The Men Behind Obama

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I just watched a youtube video entitled: "The Men Behind Obama" .

Webster Tarpley has done a superb job of documenting and exposing this coup that is taking over the former United States of America, he calls him a puppet of the Trilaterlal commission & Finance Capital (Soros, Rockfeller).

Promising hope and change through qualitative policy, but in reality the undercover much more ambitious project : wars on a much bigger scale. Get ready for a world catastrophy in the making : Obamageddon !

Poeple gotta wake up, that silly romantic illision they have about Obama is going to be suicidal for them if they dont understand this! Extreem & savage reduction in the standards of living and impovrishement of the US ahead...

welcome your comments...
I just watched a youtube video entitled: "The Men Behind Obama" .

Webster Tarpley has done a superb job of documenting and exposing this coup that is taking over the former United States of America, he calls him a puppet of the Trilaterlal commission & Finance Capital (Soros, Rockfeller).

Promising hope and change through qualitative policy, but in reality the undercover much more ambitious project : wars on a much bigger scale. Get ready for a world catastrophy in the making : Obamageddon !

Poeple gotta wake up, that silly romantic illision they have about Obama is going to be suicidal for them if they dont understand this! Extreem & savage reduction in the standards of living and impovrishement of the US ahead...

welcome your comments...
PM me, and I can move you into the verified category so you can post the link...

I just watched a youtube video entitled: "The Men Behind Obama" .

Webster Tarpley has done a superb job of documenting and exposing this coup that is taking over the former United States of America, he calls him a puppet of the Trilaterlal commission & Finance Capital (Soros, Rockfeller).

Promising hope and change through qualitative policy, but in reality the undercover much more ambitious project : wars on a much bigger scale. Get ready for a world catastrophy in the making : Obamageddon !

Poeple gotta wake up, that silly romantic illision they have about Obama is going to be suicidal for them if they dont understand this! Extreem & savage reduction in the standards of living and impovrishement of the US ahead...

welcome your comments...

Webster Tarpley ?

Tarpley maintains that the events of 9/11 were engineered by a rogue network of the military industrial complex and the CIA.

This Webster Tarpley ?

You're another meathead....
Yessir...Bush and all his supporters voted for Obama....(/sarcasm)
Is their anything he won't get blamed for?

(man, you are a meathead)

Considering that Bush's administration caused the republicans to lose, yeah I think its a valid place to put blame.
Considering that Bush's administration caused the republicans to lose, yeah I think its a valid place to put blame.

Bush and his policy ? I have a different perspective....

and I find it rather perplexing that relatively intelligent people don't seem to see how powerful the media (TV, Hollywood, printnews, cable news, etc.) is and how they can shape and form the perceptions of millions of people to give advantage to one side of an issue; one viewpoint over easily they can manufacture a hero out of a nobody, and make a nobody out of a hero.....
How the jokes, digs, and dis-respect can become a movement....
I see their power as awesome....and I'm sure they know they have awesome power....the power to "move mountains" so to speak....
Considering that Bush's administration caused the republicans to lose, yeah I think its a valid place to put blame.

it was more than that. media bias in favor of obama was profound. further, many republican senators and congressman left their conservative base. you could argue they toed the bush party line, but they still chose to leave their conservative principles back in the hope chest. the conservatives spent and spent and spent and that piss many conservatives off.
it was more than that. media bias in favor of obama was profound. further, many republican senators and congressman left their conservative base. you could argue they toed the bush party line, but they still chose to leave their conservative principles back in the hope chest. the conservatives spent and spent and spent and that piss many conservatives off.

The Bush administration put pressure on everyone to either get behind them or be labelled a traitor. And the rest of the republicans joined in the parade for at least 5 or 6 of the years Bush was in office.

And the unnecessary war, the economy, the scandals involving Halliburton, the cheesy attempt at hiding things constantly, all created a hostility with the american people.

Bush did not care what was right or about being open with the people. That was settled during the conference in which our energy policy was created behind closed doors, and without our being told who was there and who said what.

And Bravo, the media has made fun of everyone in the Whitehouse. When Jimmy Carter was president there was a TV show called Carter Country in which the southerners were portrayed as idiots and were only saved by the intellectual yankee who was smarter than all of them.
The Bush administration put pressure on everyone to either get behind them or be labelled a traitor. And the rest of the republicans joined in the parade for at least 5 or 6 of the years Bush was in office.
Its a matter of perception...Bush told the world, "You're either with us or against us", or something like that....he labeled no one a traitor,( how could citizens of another country that didn't agree with us be traitors, traitors to whom)
That traitor crap, that lie, was dreamed up by his opposition, and trumpeted by the media in a constant mantra for months until it became a de facto truth ....

