The New Object of Hate...

1. Liberal white guilt from centuries of racism.
2. Black racism.
shut the fuck up. I didn't vote for Obama because I was guilty about shit. Neither did my parents, 2 of 3 of my siblings etc. We voted for him because he was the best candidate in our mind and FAR SUPERIOR to the moron the republican party had in office for the last 8 years. You aren't this stupid, so don't pretend now.
What part of Democrat President Obama's election as the first Black President don't you get?

Technically, this isn't exactly true. Obama is half white. We've yet to elect a fully black president, heck, you guys wouldn't even allow Al Sharpton to participate in the debates last election. I guess it will take Republicans again, to break down the racial barrier. *sigh*
We are approaching the 1 week mark since the election, and already it seems the people consumed with hate for Bush and Republicans are having a difficult time. From psychology, we know that sociopaths who are consumed with hate, must constantly have a target for their hatred, but with Democrats sweeping complete control of government power, it renders the target of their hate irrelevant.

What will become their new target? Freedom and Liberty? Will we begin to see more advocacy for Oppression and Tyranny? It seems to be the outlet some are choosing, judging by the threads posted here in recent days. It's not good enough for the 'haters' to defeat Bush and Republicans, they want more. They don't seem to be satisfied, as sociopaths often aren't, with successfully victimizing the right, they have allowed their rage to consume them to the point it now defines them, and they can't be satisfied without a target.

We often learn of some hideous crime, like that of Jeffrey Dahmer, and we wonder how a person could have devolved into such an obvious monster? How could someone allow themselves to become so obsessed with what they were doing, not to realize the wrongness of it? The answer is simple, really, it is the normal pattern of sociopaths. They are searching for satisfaction and can't achieve it. Each 'accomplishment' of an objective, merely feeds their need for more, like a drug. This pattern cycles down a path growing ever more sinister and evil, until one day they find themselves doing things society finds completely abhorrent and unimaginable.

Is this what we can expect from the "Bush Haters" as time goes by? Clearly, Bush is no longer going to be a viable target for hate, and Republicans control no branches of government, so they are unsatisfactory as targets as well. Where do these sociopaths turn next to feed their hunger?

We often learn of some hideous crime, like that of Jeffrey Dahmer, and we wonder how a person could have devolved into such an obvious monster? How could someone allow themselves to become so obsessed with what they were doing, not to realize the wrongness of it? The answer is simple, really, it is the normal pattern of sociopaths. They are searching for satisfaction and can't achieve it. Each 'accomplishment' of an objective, merely feeds their need for more, like a drug. This pattern cycles down a path growing ever more sinister and evil, until one day they find themselves doing things society finds completely abhorrent and unimaginable.

Are the rednecks doing some self reflection now?
Why do you guys keep trying to turn this around and pretend I am 'self-reflecting' or 'projecting' or whatever? I think anyone who hasn't lived under a rock the past 8 years, is clear on who has devoted their lives to hating the president. I do hate liberalism and socialism, but my target has not gone anywhere... when it does, you can post these kind of threads to ask me what is going to be the target of my hate.

As it stands, your target is going back to Crawford, never to be heard from on the political stage again, and his party is effectively out of power in our government. So, you can't really hate them being in power anymore, what will replace that? I mean, you still have your old standby's, Rush, Sean, Christians... but will that be enough to sustain your need to hate? Especially when you invoke the Fairness Doctrine and effectively eliminate two of the three. Aren't you going to get bored with hating Christians? Will it not get old sharing the soapbox with... I don't know, the rest of the world who's not a Christian? I mean, it's not exactly a unique target for your hate. I don't see the 'haters' being content with that.
It's not autobiographical at all Duhla, I actually "hate" very few people, and those whom I do, I generally don't pay much attention to. I was hoping you pinheads could 'enlighten' me on what you think the focus of hate will now be for those of you who have been so consumed with hating Bush for 8 years. I don't see you suddenly overcoming sociopath behaviors and renouncing bitterness and hatred, and I don't expect you to sit around twiddling your thumbs, content with the results of your hate. I tend to go along with the psychiatric findings of all sociopaths, that you will indeed find yet another 'target' for your hate. Each cycle will bring a more sinister and evil level of hate to the surface, and you will never be satisfied. I'm just wondering what the next target will be?

You apparently don't know what hate is Dixie.

Holding an incompetent leaders, like Bush, feet to the fire isn't hate.

Disagreeing with absurd or wrong policies is not hate.

Discrediting an extremist, such as Bush, is not hate.

Personally, your post sounds an awful lot like psychological projection to me.

I mean you do have a certain point. Now that republicans are an ineffective regional party southern extremist who gives a shit about them? Right?

