the noob

Hey - thought I would just jump into the fray before doing this

I'm the new guy.

Ideaology wise - I am all over thew place

my core family practices communism - My wife and I produce everything but the kids have all the needs and get all the fruits of the labor

I think local communities should lean left and the farther up the power chain you go - the more libertarian things need to be.

Progressives at the federal level anger me. Neocons at any level angers me. Fiat currency angers me. Empire building angers me. tax on labor angers me. Sean Hannity angers me. Wolf Blitzer angers me.

I don't watch fox news unless I want to get angry. I don't watch cnn unless I wish to be angry.

overall, this place seems nice. I do not understand why it is allowed to have multiple sign-on's - but otherwise, the rules seem good.

Don't seat the small stuff. Or the big stuff will kill you.