The Jew Hating white lib LEFT ban Pro Israel speakers at Berkeley - Jew free zones

Nice twist. The United States was created and there never was a nation named Palestine.

The area was ruled by the Ottoman Turks and then the British before Israel became a nation.

The Ironic History of Palestine

Historic Palestine as we know it today is derived from a map drawn up by the British at the end of World War I—in particular by British Christians whose understanding of the geography of Palestine was largely based on the Bible, which, as we all know, is derived from the Jews.

So, it is the height of irony when we hear the militant Islamists of Hamas insisting that any compromise about the land that constitutes “historic Palestine” is impossible, for, as they argue, the entire land is a waqf, or Islamic trust, bestowed by God. Think about it: a border drawn by British Christians based on their reading of the Jewish Bible is now interpreted by Muslim fundamentalists as God-given and unchangeable!

But surely, for many centuries before the land fell into British hands, there must have been a country called Palestine, right? That’s what I was told by a group of high school students recently when I gave a lecture on the origins of the Israel-Palestine conflict. The students cannot be faulted for thinking that; after all, we all seem to accept the terminology of “historic Palestine,” don’t we?

In fact, historically, there was never an independent country named Palestine. There was for a time a Roman province named Palestine, when the Romans bestowed that name in the second century A.D. on an area that was previously called Judea, and which had been sovereign for a time. Having defeated the Jews in what the ancient historian Josephus labeled “the Jewish Wars,” the Romans then expelled the Jews from Jerusalem and renamed the province after the Jews’ historic archenemy, the Philistines.
The Ironic History of Palestine

Historic Palestine as we know it today is derived from a map drawn up by the British at the end of World War I—in particular by British Christians whose understanding of the geography of Palestine was largely based on the Bible, which, as we all know, is derived from the Jews.

So, it is the height of irony when we hear the militant Islamists of Hamas insisting that any compromise about the land that constitutes “historic Palestine” is impossible, for, as they argue, the entire land is a waqf, or Islamic trust, bestowed by God. Think about it: a border drawn by British Christians based on their reading of the Jewish Bible is now interpreted by Muslim fundamentalists as God-given and unchangeable!

But surely, for many centuries before the land fell into British hands, there must have been a country called Palestine, right? That’s what I was told by a group of high school students recently when I gave a lecture on the origins of the Israel-Palestine conflict. The students cannot be faulted for thinking that; after all, we all seem to accept the terminology of “historic Palestine,” don’t we?

In fact, historically, there was never an independent country named Palestine. There was for a time a Roman province named Palestine, when the Romans bestowed that name in the second century A.D. on an area that was previously called Judea, and which had been sovereign for a time. Having defeated the Jews in what the ancient historian Josephus labeled “the Jewish Wars,” the Romans then expelled the Jews from Jerusalem and renamed the province after the Jews’ historic archenemy, the Philistines.

Agreed on the history and how terrorists and their supporters try to spin it otherwise.

According to idiots like Ms. Moon, the Palestinian "nation" was thriving independently for thousands of years until the nasty Jews attacked and stole their land. LOL
Agreed on the history and how terrorists and their supporters try to spin it otherwise.

According to idiots like Ms. Moon, the Palestinian "nation" was thriving independently for thousands of years until the nasty Jews attacked and stole their land. LOL

The great irony is that the leadership of the Arabs of Palestine consistently rejected the two-state solution in the belief that they could have everything; the result was that they ended up with nothing. In contrast, the Zionist leadership—perhaps more desperate for a piece of land no matter how small and certainly more pragmatic—was willing to accept very little, and they ended up with nearly everything.

The British plan of 1937, for instance, awarded the Jews just twelve percent of “historic Palestine” (sans Jerusalem); the UN plan of 1947 awarded the Jews fifty-five percent (mostly the Negev Desert, however). But even those plans were entirely unacceptable to the Arab leadership, and they fought a war to exterminate the Jewish state just three years after the German effort to exterminate the Jewish people had come to an end. After that war, the Israelis ended up with an even higher percentage of the land. :)
The great irony is that the leadership of the Arabs of Palestine consistently rejected the two-state solution in the belief that they could have everything; the result was that they ended up with nothing. In contrast, the Zionist leadership—perhaps more desperate for a piece of land no matter how small and certainly more pragmatic—was willing to accept very little, and they ended up with nearly everything.

The British plan of 1937, for instance, awarded the Jews just twelve percent of “historic Palestine” (sans Jerusalem); the UN plan of 1947 awarded the Jews fifty-five percent (mostly the Negev Desert, however). But even those plans were entirely unacceptable to the Arab leadership, and they fought a war to exterminate the Jewish state just three years after the German effort to exterminate the Jewish people had come to an end. After that war, the Israelis ended up with an even higher percentage of the land. :)

Arab culture has always seemed to be backward in many respects. It explains why a little country like Israel kept kicking their ass on the battlefield.

