The Original 1%--When Was That Golden Age of Liberty and Democracy?

This tire argument again? How much has the population increased in the last 50 years? How much worse would the lot of the poor be if not for the Great Society?

Dear shit-for-brains; the goal was to ELIMINATE poverty. They didn't argue that spending trillions would keep poverty at a specific percentage of the population. Arguments about "what WOULD have been" are painfully stupid.
First it's "income disparity" and then it will be "housing disparity", "vehicle disparity", "clothing disparity", "vacation disparity", etc., etc., etc.

BINGO!! We're already there with the current dunce in the White House and his campaign to bail out idiots who over leveraged their homes and now want others to pay for their stupidity.
So tell me, please, how taxing the shit out of the Left's idea of "rich" will get our middle class to #1?

Lol, it doesn't have to be through taxing the shit out of the rich, it can be done by promoting policy that creates jobs. A fair, flat tax that doesn't give all the subsidies and write offs to the rich. A fair tax on Capital gains. Helping small businesses with less tax, low interest rates to promote employment.
You do realize that "benefits" are not nearly enough and that those receiving them would much rather have a decent job, right?
That there is a 5 year lifetime cap on welfare benefits?
That foodstamps don't provide close to enough food to survive on?
That since Clinton, welfare is actually workfare, and that one MUST work to continue receiving benefits?
That corporate welfare far exceeds personal welfare, by almost double (and is a complete waste of taxpayer money, since it feeds no one, prevents no suffering)?

That personal responsibility has become so identifiable a cliche as to immediately indicate your ignorance?

That you *might* even have *some* validity were there sufficient jobs in this country?

I am amused by the argument that people are too stupid to be able to feed themselves and therefore, need the Nanny State to provide for them. But the irony for Liberals like you who voted for the dumbest man to ever be President is that after five years, Liberals are railing about how BAD things are and need BIG Government to assist them while claiming how successful Obama has been creating jobs.

You just can't make up the level of irony and hypocrisy dunces like you wallow in.

As for the five year cap; that too is a lie. It also presumes that States do not have tools to increase the number of years under TANF.


Federal Laws

General Provisions

The federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 made many changes in the nation's welfare laws. The Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program replaced the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program. The following key provisions in the federal welfare reform law have an impact on all TANF recipients, including those affected by domestic violence:

•5 year lifetime limit for receiving TANF benefits

TANF is no longer an entitlement. Prior to the federal welfare reform law, families could remain on TANF rolls for as long as they met the eligibility requirements. Now families can receive TANF for a total of 5 years. States can allow up to 20 percent of TANF recipients to exceed the 5-year limit if they have serious, long-term problems that prevent them from working.

•Adults receiving TANF must be employed or in a work-related activity within two years of their enrollment in TANF.

•Collection of child support for TANF families is a high priority. Custodial parents are required to assist in establishing paternity (if necessary), locating the noncustodial parent, and aiding as needed in collecting child support.

•States are required to have increasingly high percentages of their TANF enrollees working or in work-related activities (called participation rates). For single-parent families, in 1999 this was 35 percent; it is 40 percent for 2000, 45 percent for 2001, and 50 percent for 2002. States that do not reach these participation rates are penalized by reductions in federal dollars.

•States will no longer get federal TANF funds based on the number of individuals or families enrolled. Through 2002, states will be given the same amount of money (called a block grant) they received in 1995, even as the number of people served through TANF drops.

Federal Family Violence Option

The federal welfare reform law acknowledges that TANF recipients who are domestic violence victims may not be able to meet TANF work requirements because of the effects of this violence on their lives. The federal law allows states to adopt policies and procedures (called the Family Violence Option) that are meant to protect women in violent partnerships and assure that they are not treated unfairly in the TANF system. States are allowed to give TANF recipients temporary exemptions from TANF requirements that may cause domestic violence to escalate, that make it more difficult for them to escape violence, or that result in unfair sanctions against women who fail to meet requirements due to domestic violence. The intent of the Family Violence is to protect women and to assist them in dealing with the violence so that it does not continue to be a barrier to their leaving welfare and going to work.

Federal TANF Regulations

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issue regulations for implementation of the welfare reform law in April 1999. The regulations encourage states to adopt the Family Violence Option. They also assure that states will not be penalized financially for not meeting required participation rates if the failure results from exemptions given to TANF recipients due to domestic violence. The regulations state that people with expertise in domestic violence should assist in determining if a woman needs an exemption from specified requirements because of domestic violence and in making a service plan that fits the woman's needs. Domestic violence good cause exemptions must be reviewed every six months.
When someone starts with the insane notion that everyone must or should be blessed with the same amount of wealth, all you can
do is walk away from them, it is of no use to argue or 'income disparity', which is an equally insane idea that it should be or can be a
righteous goal in any society....the 'game' of life, need only be played on an equal playing field with rules obeyed and enforced with equal force on all participants....
That is the best we can ask for in society....

That should be the goal of every citizen....equal treatment under the laws....and that is the problem we must deal with.....that is our fight.
There is no one side that is the enemy, no one side that is only to blame. Corruption is not any more or less prevalent in one political
party than it is in the other...that is a lesson that has yet to be learned by just about everyone....

To bad only really stupid people think that is what is meant, no one I have heard speak on the matter thinks everyone should be blessed with the same amount of wealth.
To bad only really stupid people think that is what is meant, no one I have heard speak on the matter thinks everyone should be blessed with the same amount of wealth.

So quantify what income equality would mean to you?

After all words should mean things right? And if you are against "income inequality" then you must be for "income equality". If something equals another then by definition they are the same.

If person A makes $21,500 and person B makes $21,400 then there is income inequality.

So quantify what you think income equality would look like in your opinion. What would make you say "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"?
To bad only really stupid people think that is what is meant, no one I have heard speak on the matter thinks everyone should be blessed with the same amount of wealth.

Then what would be the purpose of wealth inequality and income inequality arguments?