the only anti-globalist

Kamala Trump

Verified User
It's so awesome being the only non-brainwashed anti-globalist on this board.

I get to chime in with the only sensible point of view and get to look all smart and free-thinking in the process. You people are such brainwashed predictable loons. Of course globalization is destroying our nation. It's not enlightened, it's not forward thinking, it's just stupider than dog shit.

It's good to be the king.
It's so awesome being the only non-brainwashed anti-globalist on this board.

I get to chime in with the only sensible point of view and get to look all smart and free-thinking in the process. You people are such brainwashed predictable loons. Of course globalization is destroying our nation. It's not enlightened, it's not forward thinking, it's just stupider than dog shit.

It's good to be the king.

I think a lot of us don't want globalization.
It's so awesome being the only non-brainwashed anti-globalist on this board.

I get to chime in with the only sensible point of view and get to look all smart and free-thinking in the process. You people are such brainwashed predictable loons. Of course globalization is destroying our nation. It's not enlightened, it's not forward thinking, it's just stupider than dog shit.

It's good to be the king.

The educated world disagrees with you because they are all part of a conspiracy? Does this horse shit actually sound sane to you?
Yes. Evidently. Douchebags, cowardly brainwashed followers, what have you...

Well, I know I'm not a "workers of the world unite" communist.

Our the same thing, but with only a nationalist twist. As would pertain to you.

"Workers Unions Suck!"
Well, I know I'm not a "workers of the world unite" communist.

Our the same thing, but with only a nationalist twist. As would pertain to you.

"Workers Unions Suck!"

I don't think we need unionzation to save american people, we just need trade policy which doesn't reward overseas dictators who turn their citizens into wage slaves.

Sensible trade policy is not communism, or socialism. It never will be.
Well, I know I'm not a "workers of the world unite" communist.

Our the same thing, but with only a nationalist twist. As would pertain to you.

"Workers Unions Suck!"

I've posted this before and apologize, but Slavery er... Liberty makes me post it again...

It always pisses me off when you economic royalists try to lie and change history. The so called 'socialist experiment' or communist unions you love to berate actually built the wealth and power of the U.S. in the decades after the WWII and is responsible for YOUR high standard of living. You ungrateful brainwashed, diddo head. Roosevelt provided a balanced playing field for labor which has been under attack by you corporatists ever since. Reagan declared war on the middle class in the 80's and our standard of living is now under full assault by Bush's Base of multinational corporate sponsors. They are sucking that wealth to the top which will inevitably drive down YOUR standard of living to that of the average Indonesian.

(in the early 1900's) "A coal miner in West Virginia generally lived in a company town. He woke up in a company bed situated in a company house. He washed himself with water drawn from a company well and ate breakfast prepared with food bought at the company store. Everything consumed or used by his family came from the company, purchased on credit. The credits used during the pay period only rarely failed to add up to less than the paycheck (paid not in United States currency, but company script.) In debt from his first day on the job, the entire system was geared towards keeping him and his family that way.

The miner had free speech, but what happened after he spoke could give him serious trouble. Many companies employed the firm Baldwin and Felts to provide mine guards. These guards dispensed retribution against “rabble-rousers” and “outside agitators” who came in talking about unions. One town even featured a Gatling gun mounted upon the front porch of a company official’s home. Companies figured that they could increase their control by importing miners from a variety of areas such as Russia, southern Italy, and Austria-Hungary. They came from countries with oppressive systems; also living in a strange country with different customs and languages increased their isolation. In fairness, company towns ran the spectrum from benevolently paternalistic societies to absolutely dictatorial rule. Increasingly the system turned its aims towards preventing unions from organizing the region."

If you want a globalized economy then workers need a say in production. Labor knows what to expect if they don't have any power. Economic slavery. History has proven this. Your Market as God and Government theory doesn't work, our situation today was caused by this failed ideology just like it did in 1929. It has destroyed the American Dream and the middle class which was built by decent jobs and collective bargaining. Why would you want your children to be slaves?

You are angry at the wrong people.

I see 60-70% of the population of the U.S. living like the early 1900's coal miners in 2 generations - if monopolistic fascists are allowed to run our govt.
I don't think we need unionzation to save american people, we just need trade policy which doesn't reward overseas dictators who turn their citizens into wage slaves.

Sensible trade policy is not communism, or socialism. It never will be.

Well, I guess a good way to start, is to stop giving money to other nations.