The January 6th video was devastating

I remember how Biden won the election because the media and deep state intelligence lied about what a shit bag he and his family is, even signing a bullshit letter attesting to it

now they are doing the same thing pretending Kamala isn't an extreme cuckoo San Fan liberal and not even forcing her to take questions.

I don't think it will work, but I don't expect you shit stains to cry foul either
Well I DO expect the assholes on the MAGA right to cry foul...or to just cry.

They are children who only know how to complain they are being treated unfairly.

I've got news for them...IF THEY WERE BEING TREATED FAIRLY...they would be getting a hell of a lot more shit thrown their way than is coming right now...BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT THEY FAIRLY DESERVE.
sure it does. this thread is about why someone's political career should be over - it was the very first sentence in the second paragraph

you can't come out and really claim you are for saving democracy anymore after the coup and anointing of someone nobody voted for, so you try to bring up some lame old thing to deflect on current events

I remember after the whole world realized the media and Kamala was lying about Joe's mental state, thinking her career was over just as his was
Poor, poor you. You are taking the ass-kicking Kamala Harris is giving you Fuhrer much too hard.

Calm down. Things will get better for you when you grow up.
What a grim reminder.

I remember thinking that day that Trump's political career was over. And Republicans in Congress were even denouncing him and lamenting that day.

Then, Fox & Carlson & others took over, and the downplaying of January 6th into a peaceful protest and "tourist" event took over. It evolved to the point where there were moments of silence for the "J6 hostages," and they somehow became patriots.

Trump called it a "beautiful day" and talked about how there was so much love - the video did an outstanding job juxtaposing that against rioters beating on cops and chanting "hang Mike Pence."

That was such a dark day - and now Trump is promising to pardon criminals who participated. That alone should be disqualifying. Literally, the only thing that matters to Trump is that they were fighting for him. He even said essentially that in his recorded call w/ McCarthy.

How can "law & order" conservatives continue to excuse this?
If only those patriots could have done more that patriotic day
Fortunately, there was plenty of security when white libs stormed the white house and tried to kill Pres. Trump, May 29-31 of 2020.

"Some demonstrators repeatedly attempted to knock over security barriers, and vandalized six Secret Service vehicles. Between Friday night and Sunday morning, more than 60 Secret Service Uniformed Division Officers and Special Agents sustained multiple injuries from projectiles such as bricks, rocks, bottles, fireworks and other items. Secret Service personnel were also directly physically assaulted as they were kicked, punched, and exposed to bodily fluids. A total of 11 injured employees were transported to a local hospital and treated for non-life threatening injuries."

What a grim reminder.

I remember thinking that day that Trump's political career was over. And Republicans in Congress were even denouncing him and lamenting that day.

Then, Fox & Carlson & others took over, and the downplaying of January 6th into a peaceful protest and "tourist" event took over. It evolved to the point where there were moments of silence for the "J6 hostages," and they somehow became patriots.

Trump called it a "beautiful day" and talked about how there was so much love - the video did an outstanding job juxtaposing that against rioters beating on cops and chanting "hang Mike Pence."

That was such a dark day - and now Trump is promising to pardon criminals who participated. That alone should be disqualifying. Literally, the only thing that matters to Trump is that they were fighting for him. He even said essentially that in his recorded call w/ McCarthy.

How can "law & order" conservatives continue to excuse this?
transing kids at school is worse.
I excuse it because demmycrats excused far worse all throughout the previous year in places like white-Walzed's Minnesota and Portland, Oregon......called them peaceful demonstrations as buildings burned and dismissed prosecution against thousands.......nobody is above the law unless demmycrats decide they are.......
Your lack of perception hasn’t changed PiMP. It’s still abysmal. Like it or not during the George Floyd nation wide protests, the majority of which were peaceful demonstrations, that sort of nation wide civil unrest is always pinned to the guy sitting on top. Who was Trump. Ya know as in in the buck stops here. He was held accountable for the civil unrest as not only did he not do anything to quell the civil unrest he intentionally aggravated the situation and that came back to bite his ass as ultimately, as the head of State, he aggravated the situation. If he had done what George H.W. Bush did during the Rodney King period of civil unrest and reached out to all stake holders to find a compromise solution then it wouldn’t have bit him in the ass. He then further aggravated it with his tacit support and backing of the Jan 6 insurrection.

