The People’s Guide to Project 2025

For your info I was talking about the left leaning people in the USA today that have read the 2025 project and understand what is going on, from what I am seeing and reading most right leaning people have not read it and just think it is a joke and Trump said he isn't behind it but if you look at what Trump has said he wants to do it is the same thing.
they want to fire any federal employee that won't sign a loyalty oath to the President so does Trump. they want to take away the rights of left leaning media outlets taking peoples first Amendment rights away , so does Trump.
they want to take guns away from left leaning people so does Trump , taking away their second Amendment rights, Trump did say take their guns away we will deal with the due process stuff later, well who decides when later comes?
does later ever come?
it is like tomorrow it never comes and nether does later.
my question to people like you and others on the right when Trump is done taking all the Constitutional rights away from left leaning people he can what says he doesn't start coming after yours.
you have to remember he has said he doesn't care about you he wants your vote and your money ,
My advice to the people on the right is be careful what you wish for once you get it and it turns on you it will be too late.
Have a nice day
Doesn't change what I've said. The Left, and particularly the radical Left, are the most destructive part of the political spectrum to a nation or society. They destroy everything they touch. The have the "Crapper Touch." That is, everything they touch turns into shit.
here is a link showing Trump said take their guns away
so it looks like Trump is the one wanting to take peoples guns away , taking away their second Amendment rights.
and people on the right are okay with this?
YES Trump wants to STOMP on the CONSTITUTION and the MAGA and right wingers go along with it.
as I said to them before what happens when Trump is done taking the Constitutional rights away from the left and comes after theirs?
watch what you wish for after you get it and it comes back and bites you in the ass it is too late to go back.
and remember Trump has already told you he doesn't give a shit about you he just wants your vote and your money.
in fact Trump indirectly through the story he told at the rally where everybody went off on his " Bloodbath " comment that he would come back and bite his MAGA followers and the people on the right in the ass.
IF you had listened to his little story about the snake and the woman, you can replace the woman with his MAGA followers and him for the snake.
the woman saved his life like the MAGA have saved Trump, and the snake ( Trump ) turns around and bites her and now she is going to die. well when Trump turns on his MAGA followers and bites them , all I can say he told you so,
a snake will do what snakes do and Trump is a real snake.
again watch out what you wish for after you get it, it could come back and bite you in the ass
TRUMP has told you he doesn't give a shit about you he just wants your vote and your money and this time you should actually believe him , HE does NOT care one shit about anybody but himself
Trump is only out for Trump.
Have a nice day
Doesn't change what I've said. The Left, and particularly the radical Left, are the most destructive part of the political spectrum to a nation or society. They destroy everything they touch. The have the "Crapper Touch." That is, everything they touch turns into shit.
are you SURE you aren't talking about Trump?
sure sounds like it
Have a nice day
are you SURE you aren't talking about Trump?
sure sounds like it
Have a nice day
Nope. Plenty of examples from history to prove it. Try trotting out an example of a rightwing government--and don't use the Nazis, they were on the Left--that imprisoned their political opposition, murdered political opponents, and drove the nation they controlled into a ditch economically. I can cite dozens of leftwing cases.
Doesn't change what I've said. The Left, and particularly the radical Left, are the most destructive part of the political spectrum to a nation or society. They destroy everything they touch. The have the "Crapper Touch." That is, everything they touch turns into shit.
and IF you took out " the left" and only left in " the Radical left" you might have some what of a point,
it is not the Dems or the near left trying to destroy this country like it isn't the the mid center Republicans but the far right and MAGAS along with the Radical left that are trying to destroy this country.
again the 2025 project is a road map for the destruction of the USA, Trump may be saying he doesn't go along with them or he doesn't know any of the people that wrote it but look at who was in his cabinet in the W H and look at just what he wants to do if he gets back in and you will see he wants to do just about the same thing they are planning out.
Have a nice day
Nope. Plenty of examples from history to prove it. Try trotting out an example of a rightwing government--and don't use the Nazis, they were on the Left--that imprisoned their political opposition, murdered political opponents, and drove the nation they controlled into a ditch economically. I can cite dozens of leftwing cases.
OH so we can't use a government that was backed almost 100% by the right wing Conservatives?
for your info it was the NAZIS that the CONSERVATIVES were backing. so when did CONSERVATIVES become the " LEFT" ?'and that is a FACT.
The Conservatives were the money and backing for Hitler and the NIZIS.
do some reading on the subject

