The Palestinians Worked with Hitler to Eliminate Jews in WW2; they have not changed

Those that post photos lie. You offer a picture of the Grand Mufti with a genocidal fascist because you want Palestinians to be associated with fascism. But the truth is that the Grand Mufti was NOT the representative of Palestinians . He was APPOINTED by the British colonialists who occupied Palestine.
Now apologize to the forum for your ignorant error, Crockmeister.
You just cannot handle the truth, as always. The jihadi scum are the same murderous anti-Semites that they have always been.

Hitler gave the Grand Mufti rank in the 3rd Reich, you ignorant asshole.
Read and learn, ignoramus:
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Those that post photos lie. You offer a picture of the Grand Mufti with a genocidal fascist because you want Palestinians to be associated with fascism. But the truth is that the Grand Mufti was NOT the representative of Palestinians . He was APPOINTED by the British colonialists who occupied Palestine.
Now apologize to the forum for your ignorant error, Crockmeister.
Except he WAS. He literally led a revolt of Palestinians against the British, and then joined their cause to the Nazis.
huh? That made no sense.
Exactly. The claims of genocide make no sense. Palestinians have increased tenfold in population since 1948. So, where is the genocide? Never before has a genocide been committed where the people being genocided magically increased 10fold during said genocide.
Exactly. The claims of genocide make no sense. Palestinians have increased tenfold in population since 1948. So, where is the genocide? Never before has a genocide been committed where the people being genocided magically increased 10fold during said genocide.
You are really stupid.
The most prominent figure of Arab-Nazi collaborationists, Hajj Amin al-Husseini's influence extended beyond the confines of Palestine. He was born in 1897 of the prominent al-Husseini clan in Jerusalem. He belonged to the Hanafi jurisprudence of the Sunni sect of Islam. After learning to speak Turkish fluently at an Ottoman government school in Palestine, he attended Al-Azhar University in Cairo in 1912, where he studied Islamic theology, Arabic studies and jurisprudence. While in Cairo, he attended an educational institution known as Dar al-Dawa wal-Ershad (The Institute for Propagation and Guidance) created by the Syrian Islamic Salafi leader Mohammed Rashid Rida, who politically promoted a rejuvenation of the caliphate for Pan-Islamism. At Dar-al-Dawa, he was actively exposed to the teachings of Jamal El-Din Al-Afghani that taught him the tactics of Islamic incitement and radicalism. He continued his studies at Cairo University College of Literature and learned administration and leadership at the Ottoman School for Administrators in Istanbul.

People looking to understand why Hamas thugs and their backers in Tehran organized the systematic slaughter of over 1,200 Jews, as well as a few dozen Bedouin Arabs and immigrants, Oct. 7 will greatly benefit from a look at the group’s origins and history. It revolves around their determination to solve the “Jewish Question” by exterminating the Jews.

Massacres of Jews in the Middle East by Islamist forces began decades before Modern Israel came into existence. The record of these atrocities by Hamas’ forerunners are hidden today by middle-class leftists who present Hamas as a national resistance movement.

Beginning in the early 1920s, al-Husseini — from a wealthy landowning family — orchestrated a series of massacres of Jews in Palestine. The rulers in the U.K. had taken control over Palestine as part of the notorious Sykes-Picot backroom deal that redrew the borders of countries in the region and divided the riches of the Middle East between London and Paris.

Al-Husseini first led a pogrom in Jerusalem in 1920 during a Muslim religious procession, inciting attacks on the Jewish quarter. The British withdrew their troops from Jerusalem, giving their blessing to the pogrom. Six Jews were murdered and two women raped. The British authorities then pardoned al-Husseini, and appointed him the city’s Grand Mufti.

In 1929 he urged his followers to attack Jews in Jerusalem, killing 130. Sixty-seven more Jews were massacred in Hebron a few days later. Women were raped and men castrated. British authorities responded not by fighting the reactionary pogroms, but by placing limits on Jewish immigration to Palestine.

Al-Husseini urged the same during bloody riots against Jewish settlements in 1936.

The Nazis took on distributing al-Husseini’s writings. Up to 1939, the German Embassy in Cairo produced Muslim Brotherhood propaganda. By the start of World War II the Nazis established radio broadcasts in Arabic, Farsi and Turkish, helping spread al-Husseini’s Jew-hating tirades to a much wider audience. None of the anti-Hitler Arabic language broadcasts by British and other Allied powers made any effort to politically answer the Nazis’ “kill the Jews” vitriol.

Al-Husseini met with Hitler in Berlin in 1941, concretizing plans for collaboration against Jews in the Middle East.
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Killing Palestinians with US weapons is not helping them to make new children. You have a warped mind.
So how have Palestinians multiplied tenfold if this genocide is happening, sweetie? Why can't you explain that? Why do you keep running?
Those that post photos lie. You offer a picture of the Grand Mufti with a genocidal fascist because you want Palestinians to be associated with fascism. But the truth is that the Grand Mufti was NOT the representative of Palestinians . He was APPOINTED by the British colonialists who occupied Palestine.
Now apologize to the forum for your ignorant error, Crockmeister.
He wasn't appointed by the British so that he could arrange for the Jews to be annihilated, shit for brains.


In this German propaganda newsreel, the former Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husayni, an Arab nationalist and prominent Muslim religious leader, meets Hitler for the first time. During the meeting, held in in the Reich chancellery, Hitler declined to grant al-Husayni’s request for a public statement--or a secret but formal treaty--in which Germany would: 1) pledge not to occupy Arab land, 2) recognize Arab striving for independence, and 3) support the “removal” of the proposed Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Führer confirmed that the “struggle against a Jewish homeland in Palestine” would be part of the struggle against the Jews. Hitler stated that: he would “continue the struggle until the complete destruction of Jewish-Communist European empire”; and when the German army was in proximity to the Arab world, Germany would issue “an assurance to the Arab world” that “the hour of liberation was at hand.” It would then be al-Husayni’s “responsibility to unleash the Arab action that he has secretly prepared.” The Führer stated that Germany would not intervene in internal Arab matters and that the only German “goal at that time would be the annihilation of Jewry living in Arab space under the protection of British power.”

You just cannot handle the truth, as always. The jihadi scum are the same murderous anti-Semites that they have always been.

Hitler gave the Grand Mufti rank in the 3rd Reich, you ignorant asshole.
Read and learn, ignoramus:
It doesn't matter what Hitler did or didn't do- the Grand Mufti was INSTALLED BY THE BRITISH. Palestinians had nothing to do with his position.
Your scurrilous claim is typical prosemitic swill.