The Maverick Richard Lee Armitage and the Outing of Valerie Plame

I don't what it is, as stupid as I am and I'm damn stupid I can tell when letters don't appear on my screen for three or four seconds. Or longer...

But maybe it isn't happening that way at all, maybe I am just slow of seeing...
lol.... Nah, I'm just trying to figure it out. Have you tried setting your default editor at a lower level as I stated before?
You should ask the Librarian if they have any PC machines, those Apples used in the Special School are sub-par machines, and can't handle the complex code of newer websites. Sesame Street's website is Apple friendly, which is why your other sites seem to work and this one doesn't. Glad I could help... Oh, and you may want to check at, I've heard they have a nice primer up, on grammatical elements like "capitalization" and such. It's nice to know you have come to terms with your disability and haven't let it stop you from learning. Good luck to you, I am pulling for ya!

Weekly reader has a web site ? I did not know that....
I don't what it is, as stupid as I am and I'm damn stupid I can tell when letters don't appear on my screen for three or four seconds. Or longer...

But maybe it isn't happening that way at all, maybe I am just slow of seeing...
Perhaps you laptop is leaking Tachyons and causing a cosmic rift slowing the photons down ?
Perhaps you laptop is leaking Tachyons and causing a cosmic rift slowing the photons down ?
Later, you'll be sucked into a parallel universe where Bob Dole is President and most of the US is under control of Native Americans.
Naah, I don't spend any brain power wondering on Dixie, just yank his chain every now and again.

It's a good thing you don't, you should conserve all the brain power you can! And that's not my chain, it's rob's.... well.... nevermind... he's smiling about it... okay, it's my chain.... carry on! :D
I don't what it is, as stupid as I am and I'm damn stupid I can tell when letters don't appear on my screen for three or four seconds. Or longer...

But maybe it isn't happening that way at all, maybe I am just slow of seeing...
You might want to check for a keystroke logger or spyware.
I am wondering one other thing though about this thread, after posting it, it turns out that not very many people said much about the actual content of my post, mostly the conversation has centered on whether or not my typing speed is responsible for my slow computer or if my brain is failing to record what my eyes see until much later. Or if my computer is in the Children's section of the library (shades of John Mark Karr?). To Cyress, which I just read, Why am I not surprised by your statement . I found it more than slightly ironic that someone who wears the confederate flag wrapped around his head was calling anyone here a "fucking idiot" but I have also found that most conservatives tend to think they have IQs far exceeding anything they ever demonstrate. I wonder if Dixie is a member of Mensa too...
Well whatever it is, it is much less obvious on the Quick Reply than it is on the Quote Reply or on the Post Thread Boxes. It certainly doesn't work this way with word. Personally I can't see why anyone would want to put a keystroke logger or spyware on my computer. But if I suddenly turn up missing you know the government did it. And of course, you will all do your best to get me out of Guantanimo asap...OK!!!
Well whatever it is, it is much less obvious on the Quick Reply than it is on the Quote Reply or on the Post Thread Boxes. It certainly doesn't work this way with word. Personally I can't see why anyone would want to put a keystroke logger or spyware on my computer. But if I suddenly turn up missing you know the government did it. And of course, you will all do your best to get me out of Guantanimo asap...OK!!!

Heck no, you will be on your own. Don't want no revenooers after me.
I am wondering one other thing though about this thread, after posting it, it turns out that not very many people said much about the actual content of my post, mostly the conversation has centered on whether or not my typing speed is responsible for my slow computer or if my brain is failing to record what my eyes see until much later. Or if my computer is in the Children's section of the library (shades of John Mark Karr?). To Cyress, which I just read, Why am I not surprised by your statement . I found it more than slightly ironic that someone who wears the confederate flag wrapped around his head was calling anyone here a "fucking idiot" but I have also found that most conservatives tend to think they have IQs far exceeding anything they ever demonstrate. I wonder if Dixie is a member of Mensa too...

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were an obsessed prejudiced bigot about the South. The Navy Jack is what graces my icon, I don't generally wear bandana's on my head, and I don't look much like the skull and bones either. The flag represents dead veteran relatives of mine, whom I honor with my moniker and the Navy Jack they fought under. I'm sorry if that bothers you, or if your ignorance of the Civil War makes you think the flag means something else. I am also sorry that you are so prejudiced and bigoted as to continue making your smarmy remarks about it. Regardless of what you think, I will continue to honor my dead relatives, and I will always have enough human dignity to allow other people the same consideration. I'm glad you pointed out this difference in what kind of people we are.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were an obsessed prejudiced bigot about the South. The Navy Jack is what graces my icon, I don't generally wear bandana's on my head, and I don't look much like the skull and bones either. The flag represents dead veteran relatives of mine, whom I honor with my moniker and the Navy Jack they fought under. I'm sorry if that bothers you, or if your ignorance of the Civil War makes you think the flag means something else. I am also sorry that you are so prejudiced and bigoted as to continue making your smarmy remarks about it. Regardless of what you think, I will continue to honor my dead relatives, and I will always have enough human dignity to allow other people the same consideration. I'm glad you pointed out this difference in what kind of people we are.
You can honor all of the racists and traitors you want to, Dixie.
Well whatever it is, it is much less obvious on the Quick Reply than it is on the Quote Reply or on the Post Thread Boxes. It certainly doesn't work this way with word. Personally I can't see why anyone would want to put a keystroke logger or spyware on my computer. But if I suddenly turn up missing you know the government did it. And of course, you will all do your best to get me out of Guantanimo asap...OK!!!
Ok, but seriously, you know some people aare fucked up bbeyond aall reason.

Due caution should be exercised - or not exercised and simply allowed to lie on the sofa in a trailer in Oklahoma until it weighs 550lbs and does nothing but smoke cigarettes all day, until it has a husky voice, while collecting disability. Whatever....