The Government’s Road To Violent Revolution

Rebellion against this abuse is getting stronger with time as well.

Ya, but we have seen Bus Drives to UTOPIA before, and we have seen how much power has already been taken from the people and as well how feeble the people are generally.

Plus THE NEW CHINESE EMPIRE is coming to clean our clocks.

I am not optimistic.
Since you provided no links in support of those protests there is nary a way for anyone to reply to that...... & I am not supporting violence &/or threats there of by anyone... You wanna know about violence someone did, you probably should ask them.........:|

The question was asked why all the guns, did you answer that??

Google is your friend, as they say. Lots of proof, you may reply after a simple search.

To answer the (your) question,

"In Michigan, it is legal for a person to carry a
firearm in public as long as the person is
carrying the firearm with lawful intent and the
firearm is not concealed. "

There, I even did the search for you.
Communists knew they will never lose political power in elections they rig. Political power taken by force is the same way Communists got it in foreign countries throughout the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century. Communist revolutions do not work here because well-armed Americans always despised Socialism.

This 1:02:29 video is a variation of the same old bullshit ‘We’s all God’s chillun’:

Everyone in the video flat refuses to call the violence a Communist revolution, nor will they call demonstration organizers COMMUNISTS. Everyone of them spouts numerous definitions to avoid telling the truth. Or maybe they are so goddamned stupid they do not understand what is happening.

This is term that is the most sickening —— PEACEFUL PROTEST.

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

When in hell did assemble and PETITION become PROTEST?

I have a hunch taking guns away from a few criminals is another excuse for disarming law-abiding Americans.

You can bet your life that shooting down Communists like mad dogs will stop their revolution in one day. Sixteen million AR-15s is the most effective revolution-stopper I can think of.

QUESTION: How come Marjorie Taylor Greene and her AR-15 were not invited to speak at the government’s bullshit presser?


'Stay the HELL out of NW Georgia': GOP candidate sends video message to antifa rioters while holding AR-15
by Andrew Mark Miller
June 02, 2020 06:59 PM

ANSWER: It is not Green and her rifle that scares the shit out of Barr and Wray. It is her campaign slogan that puts the fear of God in every swamp creature:

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You can bet your life that shooting down Communists like mad dogs will stop their revolution in one day. Sixteen million AR-15s is the most effective revolution-stopper I can think of.​

Add in the number of guns recently purchased and the scum in government are more frightened than the rabid dogs they protect:

It’s entirely reasonable that law-abiding citizens are exercising their Constitutional right to purchase a firearm to protect themselves," NSSF Director of Public Affairs Mark Olivia released in a statement.

"Our nation’s elected representatives should take heed of where their constituents are on gun ownership today. Politicians who entertain notions of defunding police departments are the same ones who call for strict gun control and even outright confiscation," he continued. "These figures aren’t push polls. They are representative of Americans from all walks of life who are taking action and taking responsibility for their rights and their safety."

Data on the Number of Guns Americans Purchased in June Is Here and...Wowza
Katie Pavlich
Posted: Jul 01, 2020 3:30 PM
All revolutions come from the middle class, and then only when something has been taken away from them. The poor do not have the organizational skills necessary to foment successful revolution. The wealthy have no reason to revolt. In short: People never start a revolution to get something —— they always revolt to get something back.

Does anybody doubt that elected parasites are employing COVID-19 scare tactics to take every constitutional Right away from private sector Americans? —— not to mention abolish the original Bill of Rights along the way.

Courtney Kirchoff goes to the heart of the matter:

Show of hands: who has suddenly understood preppers? Uh huh. Who has suddenly understood the need to be "off the grid"? Okay. Who has suddenly understood so-called "gun nuts" who say the Second Amendment is to fight government tyranny? Ah. If you think government hasn't been tyrannical, may I show you a couple of stories: Wisconsin police berate a mother and Dallas police issue a restraining order on a salon owner. Okay, bearing those stories in mind, here are people in Michigan protesting stay-at-home orders while carrying their (most-likely) legal firearms.

This is from an obvious anti-gun group. I don't care, because a larger point needs to be made here. If it's fear and intimidation for the PEOPLE to show up and protest while armed, what is it called when police offers show up to issue restraining orders or admonitions for paddle-boarding on the ocean, while armed? Think about it, don't get back to me.

Run through government's actions the last six weeks. Ignore COVID-19 for a second and look at the big picture. It's a mental exercise that matters, work with me here.

Are you telling me the government hasn't overstepped its bounds? Are you telling me putting people under house arrest for no good reason (the models are wrong y'all) and extending stay at home orders in some states despite COVID-19 being a dud, isn't the perfect example of the exact government tyranny Second Amendment advocates have warned about?

People in Michigan protesting while armed isn't a problem. What is a problem is police ignoring, if not stomping, all over the Constitution while taking orders from a government that is pissing all over the same Constitution.