It also explains the massive nuttiness of the Iran-Iraq War.
Oooh, lookie- a purple-pricked pervert and a Zionist Nazi both hopelessly wrong and agreeing with each other. Neither knows what comprises a ' nation ' .

Haw, haw,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,haw.

A nation is a community of people formed on the basis of a combination of shared features such as language, history, ethnicity, culture and/or society. A nation is thus the collective identity of a group of people understood as defined by those features. Wikipedia
Nobody can create ' nations '. Nations exist as a matter of historic development, the Sioux nation, the Palestinian nation etc, etc.
The UNGA cannot create states either and that was not the intent of UNGAR 181. What that Resolution did was to partition British Mandated Palestine- including all of today's legally-recognized states of Palestine and Israel - into a homeland for Jews ( Palestine had a small Jewish population ) and a homeland for Arabs. Many other states did not agree with Truman's recognition of the state of Israel in 1948 and they don't today. However, even the US did not recognize the Zionist land-grabs within Palestine which the bastards perpetrated contrary to international law and grossly insulting to all who had made a ' homeland for Jews ' legally possible. The Zionists were snakes from the outset- and their terror-gangs , Irgun, Haganah etc were war criminals.

Ben Gurion was a war criminal and his 'declaration ' was unilateral. Truman recognized it for American votes- against all advice.

Nation? ... you're being silly.

181 yep, and the Muslims refused to accept the partition, from the time it was written, they started a war against the Jews. Their refusal made res 181 legally non-binding and, null and void.

The Brits were legally authorized to create the nation of Jordan, and they did.

Nation? ... you're being silly.

181 yep, and the Muslims refused to accept the partition, from the time it was written, they started a war against the Jews. Their refusal made res 181 legally non-binding and, null and void.

Now you're talking tripe. Resolution 181 PASSED - despite Arab opposition. The self-same resolution which enabled a homeland for Jews enabled a homeland for Arabs. Of course, it was ALREADY a homeland for both before the arrogant Brits were persuaded by malignant Zionists to carve it up. Where do you get all this ' null and void ' crap from ? The facts are written history.

The Brits were legally authorized to create the nation of Jordan, and they did.


Jordan has fuck all to do with it. It's just another prosemitic canard by thieving Zionists who want Palestine ethnically cleansed of Palestinians. Good luck with that.

There will be a reckoning.
Nation? ... you're being silly.

So you don't know what defines a ' nation ' either.

Let me tell you- three dumbasses in a row may form a majority- but it's a majority of idiots. Read;

A nation is a community of people formed on the basis of a combination of shared features such as language, history, ethnicity, culture and/or society. A nation is thus the collective identity of a group of people understood as defined by those features. Wikipedia


noun: nation; plural noun: nations

a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.

So cut the crap.

Palestine is a UN-recognized state which is also recognized by 138 of 193 countries. Of course, it ISN'T recognized by the assholes trying to exterminate its population nor the assholes who support them. Tough titty- the law will prevail.

UN general assembly makes resounding vote in favour of Palestinian statehood

Overwhelming majority votes to recognise Palestine as non-member state as US and Israel are left to condemn decision

Condemn away, boys. You are done. All you have is the gun.
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It follows that Palestine- as a UN-recognized state- would be able to lodge its case against the illegal occupation with the ICC. And so it has. The investigations have begun. Good luck with trying to bribe and intimidate the judiciary.
Now you're talking tripe. Resolution 181 PASSED - despite Arab opposition. The self-same resolution which enabled a homeland for Jews enabled a homeland for Arabs. Of course, it was ALREADY a homeland for both before the arrogant Brits were persuaded by malignant Zionists to carve it up. Where do you get all this ' null and void ' crap from ? The facts are written history.

Jordan has fuck all to do with it. It's just another prosemitic canard by thieving Zionists who want Palestine ethnically cleansed of Palestinians. Good luck with that.

There will be a reckoning.

General Assembly resolutions and decisions have the same legal status.

General Assembly resolutions

reflect the views of the Member States,
provide policy recommendations,
assign mandates to the UN Secretariat and the subsidiary bodies of the General Assembly, and
decide on all questions regarding the UN budget.

With the exception of decisions regarding payments to the regular and peacekeeping budgets of the UN, General Assembly resolutions/decisions are not binding for Member States. The implementation of the policy recommendations contained in resolutions/decisions is the responsibility of each Member State. (Source: GA Handbook)"

It follows that Palestine- as a UN-recognized state- would be able to lodge its case against the illegal occupation with the ICC. And so it has. The investigations have begun. Good luck with trying to bribe and intimidate the judiciary.

As I told you, Israel is one of the nations that is not part of the ICC Rome treaty.

