violence someone did, you probably should ask them.........:|

The question was asked why all the guns, did you answer that??
So many governors have thrown out the Constitution, have granted themselves "emergency powers" to override it. Make no mistake, rebellion against this abuse is righteous.
So many governors have thrown out the Constitution, have granted themselves "emergency powers" to override it. Make no mistake, rebellion against this abuse is righteous.

You are full of shit my dear, the constitution grants governors every single right to do as they have. So a big FUCKYOU
You are full of shit my dear, the constitution grants governors every single right to do as they have. So a big FUCKYOU

There is no "Declare an emergency then you can do what ever your want" paragraph.

If you imagine that there is, which one is it?
Who in the hell is going to take the time to read that bullshit?
Me. I've also read the entire Constitution, and the constitutions of several States. It's not BS. He's right.
Always amazes me how these posters copy and paste long narratives off of overtly partisan websites and actually think anyone else is going to read them
I know you depend on copy and paste, so you do not understand how people can form their own arguments.