The left ruins everything

so much amazing music is being made right now. I see it as you politicizing something that doesn't need politicized

I didn't write the editorial.

It is a fact that the music business in in decline, and has been for years.

Most musicians' income is paltry compared to what it used to be.

I doubt any musician who's tagged as conservative is allowed to participate anymore.

Ask Winston Marshall how that works.
Whatever the Left Touches, It Ruins

he only way to save Western civilization is to convince more people that leftism — not liberalism — is a nihilistic force. Quite literally, whatever the Left touches it ruins.

So, here is a partial listing of the damage done by the Left and the DEMOCRAT Party:

The most obvious — and, therefore, the one more and more Americans can resonate with — is the near destruction of most American universities as places of learning. In the words of Harvard professor Steven Pinker — an atheist and a liberal — outside of the natural sciences and a few other disciplines (such as mathematics and business), “universities are becoming laughing stocks of intolerance.”

If you send your children to a university, you are endangering both their mind and their character. There is a real chance they will be more intolerant and more foolish after college than they were when they entered college.

When you attend an American university, you are taught to have contempt for America and its founders, to prefer socialism to capitalism, to divide human beings by race and ethnicity. You are taught to shut down those who differ with you, not to debate them. And you are taught to place feelings over reason — which is a guaranteed route to eventual evil.

The Left has ruined most of the arts. The following three examples are chosen because they are scatological, a favorite form of left-wing artistic expression. Before the Left poisoned the arts, art was intended to elevate the viewer (or listener). But to the Left, “elevate” is a meaningless term; it is far more at home depicting urine, fecal matter, and menstrual blood.

In 2011, a lifelike sculpture depicting a policewoman squatting and urinating — even the puddle is sculpted — received an award from a prestigious foundation, the Leinemann Foundation for Fine Art.

In 2013, the Orange County Museum of Art in California placed a huge 28-foot sculpture of a dog outside the museum, where it periodically "urinates" a yellow fluid onto a museum wall.

In 2016, one of the most prestigious art museums in the world, the Guggenheim in New York, featured a pure-gold working toilet bowl, which visitors were invited to use. The name of the exhibit was “America” — so one could literally relieve oneself on America.

Thanks to the Left, the Philadelphia Orchestra, one of the greatest orchestras in the world, allowed itself to become of a voice of leftist hate. It featured the premiere of Philadelphia Voices, a political rant put to musical garbage. In the fifth movement, titled “My House Is Full of Black People,” the black teen narrator chants the following lines: “The county is full of black people/ All wanting to be heard/ While old white men draw lines on maps/ To shut all of them up.” Later in the movement, he yells, “If you would all just f***ing listen!”


On the left, that’s considered art.

And, of course, such politicization of the arts is accepted as the norm.

Indeed, that’s part of the Left’s poisoning of everything — its politicization of everything.

The Left is increasingly poisoning sports. In most football stadiums, one cannot attend an NFL game without being subjected to left-wing contempt for America and its flag.

So, too, one cannot watch late-night television if one desires to simply be entertained before drifting off to sleep. Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, and other hosts have changed late-night TV into left-night TV. Why be funny when you can use your monologues to advance your left-wing views?

The Left has poisoned mainstream religion. Mainstream Protestantism, non-Orthodox Judaism, and much of the Catholic Church — including and especially Pope Francis — are essentially left-wing advocacy groups with religious symbols.

The Left is destroying the unique American commitment to free speech. Almost half of incoming college freshmen do not believe in free speech. Instead, they favor censoring what they deem “hate speech” (merely taking issue with a left-wing position is, in the Left’s view, “hate speech”). They do not understand that the whole point of free speech is allowing the expression of opposing ideas, including what we consider “hate speech.”

The Left has poisoned race relations. America is the least racist multiracial society in the world. On a daily basis, Americans of every race and ethnicity get along superbly. But the black Left and the white Left constantly poison young minds with hate-filled diatribes against whites, “white privilege,” “systemic racism,” black dorms, black graduations, lies about the events in Ferguson, Mo., and the like.

The Left has made innumerable women unhappy, even depressed, with its decades of lying about how female sexual nature and male sexual nature are identical — leading to a “hookup” culture that leaves vast numbers of young women depressed — and its indoctrinating of generations of young women into believing they will be happier through career success than marital success.

And, in some ways scariest of all, the Left is poisoning our children with its commitment to ending male and female as distinct categories. One of the great joys of life, celebrating one’s sex, is now deemed nothing more than a hateful idea in many of your children’s schools.

For these and other reasons, if you treasure American and Western civilization, fighting the Left — something conservatives need to do — is the greatest good you can engage in at this time.
Remember this? Probably not. This "art" is the bed and detritus (garbage) from the artist's own bedroom on sale as "art." It sold in a London gallery for $4.4 million.