The people should have more power than the government. That shouldn't be a controversial statement.

Quarantine Protesters in Michigan Show Up with GUNS
Courtney Kirchoff
May 01, 2020

This question should be asked:

How many government guns will kill Americans in the event of an all-out revolution?

Waco and Ruby Ridge provide a preliminary answer.

Let me elaborate for readers interested in the topic.

My observation begins with the government’s incremental philosophical march toward background checks; i.e., tyranny and the Second Amendment be damned —— law-abiding gun-owners must be disarmed in order to prevent criminals from getting guns.


Considering the Democrats in Congress coupled with long-serving senators, I doubt if nine conservative justices could balance the scale.

NOTE: Trump’s priorities need a lot of work:

Donald Trump Supports Expanding Background Checks; No ‘Political Appetite’ for Assault Weapons Ban
by Charlie Spiering
7 Aug 2019

Supposedly there are approximately three hundred million guns in the hands of private sector Americans.

The number of armed Americans willing to protect their Rights with a gun goes down dramatically because confiscation makes it possible with UNCONSTITUTIONAL BACKGROUND CHECKS.

Frankly, I would not be surprised if the number of government guns will be equal to private sector guns after a nationwide confiscation drive is carried out. Basically, picking up guns in their known locations is as easy as falling off a log because the police and the military will do it to one household at a time rather than attempt to confiscate guns from an organized resistance.

NOTE: Lest I be accused of fomenting violent revolution let me point out that a well-organized revolt is the only thing that will make the scum in government back down before the shooting starts.

My next observation is more practical than it is philosophical:

The government is after those guns they do not know about. Identifying the location of every gun is essential before confiscation begins. The government already knows the names and addresses of a substantial number of law-abiding gun-owners; so background checks for ammo is inevitable:

CA Lt. Governor Will Introduce Ballot Initiative for Background Checks to Purchase Ammunition
by Liz Sheld
October 15, 2015

NOTE: The total number of different calibers of ammunition must be much more than a trillion when you assign two dozen shells to every gun-owner —— 24 is not much when the shooting starts. That is why state governments are beginning to legislate against ammunition along with gun ownership.

Incidentally, how many movies and TV shows have you seen where a fictional character says his gun is registered, or a cop nails him for having an unregistered gun. The last time I did a background check on the Second Amendment it did not say:

. . . the right of the people to keep and bear REGISTERED Arms shall not be infringed.

Background checks has always been a backdoor approach to registration; so it comes as no surprise that Democrats want more BCs.

As I said many times, the government fears the location of the guns they do not know about. Confiscating guns is a little difficult when the government does not know where the guns live. In truth, media mouths have just as much to fear from law-abiding unknown gun-owners than does the government. Government stooges in the media must know that if Democrat gun-grabbers bring this country to violent revolution media mouths will be the first ones to get shot.

Never forget that if you own a gun and your name is on a list of any kind the government has that list. As much as I respect the NRA, there is no doubt in my mind the government has the names of everybody on the NRA’s membership roll.

A substantial number of Americans see no harm in background checks or a national registry. The problem is in convincing EVERY private sector American that they will lose a constitutional Right along with gun- owners. Bottom line: Americans who are being conned by Democrats are begging to die victims right alongside those gun-owners the federal government will disarm.

The sole purpose of background checks is to set up a data bank so the federal government knows the location of every gun. So how come not one media mouth ever suggested that the government must delete all records of every person after they clear a background check? (I am probably being naive. There is no way in hell the government will delete an essential component of confiscation.)

When you get right down to it, why should Americans believe anything government officials say about background checks when they lie all of the time?

You can believe the one thing government liars say. The police and the military will obey when they are ordered to confiscate all of the guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans?

Finally, federal control of the military, and local law enforcement, combined with confiscating millions of “background check” guns has long been a major objective for Democrats. Every shooting followed by more wall-to-wall media coverage might be enough to give Hakeem Jeffries, Mitt Romney and their kind the groundswell they need to legislate the Second Amendment to death without asking the pubic’s permission to abolish the Second Amendment.

No law is supposed to override the Constitution, yet every one of the more than 40,000 gun control laws on the books supersedes the Second Amendment.

p.s. If you could make one of two organizations disappear forever which one would you choose?

1. National Rifle Association.

2. American Civil Liberties Union.

Before you decide consider which organization is dedicated to the Second Amendment’s priorities. HINT: It ain’t the ACLU.

Yawn. Shut up and get me my fries, kid. Your fantasy of standing in the streets mowing down your political enemies will remain just that. A fantasy. No one is afraid of a bunch of fat fucks showing off their guns.
Who in the hell is going to take the time to read that bullshit?

Always amazes me how these posters copy and paste long narratives off of overtly partisan websites and actually think anyone else is going to read them

Yes, we know you have a short attention span...
No one is afraid of a bunch of fat fucks showing off their guns.