So good luck selling your POV to anyone who has the wit to rub two sticks together who can easily see your illogical ad hominin fallacy for what it is. Complete bullshit. LOL
Your lack of perception hasn’t changed PiMP.
thanks CuNT......I take pride in being consistently right........if you want to talk about elected leaders ignoring violence let's visit Minneapolis and Walz refusing to take action while "peaceful protesters" set fire to the city.......
Forget him.

As for Tucker, he's right to call Harris a threat to Trump. Any rival would be who made the case as well as she did for the election being a test of America's founding principles of freedom and fairness and respect for others.
she is only a threat because she upended the normal process and the media is helping her continue this coup - she would not win a legit primary on the left

all her warts were ignored as the focus was on the person that was assumed to be the candidate
Washington DC is the exact right place to take complaints about a fraudulent election on the day that the fraud is certified.

And J6 was a CIA/FBI project.

Grisham even said the other night that Trump told her that it doesn't matter if something is true - if you repeat it enough, people will believe it.

"The election was stolen....the election was stolen...."

Trump is incompetent at the Presidency - but he's a master manipulator.
thanks CuNT......I take pride in being consistently right........if you want to talk about elected leaders ignoring violence let's visit Minneapolis and Walz refusing to take action while "peaceful protesters" set fire to the city.......
Yea well you also saw how your Messiah’s throwing fuel on the fire bit him in the ass politically too! LOL
she is only a threat because she upended the normal process and the media is helping her continue this coup - she would not win a legit primary on the left

all her warts were ignored as the focus was on the person that was assumed to be the candidate
Stupid assume who would be the candidate.

In any case, she is "the legit" candidate of the Democrats...and I think she is going to win the election in November. She may not have won any votes in the primary...but I watched the Democratic Party convention...and the people who won the right to select a candidate seemed to like her a great deal.

Anyway....what about thev BLM riots that took place over the summer of 2020. 35 people ended up dead, 1000s of police officers injured, 2 billion dollars worth of property damage. And guess what? Kamala Harris was up to her tits in it - personally cheering on rioters from the streets, starting up a bail fund to get criminal scum who'd been attested out of custody.

Now, what happened during J6 ? A black cop (illegally) executed a woman inside the Capitol building. The former (low IQ) specimen has since disappeared completely (in the equivalent of a "Witness Protection Program", I'd say). There were a few skirmishes between TRUMPERS and Police, but overall they were not really all that violent/bad. Some glass windows were broken on the Capitol Building ( but NOT 2 billion dollars worth).

Tell me pea-brain, what don't you understand about this....An insurrection is an ARMED revolt against a government. That's what 99% of insurrections have been over the past few centuries - ARMED revolts. That means the insurrectionist are all carrying FIREARMS. This was NOT the case on Jan 6th, 2021. WAS IT ? !

Do you GEDDIT ? Jan 6th was NOT an insurrection.


Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
What a grim reminder.

I remember thinking that day that Trump's political career was over. And Republicans in Congress were even denouncing him and lamenting that day.

Then, Fox & Carlson & others took over, and the downplaying of January 6th into a peaceful protest and "tourist" event took over. It evolved to the point where there were moments of silence for the "J6 hostages," and they somehow became patriots.

Trump called it a "beautiful day" and talked about how there was so much love - the video did an outstanding job juxtaposing that against rioters beating on cops and chanting "hang Mike Pence."

That was such a dark day - and now Trump is promising to pardon criminals who participated. That alone should be disqualifying. Literally, the only thing that matters to Trump is that they were fighting for him. He even said essentially that in his recorded call w/ McCarthy.

How can "law & order" conservatives continue to excuse this?
Reminder that an unarmed woman was murdered in cold blood on that day? I agree. Don't you love agreement?