Here’s What The 'Woke' Left Is Looking to Ruin Next

Several in-depth studies conducted by Ivy League universities have discovered that far-leftists ruin everything that is wonderful. In fact, one such study revealed that approximately 89% of wonderful things that have been ruined throughout American history have been made worse by Marxists intent on preventing the rest of us from having any enjoyment in life.

Now, rabid leftists have found a new target: the Monopoly board game.This is not the first time these individuals have honed in on the game, which is sold by Hasbro. The Atlantic published an article claiming it is somehow racist. But this time, they are taking it further.

"Hasbro will change all 16 of Monopoly’s “community chest” cards to remove outdated concepts. The company said the classic versions of the cards, which included prompts referencing beauty contests and holiday funds, were “long overdue for a refresh.”

New community chest cards will focus on topics that emphasize “community.” Hasbro asked the public to vote on potential replacements, with rewards for in-game actions such as rescuing a puppy or shopping local among the options. Other cards would penalize players for forgetting to recycle or blasting music too late at night.

Hasbro’s chief consumer officer, insisted it was time to update the game to reflect a more socially conscious world. “The world has changed a lot since Monopoly became a household name more than 85 years ago, and clearly today community is more important than ever,” he said.“We felt like 2021 was the perfect time to give fans the opportunity to show the world what community means to them through voting on new Community Chest Cards.”

As you might imagine, the move is receiving plaudits from hard leftists, who are likely gleeful at the thought of turning a classic into yet another monument to their insufferable buffoonery.
If you dare to disagree with a leftist about anything, you're a racist. Don't you know that?

They should branch out more and make calling someone one an "artist" akin to calling someone racist. That way they could create a whole new panoply of words to describe people indulged in the manufacture of art.
Everything the Left Touches It Ruins. Now Add Science

The COVID-19 pandemic has hastened the left’s ruining of science.

This had already begun with the left’s attacks on “objectivity,” the most essential value in science — the very thing that makes science possible.

The left declares objectivity, which it now puts in quotation marks, a characteristic of white supremacy.

One example is that science departments in universities throughout America have declared their intention to hire physicists, biologists and other scientists based on gender and race, not scientific expertise.

A few years ago, all five candidates on the shortlist of applicants to the physics department of the University of California at San Diego were females, “leading one male candidate with a specialty in extra-galactic physics,” reported Heather MacDonald, “to wonder why the school had even solicited applications from Asian and white men.”

MacDonald updated her findings: “The dean of the Jacobs School of Engineering at the University of California, San Diego, pronounced himself ‘absolutely dedicated’ to turning the engineering school into an ‘anti-racist organization.'”

A recent example was the declaration by more than 1,000 doctors and other health care providers that despite all their previous warnings against public gatherings as health risks: “As public health advocates, we do not condemn these gatherings (mass protests against racism) as risky for COVID-19 transmission. We support them as vital to the national public health.”

Yet another example of leftism overwhelming medical science is the medical profession’s denial of the benefits of hydroxychloroquine and zinc in the early days of a COVID-19 infection.

That physicians, including the Food and Drug Administration, would label a drug dangerous that has been used safely for more than half a century, and by many thousands (such as those with rheumatoid arthritis or lupus) every day for decades, is a medical and moral scandal.

The medical profession has placed politics not only ahead of science but also ahead of saving lives.

It is difficult to envision the medical profession regaining its credibility in this generation.

The number of Americans killed by the medical boards, the pharmaceutical boards, the FDA and the CDC for not allowing doctors to prescribe hydroxychloroquine in the early days following a patient’s diagnosis with COVID-19 and outside of a hospital setting, and the number killed by the doctors who could but would not prescribe hydroxychloroquine, is likely in the tens of thousands.

Yale University epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch said, “Because we were blocked from using it (hydroxychloroquine) in the United States to the present point, at least 100,000 people have died.”

Based on the retracted study in The Lancet, the Washington Post headlined “Hydroxychloroquine Drug Promoted by Trump as Coronavirus ‘Game-Changer’ Increasingly Linked to Deaths.”

DEMOCRAT propaganda organs posing as social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter immediately remove any citation of a scientist who mention the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine.

A fourth example is the American Psychological Association, or the APA, choosing leftism over psychology in declaring, “40 years of research (show that) traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful and that socializing boys to suppress their emotions causes damage that echoes both inwardly and outwardly.”

The one good thing to come out of the APA’s pathologizing masculinity is that people searching for a competent psychotherapist for themselves or their child now have an easy method by which to identify the incompetent: Simply ask the prospective therapist if he or she agrees with the APA statement. If they do, or if they merely hesitate to distance themselves from it, you know you want another therapist.
In early October, Bright Sheng, a professor at the University of Michigan, screened the 1965 rendition of Shakespeare’s Othello for his undergraduate class.

The film starred Laurence Olivier, who was wearing black makeup, as the titular character.

Having no concern for context or artistry, the students revolted, deeming the film (and Sheng by association) racist.

