The healing effect of eclipses and awe

My idea of having Mr. Tiny Penis sending me his extensive collection of blow up dolls, filling them with helium, and releasing them just as the eclipse starts, would make believers of the atheist alt-lefties.
Thus, it's not surprising that experiences such as being inside a grand cathedral can encourage parishioners to feel small in a unique and magnificent gothic environment, which, in turn, leads them to experience the presence of larger divine entities. In this sense, religion often highlights each facet of smallness (e.g., one is physically small in a large church, one experiences spiritual connections to larger forces in the universe, one's daily toils seem inconsequential in the context of eternity).

It’s why churches build massive cathedrals instead of feeding people

Are churches lying when they build huge inspiring worship houses?
For the big churches it’s more effective to build show houses than to feed, clothe and house people

So yes

It’s real
My idea of having Mr. Tiny Penis sending me his extensive collection of blow up dolls, filling them with helium, and releasing them just as the eclipse starts, would make believers of the atheist alt-lefties.

Suck that hate right from putins cock to refill your brain with the flow of hate that inspires you daily

No matter how much jizz you lap up

You are still going to LOSE
Here you right wing idiots are denying awe doesn’t inspire humans To love life

All life

Not just their own existence

Religion exists because they can deliver awe and create a feeling of unity
We know it doesn’t work on you sociopaths brains

Weed won’t even help you care about others

It’s how your Russian programmer writes your persona

This type of effect on the brains of humans has been scientifically documented and is why you and sociopathic leaders like your master Putin can’t process normal human brain functions

It’s why your evil ideas of owning mankind can’t ever win out


you always fuck up because you always underestimate the human population

All you ever accomplish is providing pain and suffering along with deaths

Things like the murder of children we are seeing done by Nuttinbuttayahoo

Then Mankind comes together and stomps your evil asses back into the sewer where you belong

Just move back into the sewer

sewer rat racist sociopath

Then when you can reclaim your families cement outcropping and you can sit there without a sore ass

If you don’t you will get kicked to the curb and then kicked down into the nearest sewer access where you belong

Your choice

Get your ass back into the sewer of society where you belong


Be placed back in the sewer where you belong with a double sore ass

The boot is coming for you humanity haters

No matter what you say or do

It’s over

You lost


Looks like the eclipse had none of the effect up on you that you describe, Sock. You're just the same piece of misery as always.
Science has studied the effects

Go read the article

Major society resets have happened after eclipses

The awe inspires the human brain to reset

Become unentrenched in their thinking

Buzzword fallacy. No science here...move along...move along...
These conditions, which are grand in scale and exceed our normal frame of reference, trigger the emotion of awe, which is a positive experience making people feel relatively small in comparison to the universe around them. Awe is viewed as a self-transcendent emotion because it shifts people's attention away from themselves and toward others, encouraging a range of positive outcomes such as helping (e.g., Piff et al., 2015), experiencing greater humility (e.g., Stellar et al., 2017), and performing more pro-environmental behaviors (e.g., Jacobs & McConnell, 2022).

And you are still the same piece of misery, Sock.

This is why evil people seeking power and riches never manage to take over the world

Their brains are missing critical components of what makes mankind survive

They don’t understand the minds of the vast majority of humans


The need to love

The need to feel connected to others and their environment

You use hate of others to entrap the weak minded

It always works


Then it doesn’t persist

You can’t figure out why

Because you are completely INCAPABLE of understanding this worlds vast population that is running arround with completely functioning human brains

That brain function includes a mechanism that has kept mankind from blotting its self from the earth since our early existence.



A need to have companionship

Your hate formula expires after it is employed too long

There is just not enough HATE in humans for you to stretch it long enough to destroy everyone else

Yes in you there is enough hate for you to drag it around all your broken lives

But you are an aberration

A broken example of humanity

Yes I know you hate science and people who love that humanity won’t help you destroy everything

No science here...move along...move along...

It is YOU that discards and denies theories of science, Sock. You cannot blame YOUR problem on anybody else.

I'm not destroying everything, Sock. You are hallucinating again.
Are churches lying when they build huge inspiring worship houses?

They are using psychology. Why do you think judges are seated above the people who are in court? They are looking down on the small people from an exalted perch. religions were using psychology thousands of years before Freud too. They know how to make you feel smaller and less powerful. Huge churches make you feel small too.
When I was young and religious, Catholicism was a big deal. We had a big fancy church, but the overflow was held in the gymnasium. Something about basketball nets and lines on the floor diminished the power of the church.
want some awe?.......the sun is approximately 400 times larger than the moon.........the sun is approximately 400 times farther away than the moon.........if either was a different size or a different distance or if either the orbit of the moon or the earth were slightly different, we wouldn't have that spiritual moment for atheists to appreciate......ironic, isn't it......
They are using psychology. Why do you think judges are seated above the people who are in court? They are looking down on the small people from an exalted perch. religions were using psychology thousands of years before Freud too. They know how to make you feel smaller and less powerful. Huge churches make you feel small too.
When I was young and religious, Catholicism was a big deal. We had a big fancy church, but the overflow was held in the gymnasium. Something about basketball nets and lines on the floor diminished the power of the church.

Let’s hope this awe inspires some hearts to stop hating their own family because they won’t worship trump
want some awe?.......the sun is approximately 400 times larger than the moon.........the sun is approximately 400 times farther away than the moon.........if either was a different size or a different distance or if either the orbit of the moon or the earth were slightly different, we wouldn't have that spiritual moment for atheists to appreciate......ironic, isn't it......

Link to your claimed science

Did you forget you deny science all the time here?

You hate science

You hate math

You hate history

You hate democracy

So stop quoting scientific findings you Trump lie gobble hound