have a nice day
and IF you took out " the left" and only left in " the Radical left" you might have some what of a point,
it is not the Dems or the near left trying to destroy this country like it isn't the the mid center Republicans but the far right and MAGAS along with the Radical left that are trying to destroy this country.
again the 2025 project is a road map for the destruction of the USA, Trump may be saying he doesn't go along with them or he doesn't know any of the people that wrote it but look at who was in his cabinet in the W H and look at just what he wants to do if he gets back in and you will see he wants to do just about the same thing they are planning out.
Have a nice day
Sure, the Democrats are. Look at how NY manipulated their laws to get Trump. Look at how the FBI is being used against political enemies of the regime.

The Democrats want "wealth taxes." That is they want to confiscate people's wealth, not just tax their income or other earnings. They want to tax unrealized capital gains. That is, at the extreme, they want to tax your IRA or 401K because you made a lot of interest on it even as you can't touch that money for decades to come. Same with stock or real estate. Own a home? The Democrats want to tax the value of your home as it appreciates over the years even though you aren't selling it.

The Democrats want to tell you what kind of car you can own (an EV and nothing else), what kind of appliances you can buy, how much you can charge your renters if you are a landlord, what you can eat, and in general micromanage your entire life.

That's a road map for the destruction of the USA. It isn't as if it hasn't been tried by the left elsewhere and failed miserably, because it has.
OH so we can't use a government that was backed almost 100% by the right wing Conservatives?
for your info it was the NAZIS that the CONSERVATIVES were backing. so when did CONSERVATIVES become the " LEFT" ?'and that is a FACT.
The Conservatives were the money and backing for Hitler and the NIZIS.
do some reading on the subject

have a nice day
What, did I take away your one and only bad example? What, can't find another? I can find dozens of disastrous Leftist governments from Azerbaijan to Zimbabwe that are horrific. You? You have to trot out the canard of the Nazis because that's all that you know.
What, did I take away your one and only bad example? What, can't find another? I can find dozens of disastrous Leftist governments from Azerbaijan to Zimbabwe that are horrific. You? You have to trot out the canard of the Nazis because that's all that you know.
why should I have to that was the worse one the world has ever had and it was the CONSERVATIVES that backed it
Have a nice day
why should I have to that was the worse one the world has ever had and it was the CONSERVATIVES that backed it
Have a nice day
Hitler offed like somewhere around 6 million

Stalin outlasted him and offed about 12 to 15 million

Mao outlasted Stalin and offed about 50 to 100 million

You have ZERO sense of history.
Sure, the Democrats are. Look at how NY manipulated their laws to get Trump. Look at how the FBI is being used against political enemies of the regime.

The Democrats want "wealth taxes." That is they want to confiscate people's wealth, not just tax their income or other earnings. They want to tax unrealized capital gains. That is, at the extreme, they want to tax your IRA or 401K because you made a lot of interest on it even as you can't touch that money for decades to come. Same with stock or real estate. Own a home? The Democrats want to tax the value of your home as it appreciates over the years even though you aren't selling it.

The Democrats want to tell you what kind of car you can own (an EV and nothing else), what kind of appliances you can buy, how much you can charge your renters if you are a landlord, what you can eat, and in general micromanage your entire life.

