The NBA finals


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I'm not sure how many people still follow the NBA but game 1 of the finals between the Boston Celtics and the Dallas Mavericks was last night. Boston won pretty easily. They got out to a 29 point lead but the Mavs fought back to within 7. In the second half however the Celtics regained the lead and never looked back. I have been a Celtics fan since I lived for a while in MA back when bird, mchale and parrish were playing there. Great times. What are people's predictions for these finals? I think Celtics in 6.
I'm happy that Dallas knocked Oklahomo City out of the playoffs, but, I don't see them keeping up with Boston. It will be fun to watch Luka keep putting up crazy numbers, though.
I'm happy that Dallas knocked Oklahomo City out of the playoffs, but, I don't see them keeping up with Boston. It will be fun to watch Luka keep putting up crazy numbers, though.
Yes. Dallas down 2 games. Luka will get his points no doubt but him and Kyrie are no match for the starting 5 of the Celtics. After those two who does Dallas have? PJ Washington? Luka and Kyrie will have to be lights out EVERY game while hoping every Celtic is having an off night every game. Not likely. Celtics in 6 look like a pretty safe bet.
I'm not sure how many people still follow the NBA but game 1 of the finals between the Boston Celtics and the Dallas Mavericks was last night. Boston won pretty easily. They got out to a 29 point lead but the Mavs fought back to within 7. In the second half however the Celtics regained the lead and never looked back. I have been a Celtics fan since I lived for a while in MA back when bird, mchale and parrish were playing there. Great times. What are people's predictions for these finals? I think Celtics in 6.
Great win for the celtics last night. One more win for their 18th championship banner. The game exposed the serious weaknesses in no only Lukas game but in his character as a person. He can't play defense and did nothing but whine and complain to the referees as the game passed him by. I was surprised how many people picked Dallas to win but that seems like a long lost dream at this point.
I was at the 1986 celebration of the Celtics championship where there was an estimated 3 million
people going wild. It was great to see the Celtics win their 18th championship last night, as we're
all looking ahead to see this Celtic dynasty continue.

I'm not sure how many people still follow the NBA but game 1 of the finals between the Boston Celtics and the Dallas Mavericks was last night. Boston won pretty easily. They got out to a 29 point lead but the Mavs fought back to within 7. In the second half however the Celtics regained the lead and never looked back. I have been a Celtics fan since I lived for a while in MA back when bird, mchale and parrish were playing there. Great times. What are people's predictions for these finals? I think Celtics in 6.
CELTICS WIN!!!!!! 18th NBA Championship!

CELTICS WIN!!!!!! 18th NBA Championship!
I was a HUGE Celtic fan back when they played a game I recognized. My dad was always one back to Russell. I was pulling for Al Horford as my avatar would suggest. clearing out for one on one and the dribble drive to pass out for a three attempt just bores the shttt out of me. I liked it better without the three which is so dominant now. I can still stomach the college game but with NIL and the portal its like being a UK fan now with a new team each year..........
You mean the sports version of the Ice Capades?
Grew up on Fla. NHL was like bizarre alien game to me. Then my oldest son picked up roller blade hockey. We loved it. Then I took him to a Tampa Lightning game. IN my entire life I have never seen a sport so amazing in person and I have seen them all. Flash forward 20 yrs later and my 17 yr old daughter LOVES hockey. Fell in love with NJ Devils. I understand her passion for a sport as that was me at her age but HOCKEY? Its bizarre. We have bonded even more of watching. That game I went to was the Tampa vs Detroit. I bought tix the year they won the title. I was right behind the glass near a goal. I swear to God it was the fastest , most violent while at the same time precise sport I have ever seen. If you see it live up close its nothing like on TV.
Grew up on Fla. NHL was like bizarre alien game to me. Then my oldest son picked up roller blade hockey. We loved it. Then I took him to a Tampa Lightning game. IN my entire life I have never seen a sport so amazing in person and I have seen them all. Flash forward 20 yrs later and my 17 yr old daughter LOVES hockey. Fell in love with NJ Devils. I understand her passion for a sport as that was me at her age but HOCKEY? Its bizarre. We have bonded even more of watching. That game I went to was the Tampa vs Detroit. I bought tix the year they won the title. I was right behind the glass near a goal. I swear to God it was the fastest , most violent while at the same time precise sport I have ever seen. If you see it live up close its nothing like on TV.
I agree. Hockey is the best game to watch in person. I grew up a bruins fain. orr, esposito, bucyk great team
I honestly do not know what happened with this. Who won? LOL. Bouncy ball is not my favorite sport to watch on TV. I did enjoy playing it but watching 8 ft tall people travelling (and very often double dribbling) on every play is not enjoyable to me.