The make believe Maverick

hi desh, good to see you are back

systematic torture changes a person - that change may make them better or worse

physical torture can make a person say most anything if they do not have the ability to withstand it

psychological torture (like that advocated by bushco) will break down any one, especially sensory deprivation (like used on suspected terrorists) (there is a documentary on one of the pay channels about it called 'taxi to the dark side') but once more, a person so tortured will say or do anything
Good point DQ. Desh see's an American who got tortured during war as one who should probably be thrown out or at least not worthy of public office. Wait, pardon me. Those who have come back from Afghanistan and Iraq who have run for office as Democrats Desh has no problems with.

Extreme partisanship is beautiful DQ.
Hey DQ, glad to be back.

The house is done and rented to a really nice family for under market prices.

Cawacko I never suggested he should be thrown away but I dont think that because he was a POW that he deserves the presidency. Should we just line up all the survivng POWs and start giving them automatic terms as president?
Hey DQ, glad to be back.

The house is done and rented to a really nice family for under market prices.

Cawacko I never suggested he should be thrown away but I dont think that because he was a POW that he deserves the presidency. Should we just line up all the survivng POWs and start giving them automatic terms as president?


But your giving the presidency to Obama merely on the fact that he is black. He has no experience, Obambi will be looking to Biden for all the answers, the token black puppet president.
Good point DQ. Desh see's an American who got tortured during war as one who should probably be thrown out or at least not worthy of public office. Wait, pardon me. Those who have come back from Afghanistan and Iraq who have run for office as Democrats Desh has no problems with.

Extreme partisanship is beautiful DQ.


i will question the mental health of anyone that has been tortured and survived

but then i tend to question the mental health of those that run for public office

the growing extreme partisanship frightens me as it is not what the u s of a is supposed to be about :(

the level of hate is a real downer - even hate against bushco is bad - dislike maybe, but hate - no

But your giving the presidency to Obama merely on the fact that he is black. He has no experience, Obambi will be looking to Biden for all the answers, the token black puppet president.

say what? - just because he is black? - i preferred hilary, not because she is a woman but because i liked some of her plans more than bo's

just like i prefer bo to mcsame - because i prefer his plans to mcsame's

i could have lived with mcsame until he nominated sp as his running mate - she is not only weird, but scary

nobody is really prepared to be president, but that is why they have staff and a cabinet

whatever plans they may have will have to bump up against the reality of congress

what is very scary is the low approval ratings of bush and congress - a bad economy and a growing distrust of of government is a prime formula for revolution, that is if enough people cared enough...
refering to McCain has "mcsame" is getting old. McCain's policies are not similiar to Bush's. We must stay in Iraq, that is a given.
refering to McCain has "mcsame" is getting old. McCain's policies are not similiar to Bush's. We must stay in Iraq, that is a given.

i disagree, but then i do not expect to agree with you on this - perhaps i should say that mcsame's plans are too close to those of bushco's

besides, calling mccain mcsame is a :pke: to the reps and mcsame supporters

i do not expect to change anyone's mind that has decided which they plan to vote for - lighten up, things are too serious

we all are citizens of this nation and want what is best for it :clink:
i disagree, but then i do not expect to agree with you on this - perhaps i should say that mcsame's plans are too close to those of bushco's

besides, calling mccain mcsame is a :pke: to the reps and mcsame supporters

i do not expect to change anyone's mind that has decided which they plan to vote for - lighten up, things are too serious

we all are citizens of this nation and want what is best for it :clink:

Well if you want what is best for the nation the choice is clear.

McCain/Palin 08'
refering to McCain has "mcsame" is getting old. McCain's policies are not similiar to Bush's. We must stay in Iraq, that is a given.

At least with Nixon we got a slogan for staying in useless wars, remember "Peace with Honor"? (didnt think so) and even though we were in the final stages of getting out of that war it went on for another 2-3 yrs.
The neo con party needed a new slogan for this war a couple of months ago to try to rally some support for their oil grab, but they missed their chance.

The only thing getting old is Mcsame, useless Republicon wars and a fucked up economy that your side is famous for.

Hopefully the people of this country have had enough right wing ideology and will force this country back to sanity.
Yeah But Obama has a grasp on world affairs and all Palin has is a wink and the ability to sound folksy.
Yeah But Obama has a grasp on world affairs and all Palin has is a wink and the ability to sound folksy.
They both have the same book learning. She has shown a capacity for grasping quickly what is necessary.

They both lack in "experience" but they both show an intelligence level that creates the capacity to learn.