Well not completely. They still hold significant control of the judicial branch and can filibuster in the senate.

But for the most part they are now ineffective and I for one don't really give a shit about them

I know, I know, the fact that Obama has pulled this nation back to the center is the same as being a bunch of commie pinkos in your eyes Dixie, but your an extremist.

My advice is sit back and see how much better the government is run when it is run by people who actually care about operating government affectively and for the best ineterst of the public, not just the good ole boys.
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You apparently don't know what hate is Dixie.

Holding an incompetent leaders, like Bush, feet to the fire isn't hate.

Disagreeing with absurd or wrong policies is not hate.

Discrediting an extremist, such as Bush, is not hate.

Personally, your post sounds an awful lot like psychological projection to me.

I mean you do have a certain point. Now that republicans are an ineffective regional party southern extremist who gives a shit about them? Right?

Well not completely. They still hold significant control of the judicial branch and can filibuster in the senate.

But for the most part they are now ineffective and I for one don't really give a shit about them

I know, I know, the fact that Obama has pulled this nation back to the center is the same as being a bunch of commie pinkos in your eyes Dixie, but your an extremist.

My advice is sit back and see how much better the government is run when it is run by people who actually care about operating government affectively and for the best ineterst of the public, not just the good ole boys.

Sociopaths are very often in denial, so your constant insinuations that I am 'projecting' do not surprise me. I will remind you that you essentially have a broken political compass, you are unable to distinguish an 'extremist' from a 'moderate' and your personal beliefs are all over the board. Remember, you were the one who chastised me over the questioning of McCain for picking Palin... "Face it Dixie, you are going to have to get used to centrist politics!" You thought McCain picked a "centrist moderate" and I was upset that he didn't pick a "conservative" and I had to edjumacate you.

My advice is, stop giving people advice! You just show how stupid you are. It would be better if you followed usidiot's lead, and stuck to posting little smarmy one-line quips and insults! You are getting better on not replying 23 times in a row to a single thread, but now we just need to work on 'substance' a bit. For the most part, you should just avoid that, let others do the 'heavy lifting' because you are completely clueless.
You mean since 1964 don't you? When most southern rednecks started leaving the Democratic party over the Civil Rights act?

See? You almost pulled it off here! But you attempted to delve into 'substance' and show how ignorant you are. You should have just made a smart-ass comment about southerners all being racist, and left it at that.

Which 'southern rednecks' left the Democrat party over the CRA? George Wallace? Robert Byrd? Lester Maddox? Is anyone currently holding office as a Republican still alive, who was in Congress 44 years ago? Trent Lott was still a student at Ole Miss back then, so you can't be talking about him. You see? You should really try to avoid 'substance' and stick to the one-line insults.
shut the fuck up. I didn't vote for Obama because I was guilty about shit. Neither did my parents, 2 of 3 of my siblings etc. We voted for him because he was the best candidate in our mind and FAR SUPERIOR to the moron the republican party had in office for the last 8 years. You aren't this stupid, so don't pretend now.
By taking this to a personal level it is clear that you haven't the ability to debate the points raised.

Bush wasn't on the ticket against Obama.
Why would they do that, when the Democrat Party was against it?

Apparently, Democrats believe some magic transformation took place in 1965, where all of the Democrats who opposed the CRA suddenly became Republicans, and those who didn't, were blessed with Holy Redemption. I think this must have been a private event, in which the media was not invited, because there seems to be no public record of it, and they can never seem to come up with examples to show for it.
Apparently, Democrats believe some magic transformation took place in 1965, where all of the Democrats who opposed the CRA suddenly became Republicans, and those who didn't, were blessed with Holy Redemption. I think this must have been a private event, in which the media was not invited, because there seems to be no public record of it, and they can never seem to come up with examples to show for it.
I know. In fact They teach that in public schools, US History. I had this discussion with my son, gave him some facts and asked him to bring it up with his teacher. She couldn't back up her claims.
Because his cracker ass still appealed to racist voters. And then in the 80's he apologized to black voters and got elected again.
Because after the assassination of JFK and the announcement of LBJ's great society which included a civil rights platform that alienated the southern conservative democrat.
That may explain a handful of voters, but not the massive ideological shift that contemporary historians claim. I think Affirmative Action and handouts are a more logical explanation of all three observed phenomenon:
1. Lower class racist whites, unable to see the true agenda, leaving the Democrat party for spite;
2. Lower class blacks voting themselves privileges, unable to see the effects on their families and culture;
3. Racist whites of the elite classes, seeing the true agenda of decimating the black family, and enjoying the irony of having the low class black voting bloc.