The healing effect of eclipses and awe

Experiencing an eclipse will help reduce people's focus on the self and shift their attention outward.
Experiencing self-transcendent emotions like awe encourages prosocial behaviors and concern for nature.
Collective awe experiences can be especially important in an increasingly polarized and tumultuous world.
Awe is an incredibly important social emotion because it encourages people to shift their attention away from the self and toward larger experiences, encouraging social connection and concern for others (Keltner, 2023). Today, when people experience the eclipse, they will suddenly be focused outside of themselves (i.e., turning their attention toward the skies) to witness something that in terms of size and scale will dwarf them and their concerns. Moreover, many people will share this moment collectively with others (e.g., neighbors, co-workers, classmates), allowing them to simultaneously feel a sense of greater connectedness with others. Today, millions of people will stop and share a moment in backyards, on sports fields, in parking lots, and on sidewalks. This combination of "smaller self" with "social connection" can have powerful and positive effects where people are more focused on their shared commonalities than on their differences, which is especially important in an increasingly polarized and socially corrugated world.
Awe is an incredibly important social emotion because it encourages people to shift their attention away from the self and toward larger experiences, encouraging social connection and concern for others (Keltner, 2023). Today, when people experience the eclipse, they will suddenly be focused outside of themselves (i.e., turning their attention toward the skies) to witness something that in terms of size and scale will dwarf them and their concerns. Moreover, many people will share this moment collectively with others (e.g., neighbors, co-workers, classmates), allowing them to simultaneously feel a sense of greater connectedness with others. Today, millions of people will stop and share a moment in backyards, on sports fields, in parking lots, and on sidewalks. This combination of "smaller self" with "social connection" can have powerful and positive effects where people are more focused on their shared commonalities than on their differences, which is especially important in an increasingly polarized and socially corrugated world.

So is everyone setting aside the weed for the day and Gathering an unaltered state.... to witness this in group awesomeness? There are thousands and thousands here....
So is everyone setting aside the weed for the day and Gathering an unaltered state.... to witness this in group awesomeness? There are thousands and thousands here....

We know it doesn’t work on you sociopaths brains

Weed won’t even help you care about others

It’s how your Russian programmer writes your persona

This type of effect on the brains of humans has been scientifically documented and is why you and sociopathic leaders like your master Putin can’t process normal human brain functions

It’s why your evil ideas of owning mankind can’t ever win out


you always fuck up because you always underestimate the human population

All you ever accomplish is providing pain and suffering along with deaths

Things like the murder of children we are seeing done by Nuttinbuttayahoo

Then Mankind comes together and stomps your evil asses back into the sewer where you belong

Just move back into the sewer

sewer rat racist sociopath

Then when you can reclaim your families cement outcropping and you can sit there without a sore ass

If you don’t you will get kicked to the curb and then kicked down into the nearest sewer access where you belong

Your choice

Get your ass back into the sewer of society where you belong


Be placed back in the sewer where you belong with a double sore ass

The boot is coming for you humanity haters

No matter what you say or do

It’s over

You lost

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We are going to have a major AWE event today

The people who have been mind manipulated by the evil forces like top here will get a reset in their brains

The population is very tired of the concocted by Russia divide here

They are emotionally ready to kill people for Trump When he loses

This is their chance to reset their brains to stop hating

They have wanted to kill their fellow Americans and CONTROL THEM if they don’t obey them for a couple of decades now

It gets very hard on a human mind to stay in that distraction loop

They are going to lose

So it becomes clearer to even them that soon they will have to actually start killing their family members and neighbors like Trump wants them to for real soon

This can give them an out

Most would have never actually done this trump required killings

But they have promised to to it for so long that they need an out when trump actually loses

They will reset

I’ve been noticing a softening in the actual people I know who are trump idiots

An attempt to not be so caustic when speaking to me and other liberals

Doubt has crept into their fevered brains

They can have an excuse to reset what they believe

To re embrace compassion

To return to loving people trump has FORCED them to hate if they wanted to be seen as loyal to trump and “the cause”

This eclipse has come at a great time folks
Awe creates compassion

It creates a sense of “we are all connected”

It’s doesn’t work in brains that have no compassion and are sociopathic

Broken brains

You trumpers that were born broken won’t respond

Your numbers will plummet

People want to be out of your hate cycle

Unbroken brains that have just been completely fooled tire of hating their families and ex friends they have destroyed their relationships with

They are prime for an awe brain reset

Now what?
Experiencing an eclipse will help reduce people's focus on the self and shift their attention outward.
Experiencing self-transcendent emotions like awe encourages prosocial behaviors and concern for nature.
Collective awe experiences can be especially important in an increasingly polarized and tumultuous world.

Some people like Putin, Trump, and their cadre of cultish worshippers are too emotionally damaged to find joy or meaning in natural wonders or cosmic phenomena.
Some people like Putin, Trump, and their cadre of cultish worshippers are too emotionally damaged to find joy or meaning in natural wonders or cosmic phenomena.

Science has studied the effects

Go read the article

Major society resets have happened after eclipses

The awe inspires the human brain to reset

Become unentrenched in their thinking
Yes we know you hate science

And math

And history

And democracy

No i only hate moronic leftists. Sorry for the redundancy.

This eclipse is "healing" huh? Cancer is cured on the day of an eclipse right Mrs science?

Eclipse Inspires Awe, Connectedness, and Positive Outcomes
A solar eclipse has social and emotional, as well as celestial, importance.
Posted April 8, 2024

These conditions, which are grand in scale and exceed our normal frame of reference, trigger the emotion of awe, which is a positive experience making people feel relatively small in comparison to the universe around them. Awe is viewed as a self-transcendent emotion because it shifts people's attention away from themselves and toward others, encouraging a range of positive outcomes such as helping (e.g., Piff et al., 2015), experiencing greater humility (e.g., Stellar et al., 2017), and performing more pro-environmental behaviors (e.g., Jacobs & McConnell, 2022).
Thus, it's not surprising that experiences such as being inside a grand cathedral can encourage parishioners to feel small in a unique and magnificent gothic environment, which, in turn, leads them to experience the presence of larger divine entities. In this sense, religion often highlights each facet of smallness (e.g., one is physically small in a large church, one experiences spiritual connections to larger forces in the universe, one's daily toils seem inconsequential in the context of eternity).

It’s why churches build massive cathedrals instead of feeding people
Even for those without religious beliefs, there are many opportunities to experience awe. Indeed, people report experiencing awe through being in nature, through viewing art, or even when listening to music (Shiota et al., 2007). Research in our lab has shown that people are especially likely to feel awe on a daily basis when they feel that nature is an important part of their self-concept and when they feel relatively small compared to nature (McConnell & Jacobs, 2020).

Science you shitty russian bot holes