The main issue with Christianity

I was in the process of doing so, but Q-boy didn't want to play along because his perceived authority was being challenged. He then went into full dipshit mode because he wanted me to lose my patience with him and he succeeded. I'm willing to attempt going through the very same thought exercise with you that he refused to go through. First question (to grasp what your position is on the matter):

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "The God of the Christian Bible committed murder/genocide according to various Old Testament scriptures." Explain your position.

(Answered in my previous post addressed to you.)

Okay, unless you want to discuss my agreement with the statement you offered, it is my chance to ask a question. If you do want to discuss my agreement...we can do that before we get to my question.


It is my contention that a response to a question is not always an answer. (An answer to a question is always a response.) If a question like, "What is your favorite color?" were asked, "Red" would be an answer..."I do not have a favorite color" would be a response, but not actually an answer. If a question like, "Do any gods exist?" were asked, "My opinion is that at least one does" is a response, but not actually an answer.

MY QUESTION: Do you agree with my contention that one can respond to a question without actually giving an answer...and that responding to a question and actually giving an answer can be completely different things?
You seem to think a LOT of yourself. There's a bible verse about that. But I'll let you figure out which one it is. Maybe you'll get around to reading the Bible!
Ready to continue the thought exercise yet, or are you too afraid it'll expose just how little you know about Christianity?
The God of the Old Testament (who is the God of the Christian Bible) DID indeed commit murder/genocide according to all of the translations of the Old Testament that I have read.

The story of the exit of Hebrews from Egypt in Exodus is preceded by a major example of the Passover story. (The story itself has lots of faults and inconsistencies, but it actually celebrates the murder/genocide committed by the god of the Old Testament.
Perfect. We have now established your position, that the Christian God committed murder/genocide in various OT scriptures.

My first question in response to the aforementioned established position is as follows:

According to Christianity (the Bible), who created life?
Okay, unless you want to discuss my agreement with the statement you offered, it is my chance to ask a question. If you do want to discuss my agreement...we can do that before we get to my question.


It is my contention that a response to a question is not always an answer. (An answer to a question is always a response.) If a question like, "What is your favorite color?" were asked, "Red" would be an answer..."I do not have a favorite color" would be a response, but not actually an answer. If a question like, "Do any gods exist?" were asked, "My opinion is that at least one does" is a response, but not actually an answer.

MY QUESTION: Do you agree with my contention that one can respond to a question without actually giving an answer...and that responding to a question and actually giving an answer can be completely different things?
Yes, I agree that a particular question can be responded to without ever providing an answer to it. Those are two different things.

Examples of answering a question:
Q1: "What species is the fetus, if not human?" PA1a: "The species of the fetus is Canis familiaris (dog)." PA1b: "You are correct that the species of the fetus is human." Q2: "What does a fetal heartbeat signify, if not the presence of life?" PA2a: "A fetal heartbeat signifies that the fetus is dead." PA2b: "You are correct that a fetal heartbeat signifies the presence of life."

Example of responding to a question (but not answering it):
Q3: "What species is the fetus, if not human?" PR3: "A fetus is not a human being."
Perfect. We have now established your position, that the Christian God committed murder/genocide in various OT scriptures.

My first question in response to the aforementioned established position is as follows:

According to Christianity (the Bible), who created life? have a second question coming, but only after you respond to my first question.

So...please respond to that question of mine.
Please see my post #786. Thanks.

Oops, I did not go to that post before replying to the first one.

Okay. Those posts probably would have been better in reverse order, but... I'll respond to your second question.

According to Christianity (the Bible), who created life?

According to the Bible, the god of the Old Testament created life. My time as a Christian tells me that Christianity accepts that part of the Old Testament.

Reserving my right to a second question: If you do have a favorite color...what is it?
The leftists' preferred manner of EVASION, i.e. declare the question "stupid" and don't answer it. The question isn't going away. You are simply on record as having tipped your king.

It’s absurd, there is no addressing absurdity. I’ve seen your idea of debate and I’m not interested in exchanging insults.
I’ve seen your idea of debate and I’m not interested in exchanging insults.
You have never debated any topic with me. If your idea of debate is merely an exchange of insults then I appreciate you not wasting my time.

By the way, I am enjoying your attempts to characterize your own EVASION and total inability to defend your stupid position as somehow being my fault.

So flee. It's your only option. You have nothing but disappointment in learning that your support for the killing of living humans is indefensible and you get to live with that. Maybe you're the kind of evil person who is perfectly fine with that, but what is certain is that you have no hope of debating it with anybody. You picked a loser position. Now all you can do is blame others for your spinelessness and lack of critical reasoning.

