The make believe Maverick

They both have the same book learning. She has shown a capacity for grasping quickly what is necessary.

They both lack in "experience" but they both show an intelligence level that creates the capacity to learn.

Excuse me, have you had a stroke?

They both have the same "book learning"? What?

One of them attended five different colleges in six years to get a four year undergraduate degree in JOURNALISM. And one of them graduated from Columbia university and Harvard Law School. What the fuck are you talking about?

They both show an intelligence level that creates the capacity to learn??? She's a flipping moron, who has shown the capacity to memorize short stump speeches. Or, as a letter writer to my local paper put it today:

"As I watched Gov. Sarah Palin's excessively coached and rigidly scripted performance in the vice presidential debate, I was reminded of the work of Harvard's famous behavioral psychologist, B. F. Skinner, who, by means of intensive reinforcement and much repetition, could actually train a pigeon to walk in a figure eight. An impressive trick, of course, but at the end of the day the pigeon was still just a pigeon.Palin's tutors and handlers should take note lest they become overly proud or celebratory." Editor's note: The writer is a professor of psychology at St. Joseph's College.

If I I wasn't involved, I'd drive over to St. Joseph's and interview this guy for a possible position.

Here's what a couple of cons think about her, most strikingly here is Parker, who hopefully is at the forefront of con women who are waking up and understanding what they are doing to their gender, and to themselves, by pretending that this fraud is serious.

Here too is a great sentiment writtin by an obviously professional woman to Andrew Sullivan:

"My mom, who is a serious fundy and believes the Bible is a scientific review of creation, had not seen much of Palin prior to the debate.
Her only sense was that Palin was being persecuted for believing in the Bible. Even she was appalled by Palin's performance at the debate and thought the flirty phoniness was totally unbecoming a national political figure. You could almost hear a collective embarrassed groan from educated, non-neoconservative women all over the world who have worked their asses off to be taken seriously only to have this bimbo blatantly and on camera attempt to reduce the role of women to their ability to flirt."

I personally believe that only a woman who is not a professional could support this person. I personally, entered the workforce right around the time of the Anita Hill hearings. As a young girl, I remember, what were then to me, old men, saying "good morning" to me, and then stopping and saying "whoa, I shoudl be careful, is that sexual harrassment"? It was their big joke. Things were different then. And I can promise any man here that if you think it is flattering to a 22 or 23 year old, to be hit on by men in their 50's, you're dead wrong. It's skin-crawling. and so, you learn early on to dress a certain way, to play down your gorgeousness, and at 22 it's really hard not to be gorgeous, let's face it. God I see 20 year olds today, of either gender, and I smile and think, look at them, they're just gorgeous. And you continue on your professional career, sometimes a man sits next to you on the commuter train and rubs his leg against yours, and you cry until finally the next stop comes, and you can run off the train and all the way down and get on at the end, because you were afraid to say anything. Or, your boss insists in a friendly way, on taking you out to lunch twice a week. And you get better at handling all of that as you get older, but it's still a battle.

And then, as the letter writer above says, this fucking bimbo comes along.

And this, we're supposed to call progress. Well, it's the biggest fucking women will have taken in the past twenty years, if it succeeds.

And you, you compare her to Barack Obama. Sad. Just so terribly sad.
Can you out line the differances in their policies?

Unlike Bush, McCain plans on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and most adamantly on the issue of government spending. He will end pork barrel spending, these are just a few but I can name more,
Unlike Bush, McCain plans on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and most adamantly on the issue of government spending. He will end pork barrel spending, these are just a few but I can name more,

Bush said the same crap.
I still like it tha McCain won't show up at rallies without Palin. He is afraid that only 15 old geezers would show up without palin there.

And Darla, I still think that Damo will pull the McCain lever in November.
His level of overt partisan hackery seems to be rising daily.
I still like it tha McCain won't show up at rallies without Palin. He is afraid that only 15 old geezers would show up without palin there.

And Darla, I still think that Damo will pull the McCain lever in November.
His level of overt partisan hackery seems to be rising daily.

Yeah, probably.

there are some people who will do anything to keep a democrat out of the white house (damo)

and others who will do anything to keep a black man out of the white house, including pretending that sarah palin didn't know her extremely small town was charging rape victims for their rape kits.
Yeah, probably.

there are some people who will do anything to keep a democrat out of the white house (damo)

and others who will do anything to keep a black man out of the white house, including pretending that sarah palin didn't know her extremely small town was charging rape victims for their rape kits.

I'd do anything to keep a Dem out. Now that the GOP is becoming a shitty alternative, it leaves a bad aftertaste, but I can never forgive the Democratic Party for ruining the republic, and I don't agree with it at any rate...
I'd do anything to keep a Dem out. Now that the GOP is becoming a shitty alternative, it leaves a bad aftertaste, but I can never forgive the Democratic Party for ruining the republic, and I don't agree with it at any rate...

blah blah