The hillary effect on the Dem party

the perception in America is that hes a war hero with a life long political track record of opposing his party, crossing party lines, and being a 'maverick' in the pub party. What he is doing with bush right now is necessary political maneuvering required to win in NOV.

IM not defending mccain. I WANT to vote for Obama.. I just am calling it like it is. There is no way that Mccain = Bush.

OK, so you've got nothing. McCain's got a track record of pandering to whomever he feels will help advance his career just like he's doing right now.

Here's McCain's most recent position on the tax cuts:

McCain voted to extend Bush tax cuts. However, on taxes, the Arizona Republican voted to extend the full roster of Bush's tax cuts, which he opposed seven years ago as being tilted in favor of the wealthy.
OK, so you've got nothing. McCain's got a track record of pandering to whomever he feels will help advance his career just like he's doing right now.

Here's McCain's most recent position on the tax cuts:

Who do you feel in the Senate has been more bi-partisan than McCain?
OK, so you've got nothing. McCain's got a track record of pandering to whomever he feels will help advance his career just like he's doing right now.

Here's McCain's most recent position on the tax cuts:

id say now is not a prudent time.. in the midst of a recession to not extend the tax cuts. im thinking thats his opinion as well.

you can think what u want. bottom line Mccain does not = Bush. Most who are honest will admit that mccain is far more of a moderate.
id say now is not a prudent time.. in the midst of a recession to not extend the tax cuts. im thinking thats his opinion as well.

you can think what u want. bottom line Mccain does not = Bush. Most who are honest will admit that mccain is far more of a moderate.

He was more of a moderate before he sold out to Bushco.
That was then , this is now.
id say now is not a prudent time.. in the midst of a recession to not extend the tax cuts. im thinking thats his opinion as well.

you can think what u want. bottom line Mccain does not = Bush. Most who are honest will admit that mccain is far more of a moderate.

OK, perception is that McCain is a moderate, but perhaps you can point to specific policy positions that he has taken in this campaign that lead you to believe that. My position is that McCain is a classic pander bear with no core values that simply takes the position that he thinks will advance his career.

Hence, in 2000 he ran as a moderate against a mainline conservative in Bush and renounced people like Falwell as "agents of intolerance" because he couldn't run to the right. He then flirted with being a Democrat and possible running with Kerry because it would advance his career. Now he's running as a staunch conservative and is embracing folks like Robertson because they can help his career.

Again, please show me the specific policy positions he has taken in this campaign that are at odds with the Bush Administration. As for the recession as a reason to vote to extend the tax cuts that otherwise expire in two years, wouldn't a recession in 2001 be reason to vote for the tax cuts in the first place?
hes against ANY new tax increases.. that would include letting the current 10year plan to sunset.

now if you really want to get me to dislike mccain just talk about his social security plan. This issue alone makes obama look like the man compared to clinton and mccain

Obamas plan - donut hole.. start up SS tax again at 200+K
Clintons plan- raise the income that gets taxes. no donut hole
Mccain plan - Raise age to recive to 68 and reduce the benefits.. or make scam private accounts.
point is for me:

Mccain is no bush lite i reject that comparison the dems are trying to make.
Mccain and hillary suck compared to obama on fiscal policies

I will vote in this order: Obama -Mccain -Clinton.
hes against ANY new tax increases.. that would include letting the current 10year plan to sunset.

now if you really want to get me to dislike mccain just talk about his social security plan. This issue alone makes obama look like the man compared to clinton and mccain

Obamas plan - donut hole.. start up SS tax again at 200+K
Clintons plan- raise the income that gets taxes. no donut hole
Mccain plan - Raise age to recive to 68 and reduce the benefits.. or make scam private accounts.

So, even though he was opposed to the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy back in 2001 because they went to the wealthy and voted against them for that reason, and even though there were plenty of other proposals that allowed some but not all of the tax cuts to expire, it's consistent for him to now vote to extend the tax cuts he specifically opposed.

You're just trying to make up reasons that the guy is a moderate and distinguishable from Bush. On taxes, he isn't. At least any more.
So, even though he was opposed to the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy back in 2001 because they went to the wealthy and voted against them for that reason, and even though there were plenty of other proposals that allowed some but not all of the tax cuts to expire, it's consistent for him to now vote to extend the tax cuts he specifically opposed.

You're just trying to make up reasons that the guy is a moderate and distinguishable from Bush. On taxes, he isn't. At least any more.

I guess the easiest way to explain it would be:

Mccain is a conservative populist

Bush is a conservative authoritarian

totally different in my opinion. I understand why dems are trying to attach him to Bush.. i understand why mccain is reaching out to bush to get the conservatives lined up behind him.. just look at what its doing for his poll numbers.

But I dont think he has it in him to run the country like Bush.. they are polar opposite. Clinton is closer to each of them then they are to each other.
I don't have a problem with McCain veering right for the primaries. He won't govern that way, if elected.

Hillary & Obama also veered left for the primaries; if you're not sure about that, watch what happens with things like Iraq & NAFTA once they're elected....