The moral less gays...


Junior Member
BRAINERD, Minnesota (AP) -- State Sen. Paul Koering once fit neatly into the profile of socially conservative central Minnesota: abortion opponent, supporter of gun and property rights, outspoken supporter of veterans.

But last year, Koering was the only Republican in the Senate to join Democrats in opposing an effort to force a floor vote on a constitutional gay marriage ban.

That stirred up long-standing rumors at the Capitol about Koering's own sexuality, and within a few days he revealed that he was gay -- a move the area's GOP chairman called "political suicide."

In Tuesday's primary, he will find out if that is true.

Kevin Goedker, a city councilman who's challenging Koering in Tuesday's GOP primary, says it isn't because his opponent is gay. But he's making an explicit appeal to voters whose values guide them in the voting booth.

"People of high moral values and integrity must rally and support candidates who will work to bring ethics, morals and family values back into government," Goedker's father, Gene, his campaign treasurer, wrote in a fundraising letter.

what bs... I have high morals and integrity... guess republicans have lost sight of the value of an individual and hard work. but now it must come down to who they prefer intimately.
What are high morals ? Smoking pot ?
Morals are very subjective, terrorists feel that they have high enough moral values to blow themselves up over them....Morals can be anything to to anyone.
Good for him for coming out. I hope people can put aside their feelings about gays and support him on the issues. I don't see that happening though. Real shame.
What are high morals ? Smoking pot ?
Morals are very subjective, terrorists feel that they have high enough moral values to blow themselves up over them....Morals can be anything to to anyone.

Excellently put! Exactly what I would have posted if you hadn't beaten me to it....
What are high morals ? Smoking pot ?
Morals are very subjective, terrorists feel that they have high enough moral values to blow themselves up over them....Morals can be anything to to anyone.

are you fer real... if you have no idea what im talking about with regard to morals, we are all stupider for having had read your post.
Rob what he is saying is that what is moral to one person may be amoral or immoral to another. Totally subjective. Talking with the wide brush of so called moral behavior is often equivalent to speaking out of ones rectum.
What are high morals ? Smoking pot ?
Morals are very subjective, terrorists feel that they have high enough moral values to blow themselves up over them....Morals can be anything to to anyone.

Excellently put! Exactly what I would have posted if you hadn't beaten me to it....
Thanks Any,
I am not well educated, and have trouble expressing what I have learned to be true. but my failure to express it in nice verbose and exacting terms does not diminish the truth of it does it ?
are you fer real... if you have no idea what im talking about with regard to morals, we are all stupider for having had read your post.

I think you'll find he is right Rob, and not unsympathetic to your cause....

Bit of a blue-on-blue there....
Correct Any, I don't like to hang with gay guys , But do support their right to be gay. Just picking on the high morals rhetoric.
I am not well educated, and have trouble expressing what I have learned to be true. but my failure to express it in nice verbose and exacting terms does not diminish the truth of it does it ?

Not at all. It is a far better way to explain such concepts in terms people understand. In many ways, being verbose defers from that being stated.

Being verbose (something I am long stuck in the habit of being) isn't an advantage unless you are conversing with other verbose people.....
Being verbose (something I am long stuck in the habit of being) isn't an advantage unless you are conversing with other verbose people.....

Like me :) Never was one for the idea that brevity is the sould of wit.
Correct Any, I don't like to hang with gay guys , But do support their right to be gay. Just picking on the high morals rhetoric.

I don't not hang with gay guys, as long as they don't think being camp is funny. It isn't. Its a little sad.

Having said that, the missus' brother is gay and probably the wittiest chap I know, except Charver, but that's because he isn't camp....

You are correct in your ethics assertion. It is impossible to argue that morality is absolute without relying on circular logic...
Like me Never was one for the idea that brevity is the sould of wit.

I recently had to write a paper on 'the usefulness of the term 'counter-culture' to describe the events in western society in the 1960s' in less than 2000 words....

It is so hard to be concise....
For all you know you may hang out with a gay guy.
Possibly, but I can spot most of em pretty well. But you are correct, gays don't dare advertise themselves in redneck rural KY. Too many redenck republican gay phobics that will hurt them. They go to Lexington or lousiville.
Any and IhateG,
I guess I just like to keep it as simple as possible ;) so my pore little brain can handle it.
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