To Concart: The people you call “fat fucks” include hundreds of thousands of combat veterans along with millions of women who know who to shoot. Put it this way. Did you ever see a woman miss her target?

More importantly, gun control politicians in the welfare states better realize that law-abiding Americans in every state have “. . . skin in the game . . .":

"We're seeing a lot of the new gun owners. Gun owners are really awake and on top of all that, with this COVID and all these riots going on, new gun owners are coming in droves," he said. "That may also affect a lot of things when more and more people who have been added and all that much for gun rights suddenly realized that there is something to it and they're now gun owners with skin in the game."

Virginia Implements Monthly Limits on Handguns
Stephen Gutowski
July 2, 2020 5:00 AM
To Concart: The people you call “fat fucks” include hundreds of thousands of combat veterans along with millions of women who know who to shoot. Put it this way. Did you ever see a woman miss her target?

More importantly, gun control politicians in the welfare states better realize that law-abiding Americans in every state have “. . . skin in the game . . .":

"We're seeing a lot of the new gun owners. Gun owners are really awake and on top of all that, with this COVID and all these riots going on, new gun owners are coming in droves," he said. "That may also affect a lot of things when more and more people who have been added and all that much for gun rights suddenly realized that there is something to it and they're now gun owners with skin in the game."

Virginia Implements Monthly Limits on Handguns
Stephen Gutowski
July 2, 2020 5:00 AM

Veterans can be fat fucks too. You keyboard warriors are the most feckless bunch I've ever seen. If you could kill us with harsh language and stupidity, you'd be very effective. Unfortunately for you, it just makes me laugh. I guess for you holding a gun lets you have something hard in your hand every once in while. Hope it makes you feel less impotent.
Hope it makes you feel less impotent.

To Concart: It is you and your kind that that turn to violence in order to feel strong —— but only so long as nobody fights back.

Did you ever see a woman miss her target?

Incidentally, Betty Davis was not impotent when she pumped six in the guy that pissed her off. That is the kind of woman we all know and love:

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To Concart: It is you and your kind that that turn to violence in order to feel strong —— but only so long as nobody fights back.

Incidentally, Betty Davis was not impotent when she pumped five in the guy that pissed her off. That is the kind of woman we all know and love:

LOL at you. I wasn't the guy that started a thread advocating violence. Grow a pair and stop whining. And here's a hint for you. IT'S A MOVIE YOU FUCKING MORON.
LOL at you. I wasn't the guy that started a thread advocating violence.

To Concart: Asshole. Try to grasp the difference between organized violence and SELF-DEFENSE. Self-defense applies in every instance. In short: Self-defense applies against an angry single individual attacking a defenseless victim, and against cowards like you that only attack in a group. Basically, millions of AMERICANS must unite together for self-defense in order to fight against organized groups that unite to kill for political reasons.


To Concart: Halfwit. Once again, you missed the point.

That is the kind of woman we all know and love:
No one advocates violence. It happens when one party decides to dictate.
Neither are you looking to make an agreement with a corrupt organization.
The phuz already knows!

If you are doing something illegal it's none of my business. I'm not a police officer.
I don't get paid for this. I have no desire to do some else's job. But the most important
part of this whole topic is. DON'T INVOLVE ME! ;)

I'll tell you polite the first time and if it gets unnoticed or mistaken as a weakness.
Now as nice as I can put it. I'm looking to azz rape your mutha
Yawn. Shut up and get me my fries, kid. Your fantasy of standing in the streets mowing down your political enemies will remain just that. A fantasy. No one is afraid of a bunch of fat fucks showing off their guns.


Cowboy draft dodgers & wannabies...........
To Concart: The people you call “fat fucks” include hundreds of thousands of combat veterans along with millions of women who know who to shoot. Put it this way. Did you ever see a woman miss her target?

More importantly, gun control politicians in the welfare states better realize that law-abiding Americans in every state have “. . . skin in the game . . .":

"We're seeing a lot of the new gun owners. Gun owners are really awake and on top of all that, with this COVID and all these riots going on, new gun owners are coming in droves," he said. "That may also affect a lot of things when more and more people who have been added and all that much for gun rights suddenly realized that there is something to it and they're now gun owners with skin in the game."

Virginia Implements Monthly Limits on Handguns
Stephen Gutowski
July 2, 2020 5:00 AM

There is that many in there?? :thinking:
The lawyer runs the business. He deals with the bank.The employees
go against him and he leaves. Now who runs the business? The truck driver in a suit. :seenoevil:

Violence is your last resort. What I can promise you is that it works.
There's always going to be a winner and a loser.

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent". This is a quote by Salvor Hardin,
a character in Isaac Asimov's Foundation. Salvor Hardin uses this saying to mean
that violence is such a useless option that only the incompetent would use it, and
even they would only use it as their last resort. Can you make a decision for me?