The PLO has observer State status, not full statehood. It is the PLO not Palestine: it has no borders.
As I told you, Israel is one of the nations that is not part of the ICC Rome treaty.

As I replied- you don't have to ratify your signature in order to be investigated- and judged.

You're a tad limp there with your repeats.

The PLO has observer State status, not full statehood. It is the PLO not Palestine: it has no borders.

Whoever is feeding you this crap is setting you up to look silly.
Palestine is a UN-recognized state. Full statehood follows. 138 countries back it. Political factions are not states, your source is nuts.
As I replied- you don't have to ratify your signature in order to be investigated- and judged.

You're a tad limp there with your repeats.

Whoever is feeding you this crap is setting you up to look silly.
Palestine is a UN-recognized state. Full statehood follows. 138 countries back it. Political factions are not states, your source is nuts.

Judged? Big deal. There is No legal authority over States that are not party to the treaty. That's the law.

"On 29 November 2012, in a 138–9 vote (with 41 abstentions and 5 absences),[66] the United Nations General Assembly passed resolution 67/19, upgrading Palestine from an "observer entity" to a "non-member observer state" within the United Nations system, which was described as recognition of the PLO's sovereignty."

"Many of the countries that do not recognise the State of Palestine nevertheless recognise the PLO as the "representative of the Palestinian people"."
Judged? Big deal. There is No legal authority over States that are not party to the treaty. That's the law.

"On 29 November 2012, in a 138–9 vote (with 41 abstentions and 5 absences),[66] the United Nations General Assembly passed resolution 67/19, upgrading Palestine from an "observer entity" to a "non-member observer state" within the United Nations system, which was described as recognition of the PLO's sovereignty."

"Many of the countries that do not recognise the State of Palestine nevertheless recognise the PLO as the "representative of the Palestinian people"."

There doesn't have to be authority over states. The findings of the court are published, the world community acts accordingly, individually or as the UN General Assembly.
The Executive Branch of the United Nations is empowered to take action against any state, whether it recognizes the court or not.

Also your reference to the PLO is meaningless. Palestine exists as a state no matter which political faction controls its government- just like in America.
There doesn't have to be authority over states. The findings of the court are published, the world community acts accordingly, individually or as the UN General Assembly.
The Executive Branch of the United Nations is empowered to take action against any state, whether it recognizes the court or not.

Also your reference to the PLO is meaningless. Palestine exists as a state no matter which political faction controls its government- just like in America.

Yes, there does.

Executive Branch power? .... Bullocks

"Many of the countries that do not recognise the State of Palestine nevertheless recognise the PLO as the "representative of the Palestinian people"."
Yes, there does.

Now you're just arguing for the sake of it. One last time- a state does not have to be subscribed to the ICC to be affected by its rulings. Why do you think that the Israeli fascists were mortified when Palestine was recognized by the UN and gained access to the ICC ?

Executive Branch power? .... Bullocks

What's that supposed to mean ? You don't know that the UN has an executive branch ? Chapter Seven Resolutions can be backed by military force ? You don't know that ?

"Many of the countries that do not recognise the State of Palestine nevertheless recognise the PLO as the "representative of the Palestinian people"."

A minority of countries do not recognize the Palestinian state. They are those which are beholden to the US , partners in crime, if you like. The PLO lost the elections to Hamas in 2006. It took a US-organized coup to keep our puppet, Abbas, in power in the West Bank. His tenure ended years ago. The US and the Israeli fascists act in tandem to prevent further elections because they know that Hamas would win by a landslide. Again. If you think that the PLO today is a shadow of Arafat then you are hugely mistaken.
Anyway- you don't have anything to offer other than crusty canards , long debunked and consigned to the prosemitic dumpster.
The ICC investigation of Israeli crimes continues. Palestinian support grows daily along with condemnation of Israeli atrocities. Palestine will be free of your parasites.
Nice spin thread.

It's deep in that splash puddle way that Corporate meat puppets do so well.

Impressive. I can't wait for the Jan 6th show of Republican passivist on this.

Bet it's a fucking special show of projection theater.
Nation? ... you're being silly.

Somebody's being silly, Bigdoggie- and it ain't me;

Almost 200 years ago, the United States made an obligation to the Cherokee Nation.

In 1835, the U.S. government and the Cherokee Nation signed the Treaty of New Echota, which led to the expulsion of Cherokees from their homeland and forced them to move West on the Trail of Tears, where one-quarter of the Cherokee population perished. But many don’t know that the Treaty of New Echota also guaranteed the Cherokee people a right to send a delegate to Congress.

Now, the Cherokee Nation is pushing the United States to make good on that promise.

Sign if you agree: The United States must honor its commitment to the Cherokee people.

You'll be signing, of course, unlike the ethnic cleanser, guno.