The Know-Nothing Party

"The main political argument was, “They attacked us, and we’re going to strike back” — and anyone who tried to point out that Saddam and Osama weren’t the same person was an effete snob who hated America, and probably looked French."

This is spot on. This, more than anything I can think of, defines the Bush years.

I had what I would call a healthy disdain for right-wingers prior to the Bush years, but what happened with the mentality of this country during the Iraq War, with all of the various characterizations & oppressive attitude toward dissent pushed by Bushies, turned that into something much darker, and more malevolent. I don't think I'll ever forgive it, or those who ran with it.

"Four legs good, two legs bad!” - classic

That is hillarious and it is exactly what Orwell meant! LOL
"“He’s not an intellectual. Intellectuals start all the trouble in the world.”

Another classic.

Noonan said some of the most clueless things about Bush that you could imagine between 2000-2005 or so. She said stuff like this all the time; some sort of crazy admiration for simplicity, stupidity and complete lack of intellectual curiosity.

At least she's had an epiphany of sorts. Her columns of late have been pretty critical of Bush, and the kind of person he is; she's even hinted that he may be somewhat deranged.

She's an idiot, though.

If she's an idiot, why read her?

Many of my friends on the left complain about Fox News and Right Wing Talk Radio to which I ask, rhetorically, why watch/listen to them?

My point being, if their audience goes away, then so will they!

In other words, I don't watch Fox News, I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh, I don't read the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal and I don't read the front page or editorial page of the New York Times (is there a difference?).
If she's an idiot, why read her?

Many of my friends on the left complain about Fox News and Right Wing Talk Radio to which I ask, rhetorically, why watch/listen to them?

My point being, if their audience goes away, then so will they!

In other words, I don't watch Fox News, I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh, I don't read the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal and I don't read the front page or editorial page of the New York Times (is there a difference?).

Liberals often watch things they find in bad taste, while conservatives will just watch things that agree with them. If the ratings people call just don't tell them you're listening to Rush if you want to hurt him. They can't actually know you're making his audience bigger.
The Know-Nothing platform:

The platform of the American Party called for, among other things:

* Severe limits on immigration, especially from Catholic countries
* Restricting political office to native-born Americans
* Mandating a wait of 21 years before an immigrant could gain citizenship
* Restricting public school teachers to Protestants
* Mandating daily Bible readings in public schools
* Restricting the sale of liquor

Sounds like something the Republicans would be very comfortable with.
If she's an idiot, why read her?

Many of my friends on the left complain about Fox News and Right Wing Talk Radio to which I ask, rhetorically, why watch/listen to them?

My point being, if their audience goes away, then so will they!

In other words, I don't watch Fox News, I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh, I don't read the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal and I don't read the front page or editorial page of the New York Times (is there a difference?).

How else can someone build up a sense of outrage? You're lucky, you've got some really fucking stupid right wing pundits, ours are piss poor in comparison. These days I can barely summon enough energy to murmur "pshaw" when some right wing twat has a spray in one of the national newspapers. We could really do with a Hannity. Not Rush, he's too funny and he's taking the piss anyway, but Hannity is a fair dinkum, dyed in the wool right wing ratbag and he would do wonders for outrage among the Left here.