The Iraq war is over

It is no longer a war folks its an occupation.

How do you "win" and occupation?

You leave.

Not if the situation will deteriorate. I guess you could but it would make everything you had accomplished up to now a waste of time.
"What have we accomplished?"

We have created a power vacuum that is a very dangerous situation for the Middle East, if we leave. That's just reality. It is so far beyond clusterf**k.

Just imagine if Bush had gone to the American people in his State of the Union in 2003 & laid out what would REALLY happen, and what kind of situation we'd create. "Here's what's going to happen: we're going to remove Saddam. Sectarian violence will fester. We'll create 4 million refugees, and over 100,000 innocents will die. We'll spend well over a trillion dollars. Here's the kicker: when Saddam is gone, there will be a power vacuum that will require us to stay well past my administration, and probably well over a decade & beyond.

Oh...and this will make us 'safer'."

War criminal. If I ever see him, I plan to tell him to go F himself, just like that guy did with Cheney.

Heres why Bush stays until the bitter end.

You see the meters on the oil rigs have been broken for years now. This means people can just take the oil and not py Iraq anything for it if its not metered.

They transport it and sell it on the black market.

You have to wonder who the "THEY" is dont you?

You tax dollars, Our brave kids blood for free oil for someone.

That is what we have gained Dillo.

Heres why Bush stays until the bitter end.

You see the meters on the oil rigs have been broken for years now. This means people can just take the oil and not py Iraq anything for it if its not metered.

They transport it and sell it on the black market.

You have to wonder who the "THEY" is dont you?

You tax dollars, Our brave kids blood for free oil for someone.

That is what we have gained Dillo.

hell---we all know what the talking points have been for years now---move on.
Facts never get inside your brain do they dillo?

Who is profiting from all this oil that is disapearing from Iraq?

What exactly is blackwater protecting in Iraq?