As a result, Sheng temporarily removed from the classroom, and placed under investigation.

Michigan administrators knew that Sheng had done nothing wrong.

He showed his class a movie that cannot, in any sense of the word, be considered obscene, and Sheng obviously had no intention in showing the film to incite or endorse racial prejudice.

However, in the eyes of students and many faculty members, Sheng committed an unforgivable offense—he defied the “anti-racist” moral consensus that permeated every aspect of university life.

Because of this unforgivable sin, the only “just” option—independent of the law—was to cast him into the fire.

Thankfully, Sheng was able to return to the classroom without any penalty, but this situation did not occur in a vacuum.

Around the country, and in all types of universities, the anti-racist moral consensus has become as strong as binding law.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion programs now function more as civil religion than academic abstractions.

They demand complete faith, underlie every opinion and action, and result in punitive action against non-believers.

Any failure to toe the line will result in some form of censorship, whether it is legal or not.

The primary philosophical source for this civil religion is Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

While the founding fathers largely rejected Rousseau, educators and curriculum designers love him.

Rousseau was far from an anti-racist, but his predilection for censorship and authoritarian behavior make him a patron saint for modern social movements.

Rousseau, though often associated with liberty and democracy, notably advocated for dictatorship and censorship throughout his works. In Book IV of The Social Contract, he proclaimed that “just as the general will is declared by the law, the public judgment is declared by the censorship.”

The “censorship,” for Rousseau, was no abstraction—it was a tribunal of citizens that would declare what the public opinion is and subsequently apply it.

The shared moral opinions of society were of the utmost importance to Rousseau, and he believed that civil religion developed as a mechanism to ensure conformity to these moral norms.

Any diversion from this religion was tantamount to an abandonment of the community.

In some circumstances, this abandonment could even be considered a declaration of war.

If we view universities as miniature political communities under Rousseau’s social contract, it is no surprise that they respond to any challenge to their dogma with hostility.

Michigan is not the only instance in which a public university acted as a miniature version of Rousseau’s social contract.

In April 2021, the University of Oklahoma’s English department held an “Anti-Racist Rhetoric and Pedagogies” workshop designed to inform faculty on how to shut down dissent in the classroom without provoking administrators.

The webinar encouraged faculty to tell students, “no, you don’t have the right to say that. Stop talking right now,” if their dissent was “rooted in the oppression and denial of humanity and someone’s right to exist.”

This tradition of conformity and suppression has very little precedent in American culture.

Americans have generally viewed limitations on speech, constitutional or otherwise, as both morally repulsive and contrary to the principles that the Framers laid out in the Constitution.

Fortunately, Americans have their own philosopher to battle Rousseau and the academics who emulate his censors.

Nobody could think to accuse Thomas Paine of authoritarianism or dictatorship.

The man was as committed to democracy as they come. More importantly, Paine was an ardent defender of free thought and expression—in education and elsewhere.

For one, Paine clearly did not believe that education should be subject to any form of moral consensus, nor did he believe that government should control the process.

In fact, Paine proposed an early version of what would be later known as education savings accounts, which place the power of education in the hands of families.

While Paine never wrote a treatise on how a university should conduct itself, it is obvious that he would have sided with Sheng. “I have always strenuously supported the right of every man to his own opinion, however different that opinion might be to mine,”

Paine wrote in the introduction to The Age of Reason, “He who denies to another this right, makes a slave of himself to his present opinion, because he precludes himself the right of changing it.”

Nobody should have their lives ruined simply for showing a film that the capricious woke mob has suddenly deemed “racist,” and it is a good citizen’s responsibility to prevent the negative repercussions of mass hysteria.

For Paine, any institution that attempts to pursue truth, or govern others in any meaningful way, would have to recognize this right to free thought or risk becoming tyrannical. Universities—who both pursue truth and attempt to govern the students and faculty under their jurisdiction—are no different.

In their furious effort to dictate what speech is and is not acceptable, universities like Michigan and Oklahoma have embraced Rousseau’s censorship, and therefore tyranny.

If something does not change at a philosophical level, American students will be perpetually condemned to fear and intellectual suppression.

Change will not happen overnight.

Just as it took Rousseau’s descendants decades to take over the university system, it will take decades to take our universities back.

However, if brave students and faculty are willing to embrace the principles of open inquiry and free speech, as embodied by Paine, the process can both begin and accelerate.

The process will not be easy, and it will take personal and professional sacrifice. But as Thomas Paine said in 1776, “These are the times that try men’s souls; the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”
How do you define "the left"?

Are we talking about secular humanism? Because the beginning of secularism was the birth of the Renaissance in Western Europe, when people shifted from religious superstition to rational empiricism.
How do you define "the left"? Are we talking about secular humanism? Because the beginning of secularism was the birth of the Renaissance in Western Europe, when people shifted from religious superstition to rational empiricism.

Learn to read with comprehension and all will be made clear to you.