Have a great day.
You have never debated any topic with me. If your idea of debate is merely an exchange of insults then I appreciate you not wasting my time.

By the way, I am enjoying your attempts to characterize your own EVASION and total inability to defend your stupid position as somehow being my fault.

So flee. It's your only option. You have nothing but disappointment in learning that your support for the killing of living humans is indefensible and you get to live with that. Maybe you're the kind of evil person who is perfectly fine with that, but what is certain is that you have no hope of debating it with anybody. You picked a loser position. Now all you can do is blame others for your spinelessness and lack of critical reasoning.

Have a great day.

Ready to continue the thought exercise yet, or are you too afraid it'll expose just how little you know about Christianity?

As I said, you overestimate your value to the conversation. You won't answer any questions but you want to play some stupid game which is predicated on you thinking you are somehow superior.

Trust me, you aren't.

Unlike you I've actually had philosophy classes so I know your game and I find it dull. I find YOU dull.

Perhaps if you would be willing to step down off your pillar and answer my initial question I would be willing to play discussion with you. But you aren't really all that and you aren't worth my actual effort to play YOUR game.

You see when you want people to RESPECT YOU you must EARN IT. You have not earned my respect. You dodged a question and that's all I need to know about you.

You think yourself too wise. But if you read the Bible you'd know where that leads. Thankfully for you you haven't a clue.
As I said, you overestimate your value to the conversation. You won't answer any questions but you want to play some stupid game which is predicated on you thinking you are somehow superior.

Trust me, you aren't.

Unlike you I've actually had philosophy classes so I know your game and I find it dull. I find YOU dull.
blah blah blah blah blah

Perhaps if you would be willing to step down off your pillar and answer my initial question I would be willing to play discussion with you. But you aren't really all that and you aren't worth my actual effort to play YOUR game.
It is already verifiable record on this forum that I have answered your question and have attempted to walk you through a thought exercise to explain to you why you are wrong. You are too scared to face the music that you are not JPP's resident Christianity expert.

You see when you want people to RESPECT YOU you must EARN IT. You have not earned my respect. You dodged a question and that's all I need to know about you.

You think yourself too wise. But if you read the Bible you'd know where that leads. Thankfully for you you haven't a clue.
blah blah blah blah blah
Oops, I did not go to that post before replying to the first one.

Okay. Those posts probably would have been better in reverse order, but... I'll respond to your second question.
No worries. I did happen to respond rather quickly that time.

According to the Bible, the god of the Old Testament created life. My time as a Christian tells me that Christianity accepts that part of the Old Testament.
Another question answered. You're on a roll!:)

Next question: If God created life (which we have now established as a fact within the context of "according to Christianity"), then does God have authority over life (IOW, authority over what he created)?

Reserving my right to a second question: If you do have a favorite color...what is it?
My favorite color is yellow.
No worries. I did happen to respond rather quickly that time.

Another question answered. You're on a roll!:)

Next question: If God created life (which we have now established as a fact within the context of "according to Christianity"), then does God have authority over life (IOW, authority over what he created)?

First two question I gave answers. On this question I will give a response...which you can consider an answer or not. We certainly can discuss it to resolve any difficulties you have with the response.

To begin...a comment: I am not sure what you mean by "have authority over life...over what he created."

In Mary Shelly's story, Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein "created" a life. I am not sure what "authority" that gave Dr. Frankenstein over that life. Once created, the life pretty much has authority over itself. Mary Shelly has more "authority" over the life created than Dr. Frankenstein insofar as she could move the piece of fiction in whatever direction she chose.

So I would have to give a very qualified "NO" answer to your question. (Obviously Christianity could have a different take on this.)

Perhaps you could explain what you mean by "authority over" more extensively. In fact, since I have replied to your question, I will make my next question be, "Would you explain in more detail what you mean by "have authority over?"

My favorite color is yellow.

Thanks. My question was asked just to get the process out of the way. I am more interested in where you are going here. For me, it is an extremely interesting process.
As I said, you overestimate your value to the conversation.
That would be you.

You won't answer any questions but you want to play some stupid game which is predicated on you thinking you are somehow superior.
Obvious projection. You won't answer any questions because you are preoccupied with fleeing to the hills.

Trust me,
Who were you imagining would be stupid enough to do that?

Unlike you I've actually had philosophy classes
It might have been value-added if you hadn't slept through them.

so I know your game and I find it dull. I find YOU dull.
I bet you find everyone smarter than you "dull".

Perhaps if you would be willing to step down off your pillar and [go away and just let me pwetend to be the ecthpert fowa widdo' bit]
The word is "pedestal", not "pillar".

