The Pope is a Republican ?

Pope blames church sex scandal on breakdown of society
Apr 17 05:12 AM US/Eastern

Pope Benedict XVI chided Americans for a moral breakdown he said had fueled the church's child sex abuse scandal, ahead of an open-air mass before tens of thousands here Thursday.

The Pope is the leader of the Catholic Church. That makes it appropriate for him to be concerned about morality. It is a fine trait for the leader of a church, a poor trait for the leader of a country.
The Pope is the leader of the Catholic Church. That makes it appropriate for him to be concerned about morality. It is a fine trait for the leader of a church, a poor trait for the leader of a country.

yeah and he should have cleaned up the morals in his own church first.

now he is blaming it on poor morals outside the church ???

Umm that problem was with poor morals inside the church.
What's next, the Pope blaming 9/11 on the decadence of America? Blaming Katrina on the loose morals of New Orleans?

What a shithead.
I say that if they would let their priests marry they would cut this sort of thing dramatically. Just my theory though.
I say that if they would let their priests marry they would cut this sort of thing dramatically. Just my theory though.

If they would stop pretending sex was a bad thing they would be better off. If they reconised that extreems of anything, abstinance or over sexualization are both unhealthy to humans.
Its also recognizing that gay people are normal people. If you are a devout chatholic and you then realize you are gay then the priesthood may seem to be a cure. If your only sexual experience is as a teen and then you deny it and see yourself as a sinner and having evil tendancies because of this experience so that you never develop a normal adult sex life you can see how a person can become a pediphile. Their sexuality is trapped in their teens and they fixate on that age.

Its unhealthy to deny homosexuality as normal. I really think its were a good deal of pediphilia comes from.
It amazes me how many people can preach moral relativism and then crucify (if you will forgive the pun) the religious for sticking to their beliefs.

He is the head of the Catholic Church. Of course he is going to have different values than many of you. It doesn't make him wrong, it makes him different. It makes you a hypocrite for attacking him, not him a hypocrite for believing what he believes. Disagree with him, but don't act like he is a stupid man. He just believes differently.
Its also recognizing that gay people are normal people. If you are a devout chatholic and you then realize you are gay then the priesthood may seem to be a cure. If your only sexual experience is as a teen and then you deny it and see yourself as a sinner and having evil tendancies because of this experience so that you never develop a normal adult sex life you can see how a person can become a pediphile. Their sexuality is trapped in their teens and they fixate on that age.

Its unhealthy to deny homosexuality as normal. I really think its were a good deal of pediphilia comes from.

First of all, the Catholic Church is much more progressive than other churches when it comes to sexual orientation. True, they stand by the Biblical text on the matter, but they don't really care in practice. You can be a member of the congregation and be gay and there will be no discrimination.

Secondly, I am very offended by your comments about homosexuality and pedophilia. You sound like a Republican.
Disagree with him, but don't act like he is a stupid man. He just believes differently.


umm you could take your own advise when dealing with some of my replies there ....
Its also recognizing that gay people are normal people. If you are a devout chatholic and you then realize you are gay then the priesthood may seem to be a cure. If your only sexual experience is as a teen and then you deny it and see yourself as a sinner and having evil tendancies because of this experience so that you never develop a normal adult sex life you can see how a person can become a pediphile. Their sexuality is trapped in their teens and they fixate on that age.

Its unhealthy to deny homosexuality as normal. I really think its were a good deal of pediphilia comes from.
This is total garbage.

Pedophiles talk to each other and form groups like NAMBLA. Those groups suggest certain areas to work where you are more protected. The Priesthood was perfect for them as the higher-ups worked to hide rather than to out and punish those who abused children. They therefore attracted even more of them to their ranks.

Buddhist Monks are even more strict on sex, they do not have this problem, it is because the rules set up long ago would have them kicked out and prosecuted for such activity. Therefore the groups like NAMBLA and other places where these sickos meet to talk would tell them to avoid that as a profession as they will be in jail and victimized themselves.