The Lincoln Myth

stop the all 'high and mighty' shit, because you brits were just as fancy about putting non whites in the 'property' category just as much as any other nation. In fact, you were pretty keen on keeping scots and the irish in that same category for decades.

Pretty sure Irish were never literally property. Scots, definitely not.
Pretty sure Irish were never literally property. Scots, definitely not.

Anglo Saxons, Scots, Scots Irish, and Irish were.They came from all over Britain and hundreds of thousands were forced onto slave ships and sent to America for over a century. They were working class and many were kidnapped from taverns and orphanages being children. Many were young ladies kidnapped from their families. They were white indentured servants, slaves to do their master's bidding sometimes for years after their required servitude. Many escaped and fled to the Appalachian mountains and helped form the hill billy culture.

Meanwhile, the king of England forced African slavery onto the american colonies against their will for huge profits for the British crown. The colonies, including the southern colonies opposed the African slave invasion. The British imposed it upon them as well as they did in the Caribbean islands.
I support taxes for everyone but The White Working Class....the class that has fought all of America's Wars, built this nation and who are the only class in America without any representation in Washington.

I support a uprising of True Conservatives who should have no limits on their terms as long as they remain true to the American Ideals of Truth, Justice and The American Way.

Limiting terms as some sort of remedy for bad government is an illusion........the problem lies in who is being elected...bad people constantly being elected cannot be remedied by term limits...if a foolish people keep electing bad people...the obvious solution is to elect the right kind of people. Duh

I support only government subsidies that help The White Working Class

I support Foreign Aid only for our true friends...of which we have very few.

I do support support abolishing the Department of Education, Health and Human Services, Agriculture, Energy, and Housing and Urban Development?

Sieg Heil Herr DumbFuck!!
