the Hillary bump...

I am hoping her bump is a cancerous tumor. Looks like she is getting ready to step right in Obamas shoes. I hear she takes weekends off minus the golf.


August 18, 2016 - "Donald J. Trumps support among white men, the linchpin of his presidential campaign, is showing surprising signs of weakness that could foreclose his only remaining path to victory in November.

If not reversed, the trend could materialize into one of the most unanticipated developments of the 2016 presidential campaign: That Hillary Clinton, the first woman at the head of a major party ticket and a divisive figure unpopular with many men, ends up narrowing the gender gap that has been a constant of American presidential elections for decades."

He is trying to morph into Hillary Clinton, he is backing off the immigration deal, never mentions the wall anymore, and is reaching out to "those people". Can Trump keep up his new persona? If so he might win.
He is trying to morph into Hillary Clinton, he is backing off the immigration deal, never mentions the wall anymore, and is reaching out to "those people". Can Trump keep up his new persona? If so he might win.

must be working.......Hillary is trending down....