That's a road map for the destruction of the USA. It isn't as if it hasn't been tried by the left elsewhere and failed miserably, because it has.
I see you are another one that doesn't have an idea how the justice system works.
for one thing the NYC DA called the grand jury , he presented them with the evidence he had showing Trump broke the law.
the Grand jury voted that there was enough evidence that Trump did break the law and they recommended he be indited ,
then it went to trial where a jury of his peers heard the evidence, trumps lawyers had their chance to prove he didn't do it and they could not , and those 12 jurors convicted him on 34 counts.
and as for using the FBI against the political enemies of the regime.
, did you even EVER listen to what Trump has been saying he will do if he gets back in?
it sure sounds like he is going to do what you are trying to say the left has done.
Trump has also said TAKE THEIR GUNS AWAY and deal with due process later. well who says when later comes? Trump? and when is later ?
is it like tomorrow? it never comes.
that IS taking peoples first Amendment rights away from them.
How about him saying he wants to shut down all left leaning media that talk bad about him?
isn't that taking peoples second Amendment right away?
as I have asked before after Trump is done taking away the left leaning peoples Constitutional rights and he comes after yours what are you going to do then
once you get what you think you want and it comes back and bites you in the ass it is too late to go back
and remember Trump has already come out and told you right wing idiots he doesn't give a shit about you he only wants your vote and your money,
Have a nice day
Hitler offed like somewhere around 6 million

Stalin outlasted him and offed about 12 to 15 million

Mao outlasted Stalin and offed about 50 to 100 million

You have ZERO sense of history.
so you are saying the CONSERVATIVES did NOT back Hitler?
it is YOU who doesn't know history.
it is a FACT that the CONSERVATIVES backed HITLER and they aren't left leaning
have a nice day
Interesting that Democracy Forward says this right off the bat about Project 2025:

We read Project 2025’s entire 900+ page “Mandate for Leadership” so that you don’t have to.

If you want to know what's in it, read it for yourself. Don't take the word of a radical Leftist political action group, figure it out for yourself.

PS: Democracy Forward is very tight lipped about where a lot of their funding comes from...
You have a point as to where the start up bucks came from. Outside of that, anyone can dive into the 2025 tome, or go to any right wing/conservative/MAGA sight for various excerpts that can be researched for accuracy/validity.
so you are saying the CONSERVATIVES did NOT back Hitler?
it is YOU who doesn't know history.
it is a FACT that the CONSERVATIVES backed HITLER and they aren't left leaning
have a nice day
MAGA mooks seldom have any knowledge of the subjects they blather on apart. If they do, it's either very myopic or revisionist in nature. Next time to engage chuckles, ask him about IBM during the rise of the Reich. Should be fun.
Hitler offed like somewhere around 6 million

Stalin outlasted him and offed about 12 to 15 million

Mao outlasted Stalin and offed about 50 to 100 million

You have ZERO sense of history.
if you say so
the Conservatives backed Hitler and we know that for a FACT and we NEED to remember what happened then.
and they did it to gain power and money just like they are doing now , they are backing Trump who says he wants to take peoples CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS away from them so they can get power and for the almighty Dollar, Just like the CONSERVATIVES did with Hitler , POWER and MONEY that is all that matters to them.
other peoples Constitutional rights is no concern of theirs , they could give a shit if YOU have any rights or not just like Trump
Trump even came right out and told you stupid MAGA followers he could give a shit about you he only wants your vote and your money.
and you stupid Trump followers ate that right up.
all I can say I hope you stupid Trump followers WAKE UP before it is too late and Trump starts taking YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AWAY
Have a nice day
Absolutely ridiculous, even childish collection of lies about the Heritage Foundations program, which has nothing to do with Trump, anyway.
No one has to lie about a GOD DAMN thing, as it is bad enough by just quoting it word for word.

And Trump's VP pick co-authored the fucking thing retard! That is why he was selected you complete idiot!
You have a point as to where the start up bucks came from. Outside of that, anyone can dive into the 2025 tome, or go to any right wing/conservative/MAGA sight for various excerpts that can be researched for accuracy/validity.
you can do that on both sides I am sure there are a lot of things each side is blowing up.
it is the fact that Trump want to fire federal employees just because they won't sign a loyalty oath to the President over the Constitution like they want.
also shut down left leaning media , taking peoples first Amendment rights away and take the guns away from the people on the left like Trump does taking their second Amendment rights way , and more.
Trump said "TAKE THEIR GUNS AWAY FROM THEM " and we will deal with the due process thing later.
and yes Trump says he isn't following the 2025 project but take a step back and look at what he says he wants to do and it all looks just about the same to a LOT of people.
all I can say is people need to read it for themselves , I have been and only about 1/3 done and it already scared the hell out of me thinking what will happen if they ever do get this all done.
Have a nice day
You have a point as to where the start up bucks came from. Outside of that, anyone can dive into the 2025 tome, or go to any right wing/conservative/MAGA sight for various excerpts that can be researched for accuracy/validity.
No, all I can find on them is they are tight lipped about where their money comes from.