You see when you want people to RESPECT YOU you must EARN IT.
Did you notice that JPP isn't crawling with adoring fans of yours.

You have not earned my respect.
I don't think he particularly needs your respect. I don't think anyone particularly needs your respect. What do you have to offer? Philosophy classes through which you slept?

You are obviously desperate for gfm7175 to leave. I don't imagine he will be leaving anytime soon. Do you have some sort of recovery plan?

You dodged a question and that's all I need to know about you.
Well then, I suppose "ditto".
First two question I gave answers. On this question I will give a response...which you can consider an answer or not. We certainly can discuss it to resolve any difficulties you have with the response.

To begin...a comment: I am not sure what you mean by "have authority over life...over what he created."

In Mary Shelly's story, Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein "created" a life. I am not sure what "authority" that gave Dr. Frankenstein over that life. Once created, the life pretty much has authority over itself. Mary Shelly has more "authority" over the life created than Dr. Frankenstein insofar as she could move the piece of fiction in whatever direction she chose.

So I would have to give a very qualified "NO" answer to your question. (Obviously Christianity could have a different take on this.)

Perhaps you could explain what you mean by "authority over" more extensively. In fact, since I have replied to your question, I will make my next question be, "Would you explain in more detail what you mean by "have authority over?"

Thanks. My question was asked just to get the process out of the way. I am more interested in where you are going here. For me, it is an extremely interesting process.
By "have authority over", I mean "being the sphere of influence over [insert thing here], usually due to bringing about its existence" ... e.g. I don't have authority over your child, as I didn't bring about your child. The federal government doesn't have authority over the States (beyond what authority has been delegated to it by the States), as the federal government didn't bring about the States. Likewise, I don't have authority over the existence of human life, as I didn't bring about its existence.

A potter has authority over the pottery that he forms. He forms it in a particular manner according to his own purpose(s) for it.

With that clarification, I ask again: If God created life, then does God have authority over life? (meaning that God is the sphere of influence over life, just as an author is over a book, a husband is over his household, a mayor is over a city, a governor is over a state, a president is over a nation, etc)
By "have authority over", I mean "being the sphere of influence over [insert thing here], usually due to bringing about its existence" ... e.g. I don't have authority over your child, as I didn't bring about your child. The federal government doesn't have authority over the States (beyond what authority has been delegated to it by the States), as the federal government didn't bring about the States. Likewise, I don't have authority over the existence of human life, as I didn't bring about its existence.

A potter has authority over the pottery that he forms. He forms it in a particular manner according to his own purpose(s) for it.

With that clarification, I ask again: If God created life, then does God have authority over life? (meaning that God is the sphere of influence over life, just as an author is over a book, a husband is over his household, a mayor is over a city, a governor is over a state, a president is over a nation, etc)

Gonna be another response with a couple of answers included...and I am going to wind about for bit.

On a micro level, my mother and father "created" me...and I suppose that means they have (had) authority over me. And for the first 8 - 10 years of my life, they exercised it rather forcefully. At that point, the authority slowly diminished...and age 17 I left the family home and enlisted in the US Air Force. From that point on, their authority over me was close enough to to be considered zero.

And that is how the "creation" authority ought to be.

It is my opinion that IF there is a god...and if that god "created" me (via the methodology used by humans)...its authority over me is even closer to zero than the "zero" mentioned above for my parents.

And since I am part of "life" answer to your question about its possible authority over life would be "NO!" emphatic "NO!."

Now I recognize and respect the fact that humans, from the earliest of times, have designated to their various gods...dominion over life. FOR ME...I consider that nonsense...more a product of fear than a logical conclusion of what MAY BE happening. But I recognize that it has happened...and that it probably is the usual feelings of people with regard to your question. I simply disagree.

I certainly can think of scenarios where a god could be the creator of all life...and desire (and have) no authority over that life whatsoever. I am sure you can also.

Now, if you are asking if Christianity is of like mind...I would say, "No, it is not." For Christianity...the god has almost limitless authority over life. For almost all modern gods, that it the situation that prevails. (Earlier gods were not imbued with that quality.)

I invite discussion on this.
Is that it's not aptly named.

A good portion - and I'd say most - of the religion are practices, rituals, rules and philosophies that were never spoken by Christ, or endorsed by Christ.

I think there are some sects that are strictly about the teachings of Christ, who I feel was an ascended being and someone whose words matter, but they're not mainstream Christianity.

No shit. He wasn't trying to start a new religion, so why would he create any rituals, rules, etc. He was just a Jewish apocalyptic preacher.