And the unnecessary war, the economy, the scandals involving Halliburton, the cheesy attempt at hiding things constantly, all created a hostility with the american people.

The same goes for the economy, we were told of a failing economy for 6+ years of total employment and a flourishing was a media lie that was repeated for 6 years and people started to believe it....finally it did come true in Bushs last year....Halliburton ? did it suddenly become a reputable new business lately, its the same company now as it always was, just not being demonized by an unfriendly media anymore(they have nothing to gain now)...bullshit accusations that the media just quit pushing down our throats ....

Bush did not care what was right or about being open with the people. That was settled during the conference in which our energy policy was created behind closed doors, and without our being told who was there and who said what.

The Bush Admin. more secretive that Clinton or Johnson or JFK? More bullshit media hype in order to make Bush and Cheney demonic figures.... inspired by Liberal media and Democrats for political just ain't so and never was

And Bravo, the media has made fun of everyone in the Whitehouse. When Jimmy Carter was president there was a TV show called Carter Country in which the southerners were portrayed as idiots and were only saved by the intellectual yankee who was smarter than all of them.

Good natured fun about political figures is usual....disrespect and character assassination are far different....jokes about blow jobs are one thing (a factual event) is far different than the lies about Cheney and oil companys and Halliburton....or Laura Bush intentionally committing vehicular homocide or Sarah Palin claiming to be the mother of daughters Down Syndrome baby or claims that Palin said, "you can see Russia from my house"....people actually thought these were facts and some still do...

Carter Country TV show is described quite differently than you describe...
It was a sitcom...more in line with Mayberry RFD than anything to do with President Carter....
The plot centered around the stereotypical racism of the Deep South, and was often characterized as being an irreverent, comedic version of the movie In the Heat of the Night.
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Carter Country TV show is described quite differently than you describe...
It was a sitcom...more in line with Mayberry RFD than anything to do with President Carter....
The plot centered around the stereotypical racism of the Deep South, and was often characterized as being an irreverent, comedic version of the movie In the Heat of the Night.

Did you ever see the show?? The sheriff was a big goofy redneck, and his two deputies were dumb as a bag of hammers. The new black deputy from up north was the only smart character on the show.

There were a few instances of Andy-like, good ol' boy wisdom, but nothing compared to the slams at the south.

I am sure it had nothing to do with Carter. lol That is almost funny.

It was one of the worst portrayals of southern culture (not to mention some of the worst southern accents) in tv history.
The Bush administration put pressure on everyone to either get behind them or be labelled a traitor. And the rest of the republicans joined in the parade for at least 5 or 6 of the years Bush was in office.

And the unnecessary war, the economy, the scandals involving Halliburton, the cheesy attempt at hiding things constantly, all created a hostility with the american people.

Bush did not care what was right or about being open with the people. That was settled during the conference in which our energy policy was created behind closed doors, and without our being told who was there and who said what.

as i said, they toed the bush party line.

i am not sure i would say the war is unnecessary, history will tell.

the economy, come on, you're going to blame one person for the economy....

you want talk about being open...why did obama never produce a true and correct copy of his birth was an issue and people sued over it. had he simply produced it, it would have been finished. hiring cheats? he hired a tax cheat for his treasury role.

you want to start blaming one person instead of looking at us as a whole country, go for is your right. but to simply blame one party or one person as the cause of all your troubles is weak and not a sign of personal responsibility.
as i said, they toed the bush party line.

i am not sure i would say the war is unnecessary, history will tell.

the economy, come on, you're going to blame one person for the economy....

you want talk about being open...why did obama never produce a true and correct copy of his birth was an issue and people sued over it. had he simply produced it, it would have been finished. hiring cheats? he hired a tax cheat for his treasury role.

you want to start blaming one person instead of looking at us as a whole country, go for is your right. but to simply blame one party or one person as the cause of all your troubles is weak and not a sign of personal responsibility.

Being in charge means you take responsibility for what happens under you.

Bush was in charge for 8 years. The republicans were in charge for 6 of those years.

He is not solely to blame for the economy, but he gets plenty of the blame.

And the perception of his hiding things, pushing his own agenda instead of what was good for the country, and of being at the beck & call of big oil were all things that haunted the GOP in the last election.

Why do you think the main mantra was "McCain is 4 more years of Bush"?

And it worked.
it was more than that. media bias in favor of obama was profound. further, many republican senators and congressman left their conservative base. you could argue they toed the bush party line, but they still chose to leave their conservative principles back in the hope chest. the conservatives spent and spent and spent and that piss many conservatives off.

going into 2000 the republicans had it sewed up and they screwed the pooch oh so royally that they will be lucky to get back to the same level of power in 30 years. Ohh wait could there be a historic pattern here?

And yes I second what Sol has been posting on this.

virtually everything the Republicans have been saying about others for the last 8 yeears is how the republicans really were. Secretive, deceitful, culture of corruption, personal irresponsibility, fiscal irresponsibility, smaller govt, and the list goes on.

The republicans are the experts at projective politics.
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Did you ever see the show?? The sheriff was a big goofy redneck, and his two deputies were dumb as a bag of hammers. The new black deputy from up north was the only smart character on the show.

There were a few instances of Andy-like, good ol' boy wisdom, but nothing compared to the slams at the south.

I am sure it had nothing to do with Carter. lol That is almost funny.

It was one of the worst portrayals of southern culture (not to mention some of the worst southern accents) in tv history.

Thats comedy sonny....There have been PLENTY of slams against southern culture .... BEFORE Carter and AFTER Carter.....
Is you next claim gonna be that Carter was a southern sheriff ?
so the Carter claim is irrelevant...
Its like a claim that Amos and Andy was a slam against minded people know it wasn't ... it was comedy pertinent to the characters....
Its like a claim Abbot and Costello was a slam against little fat guys....
Its nonsense....
OTE=Solitary;393529]Being in charge means you take responsibility for what happens under you.

then what is the point of the other three branches, namely the legislative branch in response to being in charge.....

Bush was in charge for 8 years. The republicans were in charge for 6 of those years.


He is not solely to blame for the economy, but he gets plenty of the blame.

what part of the plenty?

And the perception of his hiding things, pushing his own agenda instead of what was good for the country, and of being at the beck & call of big oil were all things that haunted the GOP in the last election.

do you have proof of his being at the beck and call of big oil? how is it then that while he is president the price of oil goes way, way down? are you seriously blaming bush, alone, for the drastically high oil prices?

Why do you think the main mantra was "McCain is 4 more years of Bush"?

And it worked.

exactly my point. obama ran against bush and won. not hard to do, especially given the constitutional amendment

why? because obama and the dems knew it would work. mccain is not bush, that is an undisputable fact. but the lie worked.
Being in charge means you take responsibility for what happens under you.

Now come on know thats bullshit and so do I....thats a bad as blaming daddy because his 16 year old asshole son steals a lets start talking about real world, real life....
The Iraq war ....the seeds for the Iraq war were planted in the 90's....thats just an undeniable fact if you were old enough to understand what was happening in the world during that era....the seeds were planted, Clinton watered and weeded the garden for years along with everyone in his administration, and they good ole Bush grabbed the ripened fruit and served it to the just ain't that simple to blame one guy for 10 or 12 years of nurturing this event and bringing it to term....its like trying to blame the doctor for the birth of a baby, its a little more complicated....

Bush was in charge for 8 years. The republicans were in charge for 6 of those years.

6+ years of a robust and healthy economy...and we know nothing lasts forever.....the seeds of the banking fiasco also were also planted before 2008 and their are certainly more clowns to shoulder the blame than Bush both partys...

He is not solely to blame for the economy, but he gets plenty of the blame.

And the perception of his hiding things, pushing his own agenda instead of what was good for the country, and of being at the beck & call of big oil were all things that haunted the GOP in the last election.

Perception is just that ...perception...which may or may not have anything to do with fact,.....perception can be manufactured and often is manufactured by the msm

Why do you think the main mantra was "McCain is 4 more years of Bush"?

And it worked.
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I just watched a youtube video entitled: "The Men Behind Obama" .

Webster Tarpley has done a superb job of documenting and exposing this coup that is taking over the former United States of America, he calls him a puppet of the Trilaterlal commission & Finance Capital (Soros, Rockfeller).

Promising hope and change through qualitative policy, but in reality the undercover much more ambitious project : wars on a much bigger scale. Get ready for a world catastrophy in the making : Obamageddon !

Poeple gotta wake up, that silly romantic illision they have about Obama is going to be suicidal for them if they dont understand this! Extreem & savage reduction in the standards of living and impovrishement of the US ahead...

welcome your comments...

I agree with this .. and most of those who will attack you for this have no clue who is behind Obama. No clue what you're even talking about.

Most Americans on the left and right are struck with a deep case of cognitive dissonance, therefore, don't expect much in the way of a researched response.
Its a far stretch to think Obama is controlled by the elite power brokers.

Please someone show some evidence , you know , Proof.