As a 501(c)3 non-profit, Democracy Forward can keep their donors secret even as they one-sidedly advocate only against the Right.

You will have to fight as in blood being shed to implement this crackpot shit!

Project 2025 is among the most profound threats to the American people.

We read Project 2025’s entire 900+ page “Mandate for Leadership” so that you don’t have to.

What we discovered was a systemic, ruthless plan to undermine the quality of life of millions of Americans, remove critical protections and dismantle programs for communities across the nation, and prioritize special interests and ideological extremism over people.

From attacking overtime pay, student loans, and reproductive rights, to allowing more discrimination, pollution, and price gouging, those behind Project 2025 are preparing to go to incredible lengths to create a country only for some, not for all of us.

If these plans are enacted, which Project 2025’s authors claim can happen without congressional approval, 4.3 million people could lose overtime protections, 40 million people could have their food assistance reduced, 220,000 American jobs could be lost, and much, much, more. The stakes are higher than ever for democracy and for people.

These threats aren’t hypothetical. These are their real plans.

The Heritage Foundation and the 100+ organizations that make up the Project 2025 Advisory Board have mapped out exactly how they will achieve their extreme ends. They aim to try and carry out many of the most troubling proposals through an anti-democratic president and political loyalists installed in the executive branch, without waiting for congressional action. And, while many of these plans are unlawful, winning in court is not guaranteed given that the same far-right movement that is behind Project 2025 has shaped our current court system.

To combat the threats posed by Project 2025, we have to first understand them.

What follows are some of the most dangerous proposals that make up Project 2025, specifically those that they plan to implement through federal agencies and a far-right executive branch.

The majority of Americans share the same values and priorities, but Project 2025 wants to push an extreme, out-of-touch agenda on all of us. By reading this guide and sharing it, we can begin to address these threats and go on offense towards building a bold, inclusive democracy for all people.

What is Project 2025?​

The Project 2025 Presidential Transition Project is a well-funded (eight-figure) effort of the Heritage Foundation and more than 100 organizations to enable a future anti-democratic presidential administration to take swift, far-right action that would cut wages for working people, dismantle social safety net programs, reverse decades of progress for civil rights, redefine the way our society operates, and undermine our economy.

A central pillar of Project 2025 is the “Mandate for Leadership,” a 900+ page policy playbook authored by former Trump administration officials and other extremists that provides a radical vision for our nation and a roadmap to implement it.

Proposals from Project 2025, discussed in detail throughout this guide, that they claim could be implemented through executive branch action alone — so without new legislation — include:

  • Cut overtime protections for 4.3 million workers
  • Stop efforts to lower prescription drug prices
  • Limit access to food assistance, which an average of more than 40 million people in 21.6 million households rely on monthly
  • Eliminate the Head Start early education program, which serves over 1 million children annually
  • Cut American Rescue Plan (ARP) programs that have created or saved 220,000 jobs
  • Restrict access to medication abortion
  • Push more of the 33 million people enrolled in Medicare towards Medicare Advantage and other worse, private options
  • Expose the 368,000 children in foster care to risk of increased discrimination
  • Deny students in 25 states and Washington, D.C. access to student loans because their state provides in-state tuition to undocumented immigrants
  • Roll back civil rights protections across multiple fronts, including cutting diversity, equity, and inclusion-related (DEI) programs and LGBTQ+ rights in health care, education, and workplaces

View attachment 28038

The Heritage Foundation and its president, Kevin Roberts, are facing blowback in the wake of his comment about an ongoing second American revolution that will “remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”:whoa:
View attachment 28040
"The Peoples' Guide".

What kind of Commie bullshit is that?
No, all I can find on them is they are tight lipped about where their money comes from.

As a 501(c)3 non-profit, Democracy Forward can keep their donors secret even as they one-sidedly advocate only against the Right.
Already agreed on this.